Category:Mathematical exercise
This category has only the following subcategory.
- Solution to mathematical exercise (29 pgs)
Pages in category "Mathematical exercise"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,606 total.
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- Achilles and the tortoise/Series/Exercise
- Addition in natural space/Ear and Finger/Exercise
- Addition/Multiplication/Power/N/Injectivity/Exercise
- Additive mixing/Favorite color/Barycentric coordinates/Exercise
- Affine basis/Affinely independent generating system/Exercise
- Affine basis/Natural space/Imagination/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Affine line/Points/Image/1/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Affine plane/Points/Image/1/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Affine subspace/Image/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Basis/Image points/Mapping properties/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Fibers parallel/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Fixed points/Identity/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Graph/Factorization/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Linear part/Homomorphism/Exercise
- Affine mapping/Linear part/Identity/Translation/Exercise
- Affine mapping/One point suffices/Exercise
- Affine space/Affine line/Description as preimage/1/Exercise
- Affine space/Affine plane/Description as preimage/1/Exercise
- Affine space/Affine plane/Description as preimage/2/Exercise
- Affine space/Basic rules/Exercise
- Affine space/Finite point family/Affine basis/Characterization/Exercise
- Affine space/Finite point family/Affinely independent/Characterization/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Affine space/Finite point family/Mapping to affine hyperplane/Exercise
- Affine space/Finite point set/Barycentric combinations/Barycentric combination/Exercise
- Affine space/Point set/Barycentric combination/Point/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Affine space/Product with K/Realization/Exercise
- Affine space/Product with K/Standard space/Basis/Exercise
- Affine spaces/Affine mapping/Affine subspaces/Exercise
- Affine spaces/Dimension and isomorphic/Exercise
- Affine spaces/Intersection/Dimension/Exercise
- Affine spaces/Product space/Exercise
- Affine spaces/Product space/Projection/Exercise
- Affine spaces/Product/Basis/Exercise
- Alphabets/Several sets/Exercise
- Alternating geometric series/R/Modulus z below 1/Exercise
- Alternating group/Even permutation is product of three-cycles/Exercise
- Alternating series/Leibniz criterion/Coffee in student flat/Change of strategy/Exercise
- Alternating series/Leibniz criterion/Coffee in student flat/Exercise
- Alternating unit fractions/2 to 1 exchange/Convergence/Divergent reordering/Exercise
- Approximation/Cauchy principle/Exercise
- Arc-sine/Arc-cosine/Derivative/Exercise
- Archimedes-principle/Bacteria/Equator/Exercise
- Area/Below sine graph/Exercise
- Area/Between Parabola and -2x^2+3x+4/Exercise
- Arithmetic and geometric mean/Estimate/Exercise
- Arithmetic mean on lines/Not associative/Exercise
- Arithmetic mean/Program/Natural memory unit/Exercise
- Attention curve/-x^2+25x-100/Optimum of 8 to 18/Exercise
- Bahncard/Comparing costs/Exercise
- Barycentric coordinates/Point difference/Exercise
- Barycentric coordinates/Point representation/Exercise
- Base change/123/471/025 and 024/661/35-2/Point with coordinates 254/General/Exercise
- Base change/7-4/81 and 46/73/Point with coordinates -25/General/Exercise
- Base change/Exchange lemma/Exercise
- Base change/Same basis/Identity matrix/Exercise
- Base change/Standard basis in R^4/Example/Exercise
- Base change/Three bases/Composition/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Base change/Three bases/Composition/Identity/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/2x2-matrices/1/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/C/Standard basis and 3+5i 1-i/2+3i 4+i/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/Polynomial ring/Polynomials of degree 3/1/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/Polynomial ring/R/Product of linear forms/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/R^3/Standard basis and permuted standard basis/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/R^4 to R^3/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/R^4/Standard basis and permuted standard basis/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/Standard basis and 237/1-34/569/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/Standard basis and 451/23-8/57-3/Exercise
- Base change/Transformation matrix/Sums/Exercise
- Basic multiplication table/Last digit/Vector space dimension/Exercise
- Basis of linear subspace/1/Exercise
- Basis/Countably infinite/Cyclic shift/Nilpotent/Exercise
- Bernoulli inequality/Exponent is 3/Where wrong/Exercise
- Bidual/Finite-dimensional/Orthogonal space/Exercise
- Bike ride/Average velocity/Exercise
- Biker/Turning of pedals/Comparison/Exercise
- Binary operation/Associative/5 factors/1/Exercise
- Binary operation/Table/4/2/Exercise
- Binomial coefficient/Incidence formula/Exercise
- Binomial coefficient/Natural number/Exercise
- Binomial coefficient/Sum in Pascal triangle/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Binomial coefficient/Sum/Exercise
- Binomial formula/R/Distributive law/Exercise
- Biquadratic equation/R/Solve/1/Exercise
- Block matrix/Diagonal/Eigenvalues/Exercise
- Block matrix/Rank/Exercise
- Bounded interval/Continuous function/Equidistant lower integral/Lower integral/Exercise
- Bounded interval/Continuous image is not/Exercise
- Break up/Types of argumentation/Exercise
- C/Real- and imaginary part/Linear form/Exercise
- Cave/Flashlight/Exercise
- Cayley Hamilton/Diagonalizable/Direct/Exercise
- Cayley Hamilton/Matrix/47 53/Check/Exercise
- Cayley Hamilton/Matrix/745 638 221/Check/Exercise
- Cayley Hamilton/Upper triangular matrix/Constant diagonal/Direct/Exercise
- Cayley-Hamilton/Jordan form/Direct/1/Exercise
- Chain rule/R/Rational functionen/Confirm/Exercise
- Chain rule/R/x^2+5x-2 over x+1 and y-2 over y^2+3/Confirm/Exercise
