Wrong explanations and emendations

  That which we learn most thoroughly, and remember the best, is what we have in a way taught ourselves. 

On education (Über Pädagogik), Immanuel Kant



The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.  

Albert Einstein

For the curriculum "Wrong explanations and emendations" (in German "Dichter und Denker") the pupils are meant to construct humorous but false explanations and present these to other pupils for emendation or discuss them in groups until the mistakes have been found. Lessons following this curriculum can become entertaining, humorous and instructive. Before the pupils learn to deduce emendations during discussions they should especially learn to construct interesting errors with a good sense of humor and to distinguish if an intentional error is also entertaining for the class or might be seen as ridiculous, pointless, dull or as too arbitrary or too difficult. For the author of a wrong explanation a good knowledge of the topic is, of course, a prerequisite, so that interesting errors can be integrated into the correct knowledge. In order to add interesting and educational errors logical fallacies and cognitive biases can be used intentionally. The curriculum is only suitable for fifth grade to seventh grade if older pupils or adults provide the intentional errors.

Wrong explanations and emendations

   The remedy for the evils attending the doctrine of formal discipline previously spoken of, is not to be found by substituting a doctrine of specialized disciplines, but by reforming the notion of mind and its training. Discovery of typical modes of activity, whether play or useful occupations, in which individuals are concerned, in whose outcome they recognize they have something at stake, and which cannot be carried through without reflection and use of judgment to select material of observation and recollection, is the remedy.   

Democracy and Education, John Dewey


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Lehrplan:Problemlösungskompetenz (German Wikiversity)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lehrplan:Rhetorik und Argumentation (German Wikiversity)
  3. Lehrplan:Theoriebildung (German Wikiversity)

See also
