Artificial Consciousness/Neural Correlates/Functional Models

Functional Models of the Brain

Neuroscience has been pushing to develop neural correlates for the functions that are defined by psychology. Some of these concepts date back from before psychology even to the thoughts of philosophers and religious thinkers in earlier ages. Psychology has adopted these classical function names even though the concepts that define them have changed so much that the current definitions may not even jibe anymore with the classical or folk traditions in what these functions are.

As we attempt to reconcile neuroscience with psychology we may find that the definitions change so radically that we must do a heroic job to define a term that means anything like the traditional or folk meaning. Since these paradigm shifts take time to diffuse through the population, the functions suffer from preconceived ideas about what they must do, that just aren't found in the neural correlates themselves but can be traced back to earlier science, philosophy, or religion.

The following Functional Models represent a transient look at our current understandings of what each function does or is. As research continues these models may shift or skew, changing our expectations of how each works, or what it does.