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Online study guide


3/4 from 1412409 to a16OscillationsWaves_amplitudes
2/3 from 1418299 to a17PhysHearing_echoString
1/8 from 1396006 to b_WhyIsSkyDarkAtNight
8/16 from 1409885 to b_waves_PC

2/4 from 1378605 to a18ElectricChargeField_findE
2/5 from 1418296 to a19ElectricPotentialField_Capacitance
2/4 from 1418304 to a19ElectricPotentialField_KE_PE
2/4 from 1391116 to a20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
2/5 from 1391123 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circuits
2/8 from 1396006 to b_WhyIsSkyDarkAtNight

2/4 from 1391133 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple
5/21 from 1391147 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1
1/4 from 1391166 to a22Magnetism_forces
2/2 from 1418578 to a23InductionACcircuits_Q1
1/10 from 1396075 to b_QuantumTimeline
1/8 from 1396006 to b_WhyIsSkyDarkAtNight

4/8 from 1415988 to a25GeometricOptics_image
1/4 from 1378617 to a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses
2/4 from 1378615 to a25GeometricOptics_vision
1/4 from 1391116 to b20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
4/10 from 1396075 to b_QuantumTimeline
3/8 from 1396006 to b_WhyIsSkyDarkAtNight

1/3 from 1418299 to a17PhysHearing_echoString
1/4 from 1378605 to a18ElectricChargeField_findE
1/5 from 1418296 to a19ElectricPotentialField_Capacitance
1/4 from 1418304 to a19ElectricPotentialField_KE_PE
1/4 from 1391116 to a20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
1/21 from 1391147 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1
1/5 from 1391123 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circuits
1/4 from 1391166 to a22Magnetism_forces
1/2 from 1418578 to a23InductionACcircuits_Q1
1/8 from 1415988 to a25GeometricOptics_image
1/4 from 1378617 to a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses
1/4 from 1378615 to a25GeometricOptics_vision
1/4 from 1391116 to b20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
1/10 from 1396075 to b_QuantumTimeline
1/8 from 1396006 to b_WhyIsSkyDarkAtNight
1/16 from 1409885 to b_waves_PC

  • Pdf (instructors should make a trusted offline versionof this pdf available to the students)

S_G: Studyguide


1) A 0.177 kg mass is on a spring that causes the frequency of oscillation to be 71 cycles per second. The maximum velocity is 60.9 m/s. What is the maximum force on the mass?

a) 2.2 x 103 N
b) 4.8 x 103 N
c) 1 x 104 N
d) 2.2 x 104 N
e) 4.8 x 104 N

2) A spring with spring constant 7.8 kN/m is attached to a 2.5 gram mass. The maximum acelleration is 6.8 m/s2. What is the maximum displacement?

a) 6.89 x 10-7 m
b) 2.18 x 10-6 m
c) 6.89 x 10-6 m
d) 2.18 x 10-5 m
e) 6.89 x 10-5 m

3) A spring of spring constant 2.1 kN/m causes a mass to move with a period of 1.4 ms. The maximum displacement is 6.6 mm. What is the maximum kinetic energy?

a) 1.45 x 10-3 J
b) 4.57 x 10-3 J
c) 1.45 x 10-2 J
d) 4.57 x 10-2 J
e) 1.45 x 10-1 J

4) A spring with spring constant 1.1 kN/m undergoes simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 8.4 kHz. The maximum force is 3.8 N. What is the total energy?

a) 6.56 x 10-4 J
b) 2.08 x 10-3 J
c) 6.56 x 10-3 J
d) 2.08 x 10-2 J
e) 6.56 x 10-2 J

5) The temperature is -2.9 degrees Celsius, and you are standing 0.76 km from a cliff. What is the echo time?

a) 3.395 x 100 seconds
b) 3.666 x 100 seconds
c) 3.959 x 100 seconds
d) 4.274 x 100 seconds
e) 4.615 x 100 seconds

6) While standing 0.94 km from a cliff, you measure the echo time to be 5.522 seconds. What is the temperature?

a) 1.57 x 101Celsius
b) 1.81 x 101Celsius
c) 2.09 x 101Celsius
d) 2.41 x 101Celsius
e) 2.79 x 101Celsius

7) What is the speed of a transverse wave on a string if the string is 1.19 m long, clamped at both ends, and harmonic number 6 has a frequency of 834 Hz?

a) 2.25 x 102 unit
b) 2.73 x 102 unit
c) 3.31 x 102 unit
d) 4.01 x 102 unit
e) 4.86 x 102 unit

8) What is the magnitude of the electric field at the origin if a 3 nC charge is placed at x = 8.8 m, and a 2.9 nC charge is placed at y = 6.9 m?

a) 4.87 x 10-1N/C
b) 5.62 x 10-1N/C
c) 6.49 x 10-1N/C
d) 7.49 x 10-1N/C
e) 8.65 x 10-1N/C

9) What angle does the electric field at the origin make with the x-axis if a 1.8 nC charge is placed at x = -6.9 m, and a 2.5 nC charge is placed at y = -7.5 m?

a) 2.79 x 101degrees
b) 3.22 x 101degrees
c) 3.72 x 101degrees
d) 4.3 x 101degrees
e) 4.96 x 101degrees

10) A dipole at the origin consists of charge Q placed at x = 0.5a, and charge of -Q placed at x = -0.5a. The absolute value of the x component of the electric field at (x,y) =( 6a, 5a) is βkQ/a2, where β equals

a) 1.09 x 10-3 unit
b) 1.33 x 10-3 unit
c) 1.61 x 10-3 unit
d) 1.95 x 10-3 unit
e) 2.36 x 10-3 unit

11) A dipole at the origin consists of charge Q placed at x = 0.5a, and charge of -Q placed at x = -0.5a. The absolute value of the y component of the electric field at (x,y) =( 1.1a, 1.2a) is βkQ/a2, where β equals

a) 1.61 x 10-1 unit
b) 1.95 x 10-1 unit
c) 2.36 x 10-1 unit
d) 2.86 x 10-1 unit
e) 3.47 x 10-1 unit

12) A parallel plate capacitor has both plates with an area of 0.55 m2. The separation between the plates is 0.53mm. Applied to the plates is a potential difference of 4.25 kV. What is the capacitance?

a) 6.95 nF.
b) 7.99 nF.
c) 9.19 nF.
d) 10.57 nF.
e) 12.15 nF.

13) The same parallel plate capacitor, with area 1.45 m2, plate separation 0.93mm, and an applied voltage of 4.45 kV. How much charge is stored?

a) 40.39 μC.
b) 46.45 μC.
c) 53.42 μC.
d) 61.43 μC.
e) 70.65 μC.

14) A 0.9 Farad capacitor is charged with 1.1 Coulombs. What is the value of the electric field if the plates are 0.3 mm apart?

a) 2.68 kV/m.
b) 3.08 kV/m.
c) 3.54 kV/m.
d) 4.07 kV/m.
e) 4.69 kV/m.

15) A 1.4 Farad capacitor charged with 2.3 Coulombs. What is the energy stored in the capacitor if the plates are 0.6 mm apart?

a) 1.08 J.
b) 1.24 J.
c) 1.43 J.
d) 1.64 J.
e) 1.89 J.

16) A 0.8 Farad capacitor charged with 1.7 Coulombs. What is the force between the plates if they are 0.5 mm apart?

a) 2065 N.
b) 2375 N.
c) 2732 N.
d) 3141 N.
e) 3613 N.

17) How fast is a 2663 eV electron moving?

a) 3.1 x 107 m/s.
b) 4.6 x 107 m/s.
c) 6.9 x 107 m/s.
d) 1 x 108 m/s.
e) 1.5 x 108 m/s.

