18th century European scholarly societies and academies/Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna



The Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna was founded in March 13th, 1714. Beforehand, the Academy of the Restless was established in 1690 or 1691 by Eustachio Manfredi. As the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna was created, the Academy of the Restless just became a part of the new Academy. The academy was created to deal mostly with experimental, medical, physical and mathematical sciences.

A wide variety of ideals and famous people's work were studied in this academy such as, Malpighi, Cartesio, Newton, Copernicus, and Galileo.

An important chemist by the name of Bartolomeo Beccari studied how to increase resistance to famine while being a part of the Academy. The academy was put on hold after the Napoleonic period in 1804 and then 1829 returned because of the a[sking of papal authorities. Many famous scientists attended the Academy ranging from Rizzoli, Righi, Cappellini, Calori, and Albertoni. Also the Academy had a movement to create a new class of moral science and this movement was led by Carducci and Pascoli.

The Academy is still around today and meets in the 16th century Palazzo Poggi. The Academy has two functions for today's world, keeping lecturers and PhDs up to date on information and popularize the Academy.

