Bully Metric Time Apan

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A representation of the evolution of the universe over 13.7 billion years, or 14.15 quettapan (Qta). Each sidereal year is 1.033 zettapan (Zta) in duration.

The time apan is by definition 30.55 femtoseconds. SI prefixes have the same meaning and conventions when used with Bully time as they have when used with standard SI units. However, the word "time" may be dropped when the context is clear. For example, the statement: "The duration of a sidereal year is 1.033 zetta-time-apan (1.033 Zta)", should be shortened to "The duration of a sidereal year is 1.033 zettapan (1.033 Zta)". See Table 1 below for the list of SI prefixes used with Bully time. In addition to SI prefixes, the table also identifies the smallest meaningful time (Planck time), largest meaningful time (Age of Universe), and a few other time durations for comparison.

Diagram of the most common decay of the muon. Muons are unstable elementary particles (half life 51 megapan (Mta)) and are heavier than electrons and neutrinos but lighter than all other matter particles.
Hydrogen-7 has one a proton and six neutrons. It was first synthesized in 2003 at Riken's Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory by bombarding hydrogen with helium-8 atoms; all six of the helium-8's neutrons were donated to the hydrogen nucleus. It has a half-life of 753 picopan (pta)
Table 3: The length prefix table
Prefix Symbols
Name Symbol Base 10 Length
Age of Universe
quetta Q 1030 Qta
ronna R 1027 Rta
yotta Y 1024 Yta
zetta Z 1021 Zta
exa E 1018 Eta
50 Minutes 55 Seconds
peta P 1015 Pta
tera T 1012 Tta
giga G 109 Gta
Muon Particle Half Life
mega M 106 Mta
kilo k 103 kta
100 ta
milli m 10−3 mta
micro μ 10−6 μta
nano n 10−9 nta
Hydrogen-7 Half Life
pico p 10−12 pta
femto f 10−15 fta
atto a 10−18 ata
zepto z 10−21 zta
yocto y 10−24 yta
ronto r 10−27 rta
quecto q 10−30 qta
Minimum value
(Planck Time)

The Bully Constants


A surprising number of earth's physical constants can be approximated using various algebraic combinations of the following three numbers (click here to learn more) with Bully Metric units.


One can efficiently approximate the Earth's sidereal year and tropical year to eight digits, and approximate the Earth's radius (r ≈ 6371), Schwarzschild radius (R), standard gravitational parameter (μ = MG ≈ 3.984e14), and a typical gravitational acceleration on earth's surface (g ≈ 9.813 ).