18) A proton is accelerated (at rest) from a plate held at 333.6 volts to a plate at zero volts. What is the final speed?

a) 1.1 x 105 m/s.
b) 1.7 x 105 m/s.
c) 2.5 x 105 m/s.
d) 3.8 x 105 m/s.
e) 5.7 x 105 m/s.

19) What voltage is required accelerate an electron at rest to a speed of 1.7 x 105 m/s?

a) 1.6 x 10-2 volts
b) 2.4 x 10-2 volts
c) 3.7 x 10-2 volts
d) 5.5 x 10-2 volts
e) 8.2 x 10-2 volts

20) What voltage is required to stop a proton moving at a speed of 8.1 x 104 m/s?

a) 3.4 x 101 volts
b) 5.1 x 101 volts
c) 7.7 x 101 volts
d) 1.2 x 102 volts
e) 1.7 x 102 volts

21) A 1.4 volt battery moves 87 Coulombs of charge in 2 hours. What is the power?

a) 7.85 x 10-3 W
b) 9.51 x 10-3 W
c) 1.15 x 10-2 W
d) 1.4 x 10-2 W
e) 1.69 x 10-2 W

22) The diameter of a copper wire is 7.4 mm, and it carries a current of 38 amps. What is the drift velocity if copper has a density of 8.8E3 kg/m3 and an atomic mass of 63.54 g/mol? (1 mol = 6.02E23 atoms, and copper has one free electron per atom.)

a) 3.07 x 10-5m/s
b) 3.72 x 10-5m/s
c) 4.5 x 10-5m/s
d) 5.46 x 10-5m/s
e) 6.61 x 10-5m/s

23) A 129 Watt DC motor draws 0.22 amps of current. What is effective resistance?

a) 2.2 x 103 Ω
b) 2.67 x 103 Ω
c) 3.23 x 103 Ω
d) 3.91 x 103 Ω
e) 4.74 x 103 Ω

24) A power supply delivers 110 watts of power to a 299 ohm resistor. What was the applied voltage?

a) 8.42 x 101 volts
b) 1.02 x 102 volts
c) 1.24 x 102 volts
d) 1.5 x 102 volts
e) 1.81 x 102 volts

25) A 819 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 798 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

a) 8.27 x 105 s.
b) 2.61 x 106 s.
c) 8.27 x 106 s.
d) 2.61 x 107 s.
e) 8.27 x 107 s.

26) A 65 μF capacitor is connected in series to a 414 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

a) 1.08 x 101 s.
b) 3.4 x 101 s.
c) 1.08 x 102 s.
d) 3.4 x 102 s.
e) 1.08 x 103 s.

27) A 727 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 860 MΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e3? (where e =2.7...)

a) 1.88 x 109 s.
b) 5.93 x 109 s.
c) 1.88 x 1010 s.
d) 5.93 x 1010 s.
e) 1.88 x 1011 s.

28) A 10 F capacitor is connected in series to a 10Ω resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

a) 4 x 100 s.
b) 1.26 x 101 s.
c) 4 x 101 s.
d) 1.26 x 102 s.
e) 4 x 102 s.

29) 3 amps flow through a 1 Ohm resistor. What is the voltage?}

c) None these are correct.

30) A 1 ohm resistor has 5 volts DC across its terminals. What is the current (I) and the power consumed?}

a) I = 5A & P = 3W.
b) I = 5A & P = 9W
c) I = 5A & P = 5W.
d) I = 5A & P = 25W.

31) The voltage across two resistors in series is 10 volts. One resistor is twice as large as the other. What is the voltage across the larger resistor? What is the voltage across the smaller one? }

a)   and  .
b) None of these are true.
c)   and  .
d)   and .

32) A 1 ohm, 2 ohm, and 3 ohm resistor are connected in series. What is the total resistance?}

a)  .
b) None of these are true.
c)  .
d)  .

33) Two identical resistors are connected in series. The voltage across both of them is 250 volts. What is the voltage across each one?}

a)   and  .
b)   and  .
c)   and  .
d) None of these are true.

34) A 1 ohm, 2 ohm, and 3 ohm resistor are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

a)  .
b)  .
c)  .
d)  .

35) A 5 ohm and a 2 ohm resistor are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

a)  .
b)  .
c)  .
d)  .

36) A 7 ohm and a 3 ohm resistor are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

a)  .
b)  .
c)  .
d)  .

37) Three 1 ohm resistors are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

a)  .
b)  .
c)  .
d)  .

38) If you put an infinite number of resistors in parallel, what would the total resistance be?}

a) None of these are true.
b)   would approach 1 as The No. of Resistors In parallel Approaches Infinity
c) It is not possible to connect that Number of Resistors in parallel.
d)   would approach Zero as The No. of Resistors In parallel Approaches Infinity.
39) What is the current through R1 and R2 in the figure shown?
a)   and  .
b)   and  .
c)   and  .
d)   and  .

40) Why do we say the "voltage across" or "the voltage with respect to?" Why can't we just say voltage?}

a) None these are correct
b) It's an Electrical Cliche.
c) The other point could be Negative or positive.
d) Voltage is a measure of Electric Potential difference between two electrical points.
41) What is the current through R1, R2, R3, and R4 in the figure shown?
a)  ;  ;  ;  ..
b)  ;  ;  ;  .
c)  ;  ;  ;  .
d)  ;  ;  ;  .

42) Two resistors are in parallel with a voltage source. How do their voltages compare?}

a) The voltage across both resistors is the same as the source.
b) None of these are true.
c) One has full voltage, the other has none.
d) The voltage across both resistors is half the voltage of the source.

43) A resistor consumes 5 watts, and its current is 10 amps. What is its voltage?

a) 15V.
b) 0.5V.
c) 10V.
d) 2V.

44) A resistor has 10 volts across it and 4 amps going through it. What is its resistance?}

b) None of these are true.

45) If you plot voltage vs. current in a circuit, and you get a linear line, what is the significance of the slope? }

a) Discriminant.
b) Resistance.
c) Power.
d) None of these are true.

46) A resistor has 3 volts across it. Its resistance is 1.5 ohms. What is the current?}

a) 3A
b) 12A
c) 1.5A
d) 2A

47) A resistor has 8 volts across it and 3 Amps going through it. What is the power consumed?}

a) 2.2W
b) 8W
c) 3W
d) 24W

48) A resistor has a voltage of 5 volts and a resistance of 15 ohms. What is the power consumed? }

a) 1.67 Watts
b) 11.67 Joules
c) 2.5 Watts
d) None of these are ture.

49) A resistor is on for 5 seconds. It consumes power at a rate of 5 watts. How many joules are used?}

a) 5 Joules
b) 3 Joules
c) None of these are true
d) 25 Joules

50) An ideal 4.2 V voltage source is connected to two resistors in parallel. One is 1.6 , and the other is 2.1  . What is the current through the larger resistor?

a) 0.75 mA.
b) 0.86 mA.
c) 0.99 mA.
d) 1.14 mA.
e) 1.31 mA.

51) A 6.3 ohm resistor is connected in series to a pair of 3.4 ohm resistors that are in parallel. What is the net resistance?

a) 5.3 ohms.
b) 6 ohms.
c) 7 ohms.
d) 8 ohms.
e) 9.2 ohms.

52) Two 6.2 ohm resistors are connected in parallel. This combination is then connected in series to a 2.4 ohm resistor. What is the net resistance?

a) 3.1 ohms.
b) 3.6 ohms.
c) 4.2 ohms.
d) 4.8 ohms.
e) 5.5 ohms.

