Bloom Clock/Keys/Southeastern Pennsylvania/September/Pink Flowers/Herbaceous

The plants pictured below have been recorded as blooming during the month of September in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Echinacea purpurea

Plants in bloom

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Profile for Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright, clump forming
Flowers:Heads with raised disks
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Sedum spectabile


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Profile for Sedum spectabile (Showy Stonecrop)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Fall, Mid Fall

Trifolium pratense


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Profile for Trifolium pratense (Red Clover)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Spreading herbaceous plant
Foliage:trifoliate with pale zones on the leaflets
Fruit:tiny legumes
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Securigera varia


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Profile for Securigera varia (Crown Vetch)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Spreading semi-herbaceous plant
Flowers:Small, pea-like flowers on a crown-like head
Foliage:Pinnately compound
Stem:Thin, wire-like
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Polygonum pensylvanicum

Polygonum pensylvanicum

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Profile for Polygonum pensylvanicum (Pennsylvania Smartweed)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:cluster of pink flowers in a spike.
Foliage:long, narrow leaves with prominent midrib. Veins are parallel to one another, originating at the midrib and progressing towards the edge of the leaf. Margin is entire.
Stem:Jointed branches are covered with a papery sheath.
Life Cycle: Annual
Similar Plants:Easily mistaken for Persicaria maculosa
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Petunia x hybrida


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Profile for Petunia x hybrida (Petunia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Lythrum salicaria

Flowering plant

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Profile for Lythrum salicaria (Purple Loosestrife)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:bushy herbaceous plant
Growing Conditions:Most frequent in wet soils, though also widely cultivated in gardens
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall


Flower of H. fulva, one of the most commonly encountered daylilies

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Profile for Hemerocallis (Daylily)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:clumping herbaceous plant
Flowers:3 petals and 3 sepals nearly equal. Each flower lasts only one day.
Foliage:Basal, straplike
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Dianthus armeria


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Profile for Dianthus armeria (Deptford Pink)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall

Viola x wittrockiana

A Purple-flowered variety

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Profile for Viola x wittrockiana (Pansy)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Short-lived, low-growing perennial, with mostly cool season blooms
Higher taxa:Viola

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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring, Mid Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Begonia grandis

Flowering plant

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Profile for Begonia grandis (Hardy begonia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Phlox paniculata

Inflorescence of a pink variety

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Profile for Phlox paniculata (Garden Phlox)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:Corolla tubular with 5 showy lobes
Stem:green, stiff
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter


Flower of cv. 'Autumn Fairy'

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Profile for Dahlia (Dahlia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Persicaria maculosa


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Profile for Persicaria maculosa (Lady's Thumb)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Erect herbaceous plant
Flowers:On dense terminal spikes with a pink calyx and white corolla
Life Cycle: Annual
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Anemone x hybrida


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Profile for Anemone x hybrida (Japanese Anemone)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Herbaceous perennial with rhizomatous stems
Foliage:Lower leaves trifoliate, upper leaves simple, lobed and rouchly haired
Growing Conditions:Woodland, shade, partshade, tolerant of dry conditions
Life Cycle: perennial
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Liatris spicata


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Profile for Liatris spicata (Blazing Star)
Identifying Characteristics
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Cleome hassleriana

Inflorescence and foliage of cv. 'Violet Queen'

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Profile for Cleome hassleriana (Spider Flower)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Stem:Stiff, with sharp thorns, covered in leafy bracts
Fruit:Elongated pods
Life Cycle: Annual
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Sedum spurium


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Profile for Sedum spurium (Stonecrop)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Creeping forb
Stem:waxy, fragile
Life Cycle: perennial
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Hesperis matronalis

Closeup of purple flowers, flowers can range from white through pink, purple, or red

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Profile for Hesperis matronalis (Dame's Rocket)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright forb
Flowers:4 showy petals
Scent:Strong, sweet scent in early morning and evening
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Late Summer, Mid Fall

Achillea sibirica


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Profile for Achillea sibirica (Sibirian Yarrow)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright to mounded
Foliage:pinnately lobed, narrow, dark green
Life Cycle: Perennial

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updated 14:02, 13 October 2007 (UTC) with 20 plants