Wright State University Lake Campus/2017-9/Phy1050/Studyguide


Online study guide edit

Test 1 Wed 20 Sept edit

5/12 from 1504188 to b_motionSimpleArithmetic Solutions
8/19 from 1415990 to b_velocityAcceleration
7/16 from 1409885 to b_waves_PC
4/8 from 1415988 to a25GeometricOptics_image
2/4 from 1378615 to a25GeometricOptics_vision
4/10 from 1396075 to b_QuantumTimeline

Test 2 Wed 18 Oct 2017 edit

1/3 from 1395828 to b_photoelectricEffect
10/21 from 1230172 to b_industrialRevolution
10/23 from 1408987 to b_nuclearPower_1 Read!
9/21 from 1409050 to b_nuclearPower_2

Test 3 Wed 15 November edit

6/12 from 1213651 to b_globalWarming_1
7/14 from 1409003 to b_globalWarming_2
11/23 from 1409005 to b_globalWarming_3
6/13 from 1409006 to b_globalWarming_4

Test 4 Wed 6 December edit

8/18 from 1408994 to b_ComputerWikipedia
3/6 from 1403304 to b_busyBeaver
10/22 from 1536534 to b_antikythera
5/11 from 1409696 to b_saros_quiz1
4/10 from 1409900 to b_ecliptic_quiz1

Final Exam Wed 13 Dec 1-3 pm edit

2/12 from 1395847 to b_motionSimpleArithmetic
3/19 from 1415990 to b_velocityAcceleration (repaired link)
2/16 from 1409885 to b_waves_PC
1/8 from 1415988 to a25GeometricOptics_image
1/4 from 1378615 to a25GeometricOptics_vision
2/10 from 1396075 to b_QuantumTimeline "What are examples of energy?" will not be graded because the answer is wrong.
1/3 from 1395828 to b_photoelectricEffect
3/21 from 1230172 to b_industrialRevolution (1) Lead is a relatively unreactive and (2) reacts less strongly with metal to produce hydrogen. See also hammering/rolling steel
3/23 from 1408987 to b_nuclearPower_1
3/21 from 1409050 to b_nuclearPower_2
2/12 from 1213651 to b_globalWarming_1
2/14 from 1409003 to b_globalWarming_2
4/23 from 1409005 to b_globalWarming_3
2/13 from 1409006 to b_globalWarming_4
3/18 from 1408994 to b_ComputerWikipedia
2/6 from 1403304 to b_busyBeaver
3/22 from 1536534 to b_antikythera
2/11 from 1409696 to b_saros_quiz1
1/10 from 1409900 to b_ecliptic_quiz1

Pdf edit

  • Pdf (instructors should make a trusted offline versionof this pdf available to the students)
  • To submit reports, send a file to guy.vandegrift@wright.edu

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