53) An ideal 7.4 volt battery is connected to a 0.074 ohm resistor. To measure the current an ammeter with a resistance of 12  is used. What current does the ammeter actually read?

a) 49.2 A.
b) 56.6 A.
c) 65.1 A.
d) 74.8 A.
e) 86 A.

54) A battery has an emf of 6.5 volts, and an internal resistance of 446  . It is connected to a 3.5   resistor. What power is developed in the 3.5   resistor?

a) 8.26  W.
b) 9.5  W.
c) 10.92  W.
d) 12.56  W.
e) 14.44  W.

55) A cosmic ray alpha particle encounters Earth's magnetic field at right angles to a field of 7.4 μT. The kinetic energy is 437 keV. What is the radius of particle's orbit?

a) 1.3 x 102 m.
b) 4.1 x 102 m.
c) 1.3 x 103 m.
d) 4.1 x 103 m.
e) 1.3 x 104 m.

56) Two parallel wires are 7.5 meters long, and are separated by 4.4 mm. What is the force if both wires carry a current of 14.8 amps?

a) 2.36 x 10-3 newtons
b) 7.47 x 10-3 newtons
c) 2.36 x 10-2 newtons
d) 7.47 x 10-2 newtons
e) 2.36 x 10-1 newtons

57) Blood is flowing at an average rate of 24.5 cm/s in an artery that has an inner diameter of 3.9 mm. What is the voltage across a hall probe placed across the inner diameter of the artery if the perpendicular magnetic field is 0.17 Tesla?

a) 5.14 x 10-5 Volts
b) 1.62 x 10-4 Volts
c) 5.14 x 10-4 Volts
d) 1.62 x 10-3 Volts
e) 5.14 x 10-3 Volts

58) An electron tube on Earth's surface is oriented horizontally towards magnetic north. The electron is traveling at 0.06c, and Earth's magnetic field makes an angle of 48.5 degrees with respect to the horizontal. To counter the magnetic force, a voltage is applied between two large parallel plates that are 59 mm apart. What must be the applied voltage if the magnetic field is 45μT?

a) 1.1 x 100 volts
b) 3.6 x 100 volts
c) 1.1 x 101 volts
d) 3.6 x 101 volts
e) 1.1 x 102 volts

59) Two orbiting satellites are orbiting at a speed of 83 km/s perpendicular to a magnetic field of 57 μT. They are connected by a cable that is 23 km long. A voltmeter is attached between a satellite and one end of the cable. The voltmeter's internal impedance far exceeds the net resistance through the ionosphere that completes the circuit. What is the measured voltage?

a) 8.98 x 104 volts.
b) 1.09 x 105 volts.
c) 1.32 x 105 volts.
d) 1.6 x 105 volts.
e) 1.93 x 105 volts.

60) An loop of wire with 92 turns has a radius of 0.39 meters, and is oriented with its axis parallel to a magetic field of 0.97 Tesla. What is the induced voltage if this field is reduced to 16% of its original value in 1.4 seconds?

a) 2.56 x 101 volts
b) 3.1 x 101 volts
c) 3.76 x 101 volts
d) 4.55 x 101 volts
e) 5.51 x 101 volts
Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates
a) how a farsighted person might see a distant object
b) how a nearsighted person might see a distant object
c) how a nearsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
d) how a farsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates
a) how a farsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
b) how a nearsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
c) how a farsighted person might see a distant object
d) how a nearsighted person might see a distant object

63) In optics, normal means

a) to the left of the optical axis
b) to the right of the optical axis
c) perpendicular to the surface
d) parallel to the surface

64) The law of reflection applies to

a) flat surfaces
b) telescopes but not microscopes
c) both flat and curved surfaces
d) curved surfaces
e) only light in a vacuum

65) When light passes from air to glass

a) the frequency decreases
b) it does not bend
c) it bends towards the normal
d) it bends away from the normal
e) the frequency increases

66) When light passes from glass to air

a) it does not bend
b) the frequency decreases
c) it bends away from the normal
d) the frequency increases
e) it bends towards the normal

67) An important principle that allows fiber optics to work is

a) total external refraction
b) the Doppler shift
c) partial internal absorption
d) total internal reflection
e) the invariance of the speed of light

68) The focal point is where

a) rays meet whenever they pass through a lens
b) rays meet if they were parallel to the optical axis before striking a lens
c) rays meet whenever they are forming an image
d) the center of the lens
e) rays meet if they are parallel to each other

69) An object is placed 3.5 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 5.6 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

a) 2.15 x 10-1 cm
b) 3.83 x 10-1 cm
c) 6.81 x 10-1 cm
d) 1.21 x 100 cm
e) 2.15 x 100 cm

70) An object is placed 4.65 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 6.2 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

a) 1.86 x 100 cm
b) 3.31 x 100 cm
c) 5.88 x 100 cm
d) 1.05 x 101 cm
e) 1.86 x 101 cm

71) An object of height 0.67 cm is placed 106 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 61 cm. What is the height of the image?

a) 1.18 x 10-1 cm
b) 1.42 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.7 x 10-1 cm
d) 2.04 x 10-1 cm
e) 2.45 x 10-1 cm

72) An object is placed 10.9 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.4 cm. On the side, at a distance of 6.8 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm. How far is the final image from the converging lens?

a) 1.81 x 10-1 cm
b) 5.71 x 10-1 cm
c) 1.81 x 100 cm
d) 5.71 x 100 cm
e) 1.81 x 101 cm

73) Which lens has the shorter focal length?

c) They have the same focal lengh.

74)   If this represents the eye looking at an object, where is this object?

a) One focal length in front of the eye
b) Two (of the other answers) are true
c) very far away
d) directly in front of the eye (almost touching)
e) at infinity

75) After passing through a the lens of a camera or the eye, the focal point is defined as where the rays meet.

a) false
b) true

76)   Mr. Smith is gazing at something as shown in the figure to the left. Suppose he does not refocus, but attempts to stare at the star shown in the figures below. Which diagram depicts how the rays from the star would travel if he does not refocus?


77) A 3.9 volt battery moves 90 Coulombs of charge in 2.2 hours. What is the power?

a) 4.43 x 10-2 W
b) 5.37 x 10-2 W
c) 6.51 x 10-2 W
d) 7.88 x 10-2 W
e) 9.55 x 10-2 W

78) The diameter of a copper wire is 3.6 mm, and it carries a current of 52 amps. What is the drift velocity if copper has a density of 8.8E3 kg/m3 and an atomic mass of 63.54 g/mol? (1 mol = 6.02E23 atoms, and copper has one free electron per atom.)

a) 3.82 x 10-4m/s
b) 4.63 x 10-4m/s
c) 5.61 x 10-4m/s
d) 6.8 x 10-4m/s
e) 8.24 x 10-4m/s

79) A 146 Watt DC motor draws 0.23 amps of current. What is effective resistance?

a) 2.28 x 103 Ω
b) 2.76 x 103 Ω
c) 3.34 x 103 Ω
d) 4.05 x 103 Ω
e) 4.91 x 103 Ω

80) A power supply delivers 101 watts of power to a 219 ohm resistor. What was the applied voltage?

a) 1.49 x 102 volts
b) 1.8 x 102 volts
c) 2.18 x 102 volts
d) 2.64 x 102 volts
e) 3.2 x 102 volts

81) Excepting cases where where quantum jumps in energy are induced in another object (i.e., using only the uncertainty principle), which would NOT put a classical particle into the quantum regime?

a) low mass
b) confinement to a small space
c) high speed
d) low speed

82) How does the Bohr atom differ from Newton's theory of planetary orbits?

a) planets make elliptical orbits while the electron makes circular orbits
b) The force between proton and electron is not attractive for the atom, but it is for planets and the sun.
c) The force between planets and the sun is not attractive for the atom, but it is for proton and electron.
d) electrons make elliptical orbits while planets make circular orbits

