Building Automation/Guidelines

As a community collaborative effort, anyone is allowed to propose new content, but creating an account is highly recommended so contributors can be contacted for clarifications and help in finding their references.


  1. All Wikiversity policies have to be followed
  2. Copyrighted material can’t be posted unless written authorization from the copyright holder is provided, according to Wikiversity copyright rules
  3. All material published in this project becomes public domain by the same Wikiversity copyright rules
  4. Content administrators may relocate and edit content for clarity and to remove errors. Whenever deemed appropriate, administrators may contact the content proposer requesting clarifications, style improvements, supporting evidence of claims, additional references, pictures or diagrams added, etc.
  5. Inappropriate, incorrect, unclear, contentious or promotional content is not allowed and will be deleted.
  6. All pages must have a Learn More section at the bottom with the icon key box, even if no resources are listed.



The content should be kept clear and concise, avoiding personal anecdotes, jokes, opinions, digressions and rumblings.



When adding new index entries, make sure they are located in the appropriate knowledge area subsection. If your entry is a new section or subsection of the index page, update the parent index page too, (unless your entry is in the main index page, i.e. Building Automation).

Keep the Wikiversity hierarchical organization in Knowledge Areas (= Schools), composed of Courses (= Departments or Divisions), in turn composed of Lessons, which are composed of Activities (reading, quizzes, experiments, etc.)

The only structure requirement within a page is that every page has a Lear More section at the bottom, including the icons description box.



Keep the content ethical and objective. Avoid statements similar to "the best way to", "there is nothing better than", "that doesn't work", "in my opinion", "some people think", etc. Use instead "a common practice is", "is usually found", "is generally robust", "requires frequent tuning", "it's very sensitive to", etc.



Strive to write content that doesn't need updating for many years. Avoid expressions such as "upcoming", "recently", "the latest development is", "in the future", "there are plans for", "in the upcoming", etc.

Coexistence within Wikiversity


When adding new topics to the indexes, remember Wikiversity can only have one page with a specific name (considering upper/lower case). In as much as possible, create new pages as subpages of the corresponding index page. For example, the page that recounts this project history is called "Building Automation/History". This prevents conflicting with other "History" pages such as History and Portal:History.

On the other hand, if the page name under consideration is very specific, such as "Fine tuning PID controllers", it can safely be created as an independent page.



The following resources can provide ideas for additional content and can also serve as references and learning resources

  1.     Free   Honeywell Greybook
  2.     Free   Building Automation in Wikipedia is an index of pages on the subject
  3.   Free   Continental Automated Buildings Association is an industry association that may be interested in participating in this project

<Building Automation Main Page

Importance/Difficulty:   Fundamental/Basic . .   Intermediate . .   Optional/Advanced

Cost: Free = $0 . . $ < $20 . . $$ < $100 . . $$$ < $1000 . . $$$$ > $1000

Type:   Read/Write . .   Visual . .   Listening/Aural . .   Experimental/Hands On . .   Group Activity