Activities, assignments and assessment/Set up and instructions



We've put an open invitation out to anyone who can give a 10 minute or less presentation on anything to do with activities, assignments and assessment. Our objective is to set up a rapid fire exchange of ideas, make time for discussion, and collect a bunch of recordings and notes for disseminating those ideas and discussions more widely.

To do this we're getting prerecorded presentations to play on the day, live web-based presentations from people who couldn't make it to our location, and live presentations on location. All these 10 minute presentations are recorded, streamed live online, and published for viewing later.

We're webstreaming using Hangouts on Air. Hangouts on Air sends the stream to Youtube where people can watch it, and at the completion of the presentation it will leave a recording at that Youtube page. People can access the webstream and the eventual Youtube recording at the Teachers of Health Professionals community page. People viewing may need to refresh their page before and between hourly sessions to ensure they are seeing the latest webstream.

As the presentations take place, we're encouraging people to collaboratively make notes on Meeting word pads will be created before the sessions, and linked in the Wikiversity page, and the event page on Google+. These notes will be copied back to the Wikiversity page for each session, and tidied up for final copy.

Once the video recording is available on Youtube, we will take a copy and upload it to Archive will make a copy of the video to an open standard format. Once there is an open standard formatted video, we'll download that and upload it to Wikimedia Commons and embed it on the Wikiversity page for the relevant presentation.

Presenters have been told that their presentations are being webstreamed, recorded and published. The final recording will published on Youtube, and Wikimedia Commons using a Creative Commons Attribution copyright license. For these reasons presenters must take care with the copyright, trademark and privacy of others, and ensure they are not publishing anything they do not have the right or permission to.

Watching the webstream


We're webstreaming using Hangouts on Air. Hangouts on Air sends the stream to Youtube where people can watch it, and at the completion of the presentation it will leave a recording at that Youtube page. People can access the webstream and the eventual Youtube recording at the Teachers of Health Professionals community page. People viewing may need to refresh their page before and between hourly sessions to ensure they are seeing the latest webstream.

At the same time the webstream is going out, there will be a meetingwords collaborative notepad set up for each hour long block of sessions. Find the link to these notepads in each hour block on the AAAOpenConf schedule (

Setup instructions for conference coordinators


Setup Collaborative note taking


Each hour long block of presentations has it's own collaborative note taking pad on Meetingwords. The pads are named /aaaopenconf9-10, aaaopenconf10-11 and so on. All the hour block pads have been created and added to the schedule.

  9. Screenrecorded demo

The notes taken in these pads will be polished after the event, and copied back into the wiki for use in a printed proceedings.

Set up webstream

  1. Screenrecorded demo
  2. Install Google Hangouts plugin
  3. Check microphone and camera settings (if necessary).
  4. Go to Google Hangouts on Air
  5. Click "Start a Hangout on Air"
  6. Name the Hangout "AAAopenconf9-10am" (adjust time accordingly). Skip the "invite others" step/box.
  7. click "Start Broadcast"
  8. Click Embed link top centre of screen, just above video
  9. Copy the URL from black box (NOT the HTML)
  10. Paste the link to Teachers of Health Professionals community page:
  11. Click "share"

Repeat this process for each hourly block on the day.