83) What are the units of Plank's constant?

a) energy x time
b) mass x velocity x distance
c) none of the above
d) momentum x distance
e) all of the above

84) What are the units of Plank's constant?

a) none of the above
b) all of the above
c) mass x velocity
d) energy x time
e) momentum x distance x mass

85) How would you describe Old Quantum Theory

a) complete and self-consistent
b) complete but not self-consistent
c) neither complete nor self-consistent
d) self-consistent but not complete

86) The first paper that introduced quantum mechanics was the study of

a) electrons
b) light
c) protons
d) energy

87) What are examples of energy?

a) heat
b) mgh where m is mass, g is gravity, and h is height
d) all of the above

88) What are examples of energy?

a) heat
b) all of the above
d) momentum

89) What was Plank's understanding of the significance of his work on blackbody radiation?

a) the thought it was some sort of mathematical trick
b) he was afraid to publish it for fear of losing his reputation
c) he knew it would someday win him a Nobel prize
d) he eventually convinced his dissertation committee that the theory was correct

90) What was "spooky" about Taylor's 1909 experiment with wave interference?

a) The interference pattern mysteriously disappeared.
b) The light was so dim that the photoelectric effect couldn't occur
c) The light was so dim that only one photon at a time was near the slits.
d) The light was dim, but it didn't matter because he was blind.

91) Approximately how often does a supernovae occur in a typical galaxy?

a) once every 5 years
b) once a 5 months
c) once every 50 years

92) If a star were rushing towards Earth at a high speed

a) there would be no shift in the spectral lines
b) there would be a red shift in the spectral lines
c) there would be a blue shift in the spectral lines

93) An example of a standard candle is

a) all of these are standard candles
b) any part of the nighttime sky that is giving off light
c) a supernova in a distant galaxy
d) any part of the nighttime sky that is dark

94) If a galaxy that is 10 Mpc away is receding at 700km/s, how far would a galaxy be receding if it were 20 Mpc away?

a) 350km/s
b) 1400km/s
c) 700km/s

95) The "apparent" magnitude of a star is

a) How bright it is as viewed from Earth
b) How bright it would be if you were exactly one light year away
c) How bright it would be if it were not receding due to Hubble expansion

96) In the essay "Why the sky is dark at night", a graph of velocity versus distance is shown. What is odd about those galaxies in the Virgo cluster (circled in the graph)?

a) the cluster is close to us
b) they all have nearly the same speed
c) they have a wide variety of speeds
d) they are not receding away from us

97) Why was it important to observe supernovae in galaxies that are close to us?

a) it is easier to measure the doppler shift, and that is not always easy to measure.
b) because supernovea are impossible to see in distant galaxies
c) we have other ways of knowing the distances to the nearby galaxies; this gives us the opportunity to study supernovae of known distance and ascertain their absolute magnitude.
d) they have less of a red-shift, and interstellar gas absorbs red light

98) What if clouds of dust blocked the light from distant stars? Could that allow for an infinite and static universe?

a) No, there are clouds, but they remain too cold to resolve the paradox
b) No, if there were clouds, we wouldn't see the distant galaxies
c) No, the clouds would get hot
d) Yes, that is an actively pursued hypothesis

99)  These two pulses will collide and produce

a) negative interference
b) negative diffraction
c) positive diffraction
d) positive interference

100) If a source of sound is moving towards you, the pitch becomes

a) unchanged
b) lower
c) higher

101) Why do rough walls give a concert hall a “fuller” sound, compared to smooth walls?

a) The difference in path lengths creates more reverberation.
b) Rough walls make for a louder sound.
c) The difference in path lengths creates more echo.

102) People don't usually perceive an echo when

a) it arrives at exactly the same pitch
b) it takes more than a tenth of a second after the original sound to arrive
c) it arrives less than a tenth of a second after the original sound
d) it arrives at a higher pitch
e) it arrives at a lower pitch

103) A dense rope is connected to a rope with less density (i.e. fewer kilograms per meter). If the rope is stretched and a wave is sent along high density rope,

a) the low density rope supports a wave with a higher speed
b) the low density rope supports a wave with a higher frequency
c) the low density rope supports a wave with a lower frequency
d) the low density rope supports a wave with a lower speed

104) What happens to the wavelength on a wave on a stretched string if the wave passes from lightweight (low density) region of the rope to a heavy (high density) rope?

a) the wavelength gets shorter
b) the wavelength stays the same
c) the wavelength gets longer

105) When a wave is reflected off a stationary barrier, the reflected wave

a) has lower amplitude than the incident wave
b) has higher frequency than the incident wave
c) both of these are true

106) Comparing a typical church to a professional baseball stadium, the church is likely to have

a) neither reverberation nor echo
b) both reverberation and echo
c) reverberation instead of echo
d) echo instead of reverberation

107)  These two pulses will collide and produce

a) positive diffraction
b) negative diffraction
c) negative interference
d) positive interference

108)  These two pulses will collide and produce

a) negative interference
b) positive interference
c) positive diffraction
d) negative diffraction

109)   Two signals (dashed) add to a solid

a) fifth
b) octave
c) dissonance

110)   Two signals (dashed) add to a solid

a) fifth
b) octave
c) dissonance

111)   Two signals (dashed) add to a solid

a) fifth
b) octave
c) dissonance

112) Why don't we hear beats when two different notes on a piano are played at the same time?

a) The note is over by the time the first beat is heard
b) The beats happen so many times per second you can't hear them.
c) Reverberation usually stifles the beats
d) Echo usually stifles the beats

113) A tuning fork with a frequency of 440 Hz is played simultaneously with a tuning fork of 442 Hz. How many beats are heard in 10 seconds?

a) 20
b) 40
c) 60
d) 50
e) 30

114) If you start moving towards a source of sound, the pitch becomes

a) unchanged
b) higher
c) lower

S_G (key)


1) A 0.177 kg mass is on a spring that causes the frequency of oscillation to be 71 cycles per second. The maximum velocity is 60.9 m/s. What is the maximum force on the mass?

-a) 2.2 x 103 N
+b) 4.8 x 103 N
-c) 1 x 104 N
-d) 2.2 x 104 N
-e) 4.8 x 104 N

2) A spring with spring constant 7.8 kN/m is attached to a 5.7 gram mass. The maximum acelleration is 5.9 m/s2. What is the maximum displacement?

-a) 1.36 x 10-7 m
-b) 4.31 x 10-7 m
-c) 1.36 x 10-6 m
+d) 4.31 x 10-6 m
-e) 1.36 x 10-5 m

3) A spring of spring constant 6.9 kN/m causes a mass to move with a period of 8.6 ms. The maximum displacement is 2.3 mm. What is the maximum kinetic energy?

-a) 5.77 x 10-3 J
+b) 1.83 x 10-2 J
-c) 5.77 x 10-2 J
-d) 1.83 x 10-1 J
-e) 5.77 x 10-1 J

4) A spring with spring constant 1.1 kN/m undergoes simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 8.4 kHz. The maximum force is 3.8 N. What is the total energy?

-a) 6.56 x 10-4 J
-b) 2.08 x 10-3 J
+c) 6.56 x 10-3 J
-d) 2.08 x 10-2 J
-e) 6.56 x 10-2 J

5) The temperature is -1.4 degrees Celsius, and you are standing 0.94 km from a cliff. What is the echo time?

-a) 4.883 x 100 seconds
-b) 5.272 x 100 seconds
+c) 5.693 x 100 seconds
-d) 6.147 x 100 seconds
-e) 6.637 x 100 seconds

6) While standing 0.66 km from a cliff, you measure the echo time to be 3.768 seconds. What is the temperature?

