The following learning resource generated to explore existing frameworks and examples on the web that use 3D modelling.

AFrame Example Durlach or AFrame Sample 360 Degree Image - Look around by draging mouse with mouse button pressed
AFrame Water Molecule created with JSON3D4Aframe
Paper anaglyph 3D objects produce an 3D image at low cost without the requirement of IT - suitable for inclusion in paper based learning resources incorporating 3D views of a learning object.
Screenshot of Crystal Lattice with Hugin Sky Background in AFrame. Use cursor keys to move crystal lattice.
Kanji-Marker[1] für AR.js - das 3D-Modell wird auf dem Marker im Kamerabild platziert.

List of Examples


Learning Tasks

  • (Videoconferencing and 3D Modelling) Explore some examples and here and explain how 3D models can be used on markers with AR.js in a video conference. Explain how these 3D models got increased importance during home schooling scenarios during COVID-19.
  • (Digital Filter) Analyze the generic principles of digital filters and transfer the mechanism e.g. on anaglyph images, tranparent colours of objects in a 3D scene, to identify the 3D location of objects even if the objects are covered by other objects.

External Examples




360-Degree Video

  • Youtube Example of National Parks - published by Google, select Fullscreen in Youtube Video and use the cursor buttons in the top right to look around in the video.
  • Valiant 360 Degree Video[3] - See top video on the website and drag mouse to look around. Furthermore it contains a repository to create your own 3D videos. Learn how to create the video with Hugin (see also IEEE Viewport-adaptive navigable 360-degree video[4]).

Create your own 3D-Products


If you decide to create your own 3D products, then try learning moduls for OpenSource environments explained in Create 3D-Models

See also



  1. Kanji-Marker, der vom ARToolkit auf Github zur Verfügung gestellt wird (aufgerufen am 12.12.2017) -
  2. Paul Brunt (2012) SnappyTree Demo Tree Generation URL: - GitHub-Repository: - (accessed 2021/05/07)
  3. Charlie Hoey (2017) Valiant360 - 360 degree videos in browser, URL: (accessed 2019/06/07)
  4. Corbillon, X., Simon, G., Devlic, A., & Chakareski, J. (2017, May). Viewport-adaptive navigable 360-degree video delivery. In 2017 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.