Australian Vocational Education and Training/ICAD4043A Develop and present a feasibility report

From the official document:

Original image: 'Letter by Letter' by: Thirumurugan P
"This unit defines the competency required to research and present a range of feasible scenarios to the client."

Basically, that means ... (translate above into plain english)

You can read more about this unit on the National Training Information Systems Official document for ICAD4043A.

This unit forms part of the following qualifications:

How this unit will help you


After learning and applying the skills required by this unit you'll be able to demonstrate your skills in:

1. Confirm client requirements
  1. Analyse client requirements to determine project scope, and the problem context or opportunity faced by the business
  2. Document client requirements, project scope, related problems and sources of information
  3. Confirm requirements and scope with the client
2. Develop high level alternative scenarios
  1. Compare future client requirements with current requirements
  2. Develop and document feasible solutions for client requirements
  3. Explore and document the feasibility of each solution
  4. Examine alternatives against project constraints
3. Prepare and publish feasibility report
  1. Develop a feasibility report that describes client requirements, project scope, analysis of alternative scenarios, and recommendations
  2. Submit feasibility report to appropriate person for project approval
  • translate the above elements and performance criteria into plain english and summarise here...

Ideas for learning the required skills



Ideas for demonstrating this unit


The best way to demonstrate these skills is ...



If you are demonstrating this unit as part of a formal course, you might find that the unit is graded (meaning you can not only demonstrate your competence, but can also gain a credit or distinction). Your facilitator may already have set criteria that your college uses. If not, here are some ideas for possible credit/distinction activities that you can discuss with your facilitator:

  • ...

Notes and discrepancies

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