+a) 3.26 x 101Celsius
-b) 3.77 x 101Celsius
-c) 4.35 x 101Celsius
-d) 5.03 x 101Celsius
-e) 5.81 x 101Celsius

7) What is the speed of a transverse wave on a string if the string is 0.94 m long, clamped at both ends, and harmonic number 5 has a frequency of 715 Hz?

-a) 1.83 x 102 unit
-b) 2.22 x 102 unit
+c) 2.69 x 102 unit
-d) 3.26 x 102 unit
-e) 3.95 x 102 unit

8) What is the magnitude of the electric field at the origin if a 1.8 nC charge is placed at x = 9.6 m, and a 2 nC charge is placed at y = 8.7 m?

+a) 2.95 x 10-1N/C
-b) 3.41 x 10-1N/C
-c) 3.94 x 10-1N/C
-d) 4.55 x 10-1N/C
-e) 5.25 x 10-1N/C

9) What angle does the electric field at the origin make with the x-axis if a 2.9 nC charge is placed at x = -7.3 m, and a 1.7 nC charge is placed at y = -8.1 m?

+a) 2.55 x 101degrees
-b) 2.94 x 101degrees
-c) 3.4 x 101degrees
-d) 3.92 x 101degrees
-e) 4.53 x 101degrees

10) A dipole at the origin consists of charge Q placed at x = 0.5a, and charge of -Q placed at x = -0.5a. The absolute value of the x component of the electric field at (x,y) =( 6a, 5a) is βkQ/a2, where β equals

-a) 1.33 x 10-3 unit
+b) 1.61 x 10-3 unit
-c) 1.95 x 10-3 unit
-d) 2.36 x 10-3 unit
-e) 2.86 x 10-3 unit

11) A dipole at the origin consists of charge Q placed at x = 0.5a, and charge of -Q placed at x = -0.5a. The absolute value of the y component of the electric field at (x,y) =( 1.1a, 1.2a) is βkQ/a2, where β equals

+a) 3.47 x 10-1 unit
-b) 4.2 x 10-1 unit
-c) 5.09 x 10-1 unit
-d) 6.17 x 10-1 unit
-e) 7.47 x 10-1 unit

12) A parallel plate capacitor has both plates with an area of 1.45 m2. The separation between the plates is 1.53mm. Applied to the plates is a potential difference of 2.55 kV. What is the capacitance?

+a) 8.39 nF.
-b) 9.65 nF.
-c) 11.1 nF.
-d) 12.76 nF.
-e) 14.68 nF.

13) The same parallel plate capacitor, with area 1.35 m2, plate separation 1.23mm, and an applied voltage of 2.65 kV. How much charge is stored?

-a) 16.93 μC.
-b) 19.47 μC.
-c) 22.39 μC.
+d) 25.75 μC.
-e) 29.62 μC.

14) A 1.4 Farad capacitor is charged with 2.3 Coulombs. What is the value of the electric field if the plates are 0.6 mm apart?

-a) 1.57 kV/m.
-b) 1.8 kV/m.
-c) 2.07 kV/m.
-d) 2.38 kV/m.
+e) 2.74 kV/m.

15) A 0.9 Farad capacitor charged with 1.1 Coulombs. What is the energy stored in the capacitor if the plates are 0.3 mm apart?

-a) 0.44 J.
-b) 0.51 J.
-c) 0.58 J.
+d) 0.67 J.
-e) 0.77 J.

16) A 0.5 Farad capacitor charged with 1.6 Coulombs. What is the force between the plates if they are 0.7 mm apart?

-a) 3180 N.
+b) 3657 N.
-c) 4206 N.
-d) 4837 N.
-e) 5562 N.

17) How fast is a 2758 eV electron moving?

-a) 9.2 x 106 m/s.
-b) 1.4 x 107 m/s.
-c) 2.1 x 107 m/s.
+d) 3.1 x 107 m/s.
-e) 4.7 x 107 m/s.

18) A proton is accellerated (at rest) from a plate held at 767.8 volts to a plate at zero volts. What is the final speed?

-a) 1.1 x 105 m/s.
-b) 1.7 x 105 m/s.
-c) 2.6 x 105 m/s.
+d) 3.8 x 105 m/s.
-e) 5.8 x 105 m/s.

19) What voltage is required accelerate an electron at rest to a speed of 3 x 105 m/s?

-a) 1.7 x 10-1 volts
+b) 2.6 x 10-1 volts
-c) 3.8 x 10-1 volts
-d) 5.8 x 10-1 volts
-e) 8.6 x 10-1 volts

20) What voltage is required to stop a proton moving at a speed of 7.6 x 106 m/s?

+a) 3 x 105 volts
-b) 4.5 x 105 volts
-c) 6.8 x 105 volts
-d) 1 x 106 volts
-e) 1.5 x 106 volts

21) A 3.9 volt battery moves 90 Coulombs of charge in 2.2 hours. What is the power?

+a) 4.43 x 10-2 W
-b) 5.37 x 10-2 W
-c) 6.51 x 10-2 W
-d) 7.88 x 10-2 W
-e) 9.55 x 10-2 W

22) The diameter of a copper wire is 9.9 mm, and it carries a current of 41 amps. What is the drift velocity if copper has a density of 8.8E3 kg/m3 and an atomic mass of 63.54 g/mol? (1 mol = 6.02E23 atoms, and copper has one free electron per atom.)

-a) 2.24 x 10-5m/s
-b) 2.72 x 10-5m/s
-c) 3.29 x 10-5m/s
+d) 3.99 x 10-5m/s
-e) 4.83 x 10-5m/s

23) A 104 Watt DC motor draws 0.13 amps of current. What is effective resistance?

-a) 3.46 x 103 Ω
-b) 4.19 x 103 Ω
-c) 5.08 x 103 Ω
+d) 6.15 x 103 Ω
-e) 7.46 x 103 Ω

24) A power supply delivers 110 watts of power to a 299 ohm resistor. What was the applied voltage?

-a) 8.42 x 101 volts
-b) 1.02 x 102 volts
-c) 1.24 x 102 volts
-d) 1.5 x 102 volts
+e) 1.81 x 102 volts

25) A 819 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 798 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

-a) 8.27 x 105 s.
+b) 2.61 x 106 s.
-c) 8.27 x 106 s.
-d) 2.61 x 107 s.
-e) 8.27 x 107 s.

26) A 65 μF capacitor is connected in series to a 414 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

-a) 1.08 x 101 s.
-b) 3.4 x 101 s.
+c) 1.08 x 102 s.
-d) 3.4 x 102 s.
-e) 1.08 x 103 s.

27) A 727 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 860 MΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e3? (where e =2.7...)

+a) 1.88 x 109 s.
-b) 5.93 x 109 s.
-c) 1.88 x 1010 s.
-d) 5.93 x 1010 s.
-e) 1.88 x 1011 s.

28) A 10 F capacitor is connected in series to a 10Ω resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e4? (where e =2.7...)

-a) 4 x 100 s.
-b) 1.26 x 101 s.
-c) 4 x 101 s.
-d) 1.26 x 102 s.
+e) 4 x 102 s.

29) 3 amps flow through a 1 Ohm resistor. What is the voltage?}

-a) None these are correct.

30) A 1 ohm resistor has 5 volts DC across its terminals. What is the current (I) and the power consumed?}

-a) I = 5A & P = 3W.
-b) I = 5A & P = 5W.
-c) I = 5A & P = 9W
+d) I = 5A & P = 25W.

31) The voltage across two resistors in series is 10 volts. One resistor is twice as large as the other. What is the voltage across the larger resistor? What is the voltage across the smaller one? }

-a)   and  .
-b) None of these are true.
+c)   and  .
-d)   and .