- Chain rule/R/x^3+4x^2-1 and y^2-y+2/Confirm/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Companion matrix/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Compute/-385 471 2-45/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Compute/253 742 375/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Determinant/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Eigenvalues and eigenspaces/27 54/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Eigenvalues and eigenspaces/57 34/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Eigenvalues/Spaces/-1 over 2, 1 over 4, -3, -1 over 2/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/F2/10 00/Characteristic polynomial function is 0/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Insert and direct determinant/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Multiplicities for all numbers/Q/3-45 0-12 003/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Product rule/Wrong proof/Exercise
- Characteristic polynomial/Transposed matrix/Exercise
- Children/Schoolbreaks/Exercise
- Circle/Inscribed n-polygon/Approximation/Exercise
- Clock/6/Hands/Opposition/Exercise
- Clock/Minute- and second hand/Angle formula/Exercise
- Closed interval/Continuous image is not/Exercise
- Collatz sequence/Program/Exercise
- Collatz sequence/Starting with 100/Head/Exercise
- Collatz sequence/Summation/1/Exercise
- Column rank/Product of matrices/Estimate/Exercise
- Column rank/Product with invertible matrix/Exercise
- Commutative ring/Sum and product of polynomial terms/Exercise
- Compact interval/Monotone function/Riemann-integrable/Exercise
- Compact interval/Real function/Riemann integrable on partition/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Complex and real partial fraction decomposition/1 over x^4-1/Exercise
- Complex and real partial fraction decomposition/Exercise form
- Complex Conjugation/Rules/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Complex endomorphism/Complex and real determinant/Exercise
- Complex matrix/2+i 3 5i 1-i/Trigonalization/Exercise
- Complex multiplication/Real determinant/Exercise
- Complex numbers/(1+i)^n/n up to 5/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Computation of square root/Explicite for b negative/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Computations/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Conjugation real part modulus/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Conjugation/Real part imaginary part/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Field/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Complex numbers/General binomial formula/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Inverse element/Via real system/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Multiplication/Real matrix/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Quadratic equation has solution/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Real and imaginary part/Conjugation/Linearity/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Real and imaginary part/Properties/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Roots of x^3-1/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Rules for modulus/Exercise
- Complex numbers/Square root of i/etc/Exercise
- Complex numbers/z^2+5iz-3 is 0/Solve/Exercise
- Complex partial fraction decomposition/1 over x(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)/Exercise
- Complex partial fraction decomposition/1 over x^2(x^2+1)/Exercise
- Complex partial fraction decomposition/1 over x^3(x-1)^3/Exercise
- Complex partial fraction decomposition/1 over x^3-1/Exercise
- Complex partial fraction decomposition/x^3+4x^2+7 over x^2-x-2/Exercise
- Complex polynomial/Surjective/Exercise
- Complex roots of unity/Unit circle/Exercise
- Complex vector space/Finite-dimensional/Real basis/Exercise
- Composition/Continuous function followed by staircase function/No staircase function/Exercise
- Composition/Double names/Permutation of names/Exercise
- Composition/Polynomial example/1/Exercise
- Composition/Polynomial example/2/Exercise
- Composition/Polynomial example/3/Exercise
- Composition/Staircase function followed by function/Staircase function/Exercise
- Cone/Linear form/Coprime/Exercise
- Cone/Two-dimensional/Edges/Signature/Exercise
- Connectedness of cities/Exercise
- Constant mapping/Characteristics/Exercise
- Continuity/D to R/Point/Unit fractions/Power of tens/Exercise
- Continuity/R/x sine 1 over x/Exercise
- Continuous function/Between two local maxima/Minimum/Exercise
- Continuous function/Bonded on bounded interval/No maximum/Example/Exercise
- Continuous function/Closed interval to itself/Fixed point/Exercise
- Continuous function/Closed interval to one-sided open/Not surjective/Exercise
- Continuous function/Closed interval to onesided open/Not surjective/Exercise
- Continuous function/Closed interval/Continuous continuation/Exercise
- Continuous function/Integral equality/Point equality/Exercise
- Continuous function/Intermediate value theorem/Value c/Exercise
- Continuous function/Neighborhood/Positive and negative/Exercise
- Continuous function/No series criterion/Exercise
- Continuous function/Q to R/Finitely many values/Not constant/Exercise
- Continuous function/R to R/Finitely many values/Constant/Exercise
- Continuous function/R/Computing laws/Epsilon-Delta/Exercise
- Continuous function/R/Rational in modulus/1/Exercise
- Continuous function/R/Unbounded on both sides/Surjective/Exercise
- Continuous function/Squeeze criterion/Exercise
- Continuous function/Sum of even and odd function/Exercise
- Continuous function/x sin 1 over x/On 0,1/Infinitely many zeroes/Exercise
- Continuous function/Zero test over integral with test functions/Exercise
- Continuous functions/Difference/Meeting point/Exercise
- Continuous functions/f(x) bigger g(x)/Neighborhood/Exercise
- Continuous real function/Approximation properties/Fact/Proof/Exercise
- Continuous real function/Crossing/Fixed point/Exercise
- Continuous real function/Positive/Positive in neighborhood/Exercise
- Continuous real function/Q to Q/Zero/Exercise