Wright State University Lake Campus/2016-9/Phy2410/Study guide

The fraction in front shows how many questions will be on each exam: 1/3 from X means that quiz-X has three questions, but only one will be on the midterm.


Online study guide


Test 1 Tuesday 20 September


1/3 from 1418299 to a17PhysHearing_echoString
1/4 from 1381800 to c07energy_lineIntegral
2/4 from 1378605 to a18ElectricChargeField_findE
6/13 from 1390982 to c18ElectricChargeField_lineCharges
3/6 from 1391093 to c19ElectricPotentialField_GaussLaw

Also: 1/3 from 1378625 to c19ElectricPotentialField_SurfaceIntegral

Test 2 Tuesday 18 October


2/5 from 1418296 to a19ElectricPotentialField_Capacitance
1/4 from 1418304 to a19ElectricPotentialField_KE_PE
1/3 from 1378625 to c19ElectricPotentialField_SurfaceIntegral
2/4 from 1391116 to a20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
6/21 from 1391147 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1
2/5 from 1391123 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circuits

Test 3 Tuesday 8 November


1/13 from 1390982 to c18ElectricChargeField_lineCharges
1/21 from 1391147 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1
1/4 from 1391133 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple
2/4 from 1391166 to a22Magnetism_forces
1/2 from 1418578 to a23InductionACcircuits_Q1
4/8 from 1415988 to a25GeometricOptics_image
2/4 from 1378617 to a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses

Test 4 Tuesday 6 December


1/4 from 1378605 to a18ElectricChargeField_findE
1/4 from 1378617 to a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses
2/4 from 1378615 to a25GeometricOptics_vision
4/6 from 1391173 to c22Magnetism_ampereLaw
2/4 from 1378627 to c22Magnetism_ampereLawSymmetry
2/4 from 1476649 to c24ElectromagneticWaves_displacementCurrent

1/4 from 1378605 to a18ElectricChargeField_findE
1/13 from 1390982 to c18ElectricChargeField_lineCharges
1/6 from 1391093 to c19ElectricPotentialField_GaussLaw
1/5 from 1418296 to a19ElectricPotentialField_Capacitance
1/4 from 1418304 to a19ElectricPotentialField_KE_PE
1/3 from 1378625 to c19ElectricPotentialField_SurfaceIntegral
1/4 from 1391116 to a20ElectricCurrentResistivityOhm_PowerDriftVel
1/21 from 1391147 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circAnalQuiz1
1/5 from 1391123 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_circuits
1/4 from 1391133 to a21CircuitsBioInstDC_RCdecaySimple
1/4 from 1391166 to a22Magnetism_forces
1/2 from 1418578 to a23InductionACcircuits_Q1
1/4 from 1378617 to a25GeometricOptics_thinLenses
1/6 from 1391173 to c22Magnetism_ampereLaw
1/4 from 1378627 to c22Magnetism_ampereLawSymmetry
1/4 from 1282320 to c24ElectromagneticWaves_displacementCurrent

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