32) A 1 ohm, 2 ohm, and 3 ohm resistor are connected in series. What is the total resistance?}

-a)  .
+b)  .
-c)  .
-d) None of these are true.

33) Two identical resistors are connected in series. The voltage across both of them is 250 volts. What is the voltage across each one?}

-a) None of these are true.
+b)   and  .
-c)   and  .
-d)   and  .

34) A 1 ohm, 2 ohm, and 3 ohm resistor are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

-a)  .
-b)  .
-c)  .
+d)  .

35) A 5 ohm and a 2 ohm resistor are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

+a)  .
-b)  .
-c)  .
-d)  .

36) A 7 ohm and a 3 ohm resistor are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

-a)  .
+b)  .
-c)  .
-d)  .

37) Three 1 ohm resistors are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance?}

-a)  .
-b)  .
-c)  .
+d)  .

38) If you put an infinite number of resistors in parallel, what would the total resistance be?}

-a) None of these are true.
-b)   would approach 1 as The No. of Resistors In parallel Approaches Infinity
+c)   would approach Zero as The No. of Resistors In parallel Approaches Infinity.
-d) It is not possible to connect that Number of Resistors in parallel.
39) What is the current through R1 and R2 in the figure shown?
-a)   and  .
-b)   and  .
-c)   and  .
+d)   and  .

40) Why do we say the "voltage across" or "the voltage with respect to?" Why can't we just say voltage?}

-a) None these are correct
-b) It's an Electrical Cliche.
+c) Voltage is a measure of Electric Potential difference between two electrical points.
-d) The other point could be Negative or positive.
41) What is the current through R1, R2, R3, and R4 in the figure shown?
-a)  ;  ;  ;  .
-b)  ;  ;  ;  .
+c)  ;  ;  ;  .
-d)  ;  ;  ;  ..

42) Two resistors are in parallel with a voltage source. How do their voltages compare?}

-a) One has full voltage, the other has none.
+b) The voltage across both resistors is the same as the source.
-c) None of these are true.
-d) The voltage across both resistors is half the voltage of the source.

43) A resistor consumes 5 watts, and its current is 10 amps. What is its voltage?

-a) 10V.
+b) 0.5V.
-c) 15V.
-d) 2V.

44) A resistor has 10 volts across it and 4 amps going through it. What is its resistance?}

-b) None of these are true.

45) If you plot voltage vs. current in a circuit, and you get a linear line, what is the significance of the slope? }

-a) Power.
-b) Discriminant.
-c) None of these are true.
+d) Resistance.

46) A resistor has 3 volts across it. Its resistance is 1.5 ohms. What is the current?}

-a) 12A
+b) 2A
-c) 3A
-d) 1.5A

47) A resistor has 8 volts across it and 3 Amps going through it. What is the power consumed?}

-a) 2.2W
-b) 3W
+c) 24W
-d) 8W

48) A resistor has a voltage of 5 volts and a resistance of 15 ohms. What is the power consumed? }

+a) 1.67 Watts
-b) 2.5 Watts
-c) 11.67 Joules
-d) None of these are ture.

49) A resistor is on for 5 seconds. It consumes power at a rate of 5 watts. How many joules are used?}

+a) 25 Joules
-b) 5 Joules
-c) None of these are true
-d) 3 Joules

50) An ideal 8.9 V voltage source is connected to two resistors in parallel. One is 2.1 , and the other is 4.4  . What is the current through the larger resistor?

+a) 1.37 mA.
-b) 1.57 mA.
-c) 1.81 mA.
-d) 2.08 mA.
-e) 2.39 mA.

51) A 6.4 ohm resistor is connected in series to a pair of 7.4 ohm resistors that are in parallel. What is the net resistance?

+a) 10.1 ohms.
-b) 11.6 ohms.
-c) 13.4 ohms.
-d) 15.4 ohms.
-e) 17.7 ohms.

52) Two 7.8 ohm resistors are connected in parallel. This combination is then connected in series to a 5.4 ohm resistor. What is the net resistance?

+a) 9.3 ohms.
-b) 10.7 ohms.
-c) 12.3 ohms.
-d) 14.1 ohms.
-e) 16.3 ohms.

53) An ideal 5.7 volt battery is connected to a 0.054 ohm resistor. To measure the current an ammeter with a resistance of 13  is used. What current does the ammeter actually read?

-a) 64.3 A.
-b) 74 A.
+c) 85.1 A.
-d) 97.8 A.
-e) 112.5 A.

54) A battery has an emf of 5.3 volts, and an internal resistance of 428  . It is connected to a 2.3   resistor. What power is developed in the 2.3   resistor?

-a) 4.96  W.
-b) 5.71  W.
-c) 6.56  W.
-d) 7.55  W.
+e) 8.68  W.

55) A cosmic ray alpha particle encounters Earth's magnetic field at right angles to a field of 7.4 μT. The kinetic energy is 437 keV. What is the radius of particle's orbit?

-a) 1.3 x 102 m.
-b) 4.1 x 102 m.
-c) 1.3 x 103 m.
-d) 4.1 x 103 m.
+e) 1.3 x 104 m.

56) Two parallel wires are 7.5 meters long, and are separated by 4.4 mm. What is the force if both wires carry a current of 14.8 amps?

-a) 2.36 x 10-3 newtons
-b) 7.47 x 10-3 newtons
-c) 2.36 x 10-2 newtons
+d) 7.47 x 10-2 newtons
-e) 2.36 x 10-1 newtons

57) Blood is flowing at an average rate of 24.5 cm/s in an artery that has an inner diameter of 3.9 mm. What is the voltage across a hall probe placed across the inner diameter of the artery if the perpendicular magnetic field is 0.17 Tesla?

-a) 5.14 x 10-5 Volts
+b) 1.62 x 10-4 Volts
-c) 5.14 x 10-4 Volts
-d) 1.62 x 10-3 Volts
-e) 5.14 x 10-3 Volts

58) An electron tube on Earth's surface is oriented horizontally towards magnetic north. The electron is traveling at 0.06c, and Earth's magnetic field makes an angle of 48.5 degrees with respect to the horizontal. To counter the magnetic force, a voltage is applied between two large parallel plates that are 59 mm apart. What must be the applied voltage if the magnetic field is 45μT?

-a) 1.1 x 100 volts
-b) 3.6 x 100 volts
-c) 1.1 x 101 volts
+d) 3.6 x 101 volts
-e) 1.1 x 102 volts

59) Two orbiting satellites are orbiting at a speed of 52 km/s perpendicular to a magnetic field of 41 μT. They are connected by a cable that is 33 km long. A voltmeter is attached between a satellite and one end of the cable. The voltmeter's internal impedance far exceeds the net resistance through the ionosphere that completes the circuit. What is the measured voltage?

-a) 4.79 x 104 volts.
-b) 5.81 x 104 volts.
+c) 7.04 x 104 volts.
-d) 8.52 x 104 volts.
-e) 1.03 x 105 volts.

60) An loop of wire with 92 turns has a radius of 0.39 meters, and is oriented with its axis parallel to a magetic field of 0.97 Tesla. What is the induced voltage if this field is reduced to 16% of its original value in 1.4 seconds?

