1000 Songs/Dies irae--Day of wrath O day of mourning (Thomas of Celano)

O day of wrath O day of mourning (Thomas of Celano)

1000 Songs

Text edit

  • Latin Text:

dies illa

Solvet saeclum in favilla:

Teste David cum Sybilla.

Quantus tremor est futurus

Quando judex est venturus

Cuncta stricte discussurus!

Dies irae

dies illa

Solvet saeclum in favilla:

Teste David cum Sybilla

Quantus tremor est futurus

Quatdo judex est venturus

Cuncta stricte discussurus!

Quantus tremor est futurus

Dies irae, dies illa

Quantus tremor est futurus

Dies irae, dies illa

Quantus tremor est futurus

Quantus tremor est futurus

Quando judex est venturus

Cuncta stricte discussurus

Cuncta stricte

Cuncta stricte

Stricte discussurus

Cuncta stricte

Cuncta stricte

Stricte discussurus!

  • English Translation:

The day of wrath, that day Will dissolve the world in ashes As foretold by David and the Sibyl! How much tremor there will be, when the judge will come, investigating everything strictly!

[[[Wikipedia:Thomas of Celano|Thomas|of Celano]]] (1200 – c. 1265)

Translations/Challenges edit

I was able to find the English translation Here.

Music edit

Dies Irae Notation and Audio

  • Rhymed metrical Sequence
  • Gregorian Chant

Background edit

Author biography edit

Thomas of Celano

Author's circumstances edit

  • Italian Friar
  • Wrote three Hagiographyies about Saint Francis of Assisi

Historical setting edit

  • twelfth century Italy

Cultural setting edit

  • Less than 50 miles east of Rome