+a) 2.56 x 101 volts
-b) 3.1 x 101 volts
-c) 3.76 x 101 volts
-d) 4.55 x 101 volts
-e) 5.51 x 101 volts
Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates
-a) how a farsighted person might see a distant object
-b) how a farsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
-c) how a nearsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
+d) how a nearsighted person might see a distant object
Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates
+a) how a farsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
-b) how a farsighted person might see a distant object
-c) how a nearsighted person might see an object that is too close for comfort
-d) how a nearsighted person might see a distant object

63) In optics, normal means

-a) to the left of the optical axis
-b) parallel to the surface
-c) to the right of the optical axis
+d) perpendicular to the surface

64) The law of reflection applies to

-a) telescopes but not microscopes
-b) curved surfaces
+c) both flat and curved surfaces
-d) only light in a vacuum
-e) flat surfaces

65) When light passes from air to glass

+a) it bends towards the normal
-b) it bends away from the normal
-c) the frequency increases
-d) it does not bend
-e) the frequency decreases

66) When light passes from glass to air

-a) it bends towards the normal
-b) the frequency decreases
-c) the frequency increases
-d) it does not bend
+e) it bends away from the normal

67) An important principle that allows fiber optics to work is

-a) total external refraction
-b) the invariance of the speed of light
-c) the Doppler shift
-d) partial internal absorption
+e) total internal reflection

68) The focal point is where

-a) rays meet if they are parallel to each other
-b) rays meet whenever they pass through a lens
+c) rays meet if they were parallel to the optical axis before striking a lens
-d) rays meet whenever they are forming an image
-e) the center of the lens

69) An object is placed 6.3 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 8.9 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

-a) 1.17 x 100 cm
-b) 2.07 x 100 cm
+c) 3.69 x 100 cm
-d) 6.56 x 100 cm
-e) 1.17 x 101 cm

70) An object is placed 3.15 cm to the left of a converging lens with a focal length of 6.7 cm. How far is the image from the lens?

-a) 3.34 x 100 cm
+b) 5.95 x 100 cm
-c) 1.06 x 101 cm
-d) 1.88 x 101 cm
-e) 3.34 x 101 cm

71) An object of height 0.67 cm is placed 107 cm behind a diverging lens with a focal length of 70 cm. What is the height of the image?

+a) 2.65 x 10-1 cm
-b) 3.18 x 10-1 cm
-c) 3.82 x 10-1 cm
-d) 4.58 x 10-1 cm
-e) 5.49 x 10-1 cm

72) An object is placed 12.1 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 16.9 cm. On the side, at a distance of 6.7 cm from the diverging lens is a converging lens with focal length equal to 4 cm. How far is the final image from the converging lens?

+a) 5.64 x 100 cm
-b) 1.78 x 101 cm
-c) 5.64 x 101 cm
-d) 1.78 x 102 cm
-e) 5.64 x 102 cm

73) Which lens has the shorter focal length?

-c) They have the same focal lengh.

74)   If this represents the eye looking at an object, where is this object?

-a) One focal length in front of the eye
+b) Two (of the other answers) are true
-c) very far away
-d) directly in front of the eye (almost touching)
-e) at infinity

75) After passing through a the lens of a camera or the eye, the focal point is defined as where the rays meet.

+a) false
-b) true

76)   Mr. Smith is gazing at something as shown in the figure to the left. Suppose he does not refocus, but attempts to stare at the star shown in the figures below. Which diagram depicts how the rays from the star would travel if he does not refocus?


77) A 1.4 volt battery moves 87 Coulombs of charge in 2 hours. What is the power?

-a) 7.85 x 10-3 W
-b) 9.51 x 10-3 W
-c) 1.15 x 10-2 W
-d) 1.4 x 10-2 W
+e) 1.69 x 10-2 W

78) The diameter of a copper wire is 3.8 mm, and it carries a current of 88 amps. What is the drift velocity if copper has a density of 8.8E3 kg/m3 and an atomic mass of 63.54 g/mol? (1 mol = 6.02E23 atoms, and copper has one free electron per atom.)

-a) 2.7 x 10-4m/s
-b) 3.27 x 10-4m/s
-c) 3.96 x 10-4m/s
-d) 4.79 x 10-4m/s
+e) 5.81 x 10-4m/s

79) A 196 Watt DC motor draws 0.35 amps of current. What is effective resistance?

+a) 1.6 x 103 Ω
-b) 1.94 x 103 Ω
-c) 2.35 x 103 Ω
-d) 2.85 x 103 Ω
-e) 3.45 x 103 Ω

80) A power supply delivers 101 watts of power to a 219 ohm resistor. What was the applied voltage?

+a) 1.49 x 102 volts
-b) 1.8 x 102 volts
-c) 2.18 x 102 volts
-d) 2.64 x 102 volts
-e) 3.2 x 102 volts

81) Excepting cases where where quantum jumps in energy are induced in another object (i.e., using only the uncertainty principle), which would NOT put a classical particle into the quantum regime?

-a) low speed
+b) high speed
-c) low mass
-d) confinement to a small space

82) How does the Bohr atom differ from Newton's theory of planetary orbits?

-a) electrons make elliptical orbits while planets make circular orbits
+b) planets make elliptical orbits while the electron makes circular orbits
-c) The force between planets and the sun is not attractive for the atom, but it is for proton and electron.
-d) The force between proton and electron is not attractive for the atom, but it is for planets and the sun.

83) What are the units of Plank's constant?

-a) energy x time
-b) momentum x distance
-c) none of the above
+d) all of the above
-e) mass x velocity x distance

84) What are the units of Plank's constant?

+a) all of the above
-b) none of the above
-c) energy x time
-d) mass x velocity
-e) momentum x distance x mass

85) How would you describe Old Quantum Theory

-a) complete and self-consistent
-b) self-consistent but not complete
-c) complete but not self-consistent
+d) neither complete nor self-consistent

86) The first paper that introduced quantum mechanics was the study of

-a) energy
+b) light
-c) electrons
-d) protons

87) What are examples of energy?

-a) mgh where m is mass, g is gravity, and h is height
+c) all of the above
-d) heat

88) What are examples of energy?

+a) all of the above
-c) heat
-d) momentum

89) What was Plank's understanding of the significance of his work on blackbody radiation?

-a) he was afraid to publish it for fear of losing his reputation
-b) he knew it would someday win him a Nobel prize
-c) he eventually convinced his dissertation committee that the theory was correct
+d) the thought it was some sort of mathematical trick

90) What was "spooky" about Taylor's 1909 experiment with wave interference?

+a) The light was so dim that only one photon at a time was near the slits.
-b) The light was so dim that the photoelectric effect couldn't occur
-c) The light was dim, but it didn't matter because he was blind.
-d) The interference pattern mysteriously disappeared.

91) Approximately how often does a supernovae occur in a typical galaxy?

+a) once every 50 years
-b) once a 5 months
-c) once every 5 years

92) If a star were rushing towards Earth at a high speed

-a) there would be a red shift in the spectral lines
+b) there would be a blue shift in the spectral lines
-c) there would be no shift in the spectral lines

93) An example of a standard candle is

+a) a supernova in a distant galaxy
-b) any part of the nighttime sky that is giving off light
-c) any part of the nighttime sky that is dark
-d) all of these are standard candles

94) If a galaxy that is 10 Mpc away is receding at 700km/s, how far would a galaxy be receding if it were 20 Mpc away?

-a) 700km/s
+b) 1400km/s
-c) 350km/s

95) The "apparent" magnitude of a star is

-a) How bright it would be if it were not receding due to Hubble expansion
-b) How bright it would be if you were exactly one light year away
+c) How bright it is as viewed from Earth

96) In the essay "Why the sky is dark at night", a graph of velocity versus distance is shown. What is odd about those galaxies in the Virgo cluster (circled in the graph)?

-a) they are not receding away from us
+b) they have a wide variety of speeds
-c) they all have nearly the same speed
-d) the cluster is close to us

97) Why was it important to observe supernovae in galaxies that are close to us?

-a) it is easier to measure the doppler shift, and that is not always easy to measure.
-b) they have less of a red-shift, and interstellar gas absorbs red light
+c) we have other ways of knowing the distances to the nearby galaxies; this gives us the opportunity to study supernovae of known distance and ascertain their absolute magnitude.
-d) because supernovea are impossible to see in distant galaxies

98) What if clouds of dust blocked the light from distant stars? Could that allow for an infinite and static universe?

+a) No, the clouds would get hot
-b) Yes, that is an actively pursued hypothesis
-c) No, if there were clouds, we wouldn't see the distant galaxies
-d) No, there are clouds, but they remain too cold to resolve the paradox

99)  These two pulses will collide and produce

-a) positive diffraction
+b) positive interference
-c) negative diffraction
-d) negative interference

100) If a source of sound is moving towards you, the pitch becomes

-a) lower
+b) higher
-c) unchanged

101) Why do rough walls give a concert hall a “fuller” sound, compared to smooth walls?

+a) The difference in path lengths creates more reverberation.
-b) The difference in path lengths creates more echo.
-c) Rough walls make for a louder sound.

102) People don't usually perceive an echo when

-a) it arrives at a lower pitch
-b) it arrives at exactly the same pitch
-c) it takes more than a tenth of a second after the original sound to arrive
-d) it arrives at a higher pitch
+e) it arrives less than a tenth of a second after the original sound

103) A dense rope is connected to a rope with less density (i.e. fewer kilograms per meter). If the rope is stretched and a wave is sent along high density rope,

-a) the low density rope supports a wave with a lower speed
+b) the low density rope supports a wave with a higher speed
-c) the low density rope supports a wave with a higher frequency
-d) the low density rope supports a wave with a lower frequency

104) What happens to the wavelength on a wave on a stretched string if the wave passes from lightweight (low density) region of the rope to a heavy (high density) rope?

-a) the wavelength gets shorter
+b) the wavelength gets longer
-c) the wavelength stays the same

105) When a wave is reflected off a stationary barrier, the reflected wave

-a) both of these are true
-b) has higher frequency than the incident wave
+c) has lower amplitude than the incident wave

106) Comparing a typical church to a professional baseball stadium, the church is likely to have

+a) reverberation instead of echo
-b) neither reverberation nor echo
-c) echo instead of reverberation
-d) both reverberation and echo

107)  These two pulses will collide and produce

+a) negative interference
-b) negative diffraction
-c) positive diffraction
-d) positive interference

108)  These two pulses will collide and produce

-a) negative interference
-b) negative diffraction
+c) positive interference
-d) positive diffraction

109)   Two signals (dashed) add to a solid

-a) fifth
+b) octave
-c) dissonance

110)   Two signals (dashed) add to a solid

+a) dissonance
-b) octave
-c) fifth

111)   Two signals (dashed) add to a solid

+a) fifth
-b) dissonance
-c) octave

112) Why don't we hear beats when two different notes on a piano are played at the same time?

-a) Reverberation usually stifles the beats
-b) Echo usually stifles the beats
+c) The beats happen so many times per second you can't hear them.
-d) The note is over by the time the first beat is heard

113) A tuning fork with a frequency of 440 Hz is played simultaneously with a tuning fork of 442 Hz. How many beats are heard in 10 seconds?

-a) 30
-b) 60
+c) 20
-d) 40
-e) 50

114) If you start moving towards a source of sound, the pitch becomes

-a) unchanged
+b) higher
-c) lower

List of questions for each test

questions max 1 2 3 4 FE oldid q_ 1st
1−4 4 3 0 0 0 0 1412409 [1] [2]
5−7 3 2 0 0 0 1 1418299 [3] [4]
8−11 4 0 2 0 0 1 1378605 [5] [6]
12−16 5 0 2 0 0 1 1418296 [7] [8]
17−20 4 0 2 0 0 1 1418304 [9] [10]
21−24 4 0 2 0 0 1 1391116 [11] [12]
25−28 4 0 0 2 0 0 1391133 [13] [14]
29−49 21 0 0 5 0 1 1391147 [15] [16]
50−54 5 0 2 0 0 1 1391123 [17] [18]
55−58 4 0 0 1 0 1 1391166 [19] [20]
59−60 2 0 0 2 0 1 1418578 [21] [22]
61−68 8 0 0 0 4 1 1415988 [23] [24]
69−72 4 0 0 0 1 1 1378617 [25] [26]
73−76 4 0 0 0 2 1 1378615 [27] [28]
77−80 4 0 0 0 1 1 1391116 [29] [30]
81−90 10 0 0 1 4 1 1396075 [31] [32]
91−98 8 1 2 1 3 1 1396006 [33] [34]
99−114 16 8 0 0 0 1 1409885 [35] [36]

First question in quiz

  1. a16OscillationsWaves_amplitudes
  2. _{A 0.156 kg mass is on a spring that causes the frequency of oscillation to be 95 cycles per second. The maximum velocity is 50.6 m/s. What is the maximum force on the mass?}
  3. a17PhysHearing_echoString
  4. _{The temperature is -2 degrees Celsius, and you are standing 0.88 km from a cliff. What is the echo time?}
  5. a18ElectricChargeField_findE
  6. _{What is the magnitude of the electric field at the origin if a 1.8 nC charge is placed at x = 7.9 m, and a 2.1 nC charge is placed at y = 7 m?}
  7. a19ElectricPotentialField_Capacitance
  8. _{A parallel plate capacitor has both plates with an area of 1.05 m2. The separation between the plates is 0.63mm. Applied to the plates is a potential difference of 2.85 kV. What is the capacitance?}
  9. a19ElectricPotentialField_KE_PE
  10. _{How fast is a 2642 eV electron moving?}
  11. a20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
  12. _{A 4 volt battery moves 27 Coulombs of charge in 2.6 hours. What is the power?}
  13. a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple
  14. _{A 621 mF capacitor is connected in series to a 628 kΩ resistor. If the capacitor is discharged, how long does it take to fall by a factor of e3? (where e =2.7...)}
  15. a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1
  16. _{3 amps flow through a 1 Ohm resistor. What is the voltage?}
  17. a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circuits
  18. _{An ideal 5.2 V voltage source is connected to two resistors in parallel. One is 1.2 , and the other is 2.8  . What is the current through the larger resistor?}
  19. a22Magnetism_forces
  20. _{A cosmic ray alpha particle encounters Earth's magnetic field at right angles to a field of 5.7 μT. The kinetic energy is 361 keV. What is the radius of particle's orbit?}
  21. a23InductionACcircuits_Q1
  22. _{Two orbiting satellites are orbiting at a speed of 85 km/s perpendicular to a magnetic field of 56 μT. They are connected by a cable that is 29 km long. A voltmeter is attached between a satellite and one end of the cable. The voltmeter's internal impedance far exceeds the net resistance through the ionosphere that completes the circuit. What is the measured voltage?}
  23. a25GeometricOptics_image
  24. _{
    Shown is a corrective lens by a person who needs glasses. This ray diagram illustrates}
  25. a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses
  26. _{An object is placed 5.8 cm to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 4.9 cm. How far is the image from the lens?}
  27. a25GeometricOptics_vision
  28. _{Which lens has the shorter focal length?}
  29. b20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
  30. _{A 4 volt battery moves 27 Coulombs of charge in 2.6 hours. What is the power?}
  31. b_QuantumTimeline
  32. _{Excepting cases where where quantum jumps in energy are induced in another object (i.e., using only the uncertainty principle), which would NOT put a classical particle into the quantum regime?}
  33. b_WhyIsSkyDarkAtNight
  34. _{Approximately how often does a supernovae occur in a typical galaxy?}
  35. b_waves_PC
  36. _{ These two pulses will collide and produce}