Wright State University Lake Campus/2016-6/moc/Sample exams




1) A circlular capactitor of radius 4.4 m has a gap of 18 mm, and a charge of 36 μC. What is the electric field between the plates?

a) 4.55E+04 N/C (or V/m)
b) 5.52E+04 N/C (or V/m)
c) 6.68E+04 N/C (or V/m)
d) 8.10E+04 N/C (or V/m)
e) 9.81E+04 N/C (or V/m)

2) A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

a) 24
b) 12
c) 3
d) 6
e) 1

3) If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

a) 24
b) 6
c) 3
d) 1
e) 12

4) Immediately after publication of Newton's laws of physics (Principia), it was possible to "calculate" the mass of Jupiter. What important caveat applied to this calculation?

a) The different moons yielded vastly different values for the mass of Jupiter.
b) The different moons yielded slightly different values for the mass of Jupiter.
c) Only the mass of Jupiter relative to that of the Sun could be determined.
d) They needed to wait over a decade for Jupiter to make approximately one revolution around the Sun.
e) tides from the other moons and Jupiter.



1) A circlular capactitor of radius 3.7 m has a gap of 10 mm, and a charge of 12 μC. What is the electric field between the plates?

-a) 2.15E+04 N/C (or V/m)
-b) 2.60E+04 N/C (or V/m)
+c) 3.15E+04 N/C (or V/m)
-d) 3.82E+04 N/C (or V/m)
-e) 4.63E+04 N/C (or V/m)

2) A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

-a) 1
+b) 6
-c) 24
-d) 3
-e) 12

3) If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

-a) 1
+b) 12
-c) 6
-d) 24
-e) 3

4) Immediately after publication of Newton's laws of physics (Principia), it was possible to "calculate" the mass of Jupiter. What important caveat applied to this calculation?

-a) tides from the other moons and Jupiter.
-b) They needed to wait over a decade for Jupiter to make approximately one revolution around the Sun.
+c) Only the mass of Jupiter relative to that of the Sun could be determined.
-d) The different moons yielded slightly different values for the mass of Jupiter.
-e) The different moons yielded vastly different values for the mass of Jupiter.



1) A circlular capactitor of radius 3.6 m has a gap of 8 mm, and a charge of 53 μC. What is the electric field between the plates?

a) 6.82E+04 N/C (or V/m)
b) 8.27E+04 N/C (or V/m)
c) 1.00E+05 N/C (or V/m)
d) 1.21E+05 N/C (or V/m)
e) 1.47E+05 N/C (or V/m)

2) A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

a) 6
b) 12
c) 3
d) 24
e) 1

3) If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

a) 6
b) 24
c) 12
d) 1
e) 3

4) Immediately after publication of Newton's laws of physics (Principia), it was possible to "calculate" the mass of Jupiter. What important caveat applied to this calculation?

a) tides from the other moons and Jupiter.
b) They needed to wait over a decade for Jupiter to make approximately one revolution around the Sun.
c) Only the mass of Jupiter relative to that of the Sun could be determined.
d) The different moons yielded vastly different values for the mass of Jupiter.
e) The different moons yielded slightly different values for the mass of Jupiter.



1) A circlular capactitor of radius 3.4 m has a gap of 15 mm, and a charge of 63 μC. What is the electric field between the plates?

-a) 1.62E+05 N/C (or V/m)
+b) 1.96E+05 N/C (or V/m)
-c) 2.37E+05 N/C (or V/m)
-d) 2.88E+05 N/C (or V/m)
-e) 3.48E+05 N/C (or V/m)

2) A planet that is very, very far from the Sun would be in retrograde for approximately ___ months.

+a) 6
-b) 24
-c) 3
-d) 1
-e) 12

3) If a planet that is very, very far from the Sun begins a retrograde, how many months must pass before it begins the next retrograde?

+a) 12
-b) 6
-c) 24
-d) 3
-e) 1

4) Immediately after publication of Newton's laws of physics (Principia), it was possible to "calculate" the mass of Jupiter. What important caveat applied to this calculation?

-a) The different moons yielded slightly different values for the mass of Jupiter.
-b) The different moons yielded vastly different values for the mass of Jupiter.
-c) They needed to wait over a decade for Jupiter to make approximately one revolution around the Sun.
-d) tides from the other moons and Jupiter.
+e) Only the mass of Jupiter relative to that of the Sun could be determined.




1) Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

a) if the observer is near the north or south poles
b) if the observer is below the equator
c) if the planet is in direct motion
d) if the planet is in elliptical motion
e) if the planet is in retrograde motion

2) At 3pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

a) below the western horizon
b) high in eastern sky
c) below the eastern horizon
d) high in western sky
e) eastern horizon

3) At 9pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

a) overhead
b) eastern horizon
c) western horizon
d) below the western horizon
e) high in eastern sky

4) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 44A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from (-∞,5) to (+,5).

a) 1.67E+01 amps
b) 1.83E+01 amps
c) 2.01E+01 amps
d) 2.20E+01 amps
e) 2.41E+01 amps

5) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 77A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from the point (-9.8, 9.8) to the point (9.8, 9.8).

a) 1.60E+01 amps
b) 1.76E+01 amps
c) 1.93E+01 amps
d) 2.11E+01 amps
e) 2.31E+01 amps



1) Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

+a) if the observer is near the north or south poles
-b) if the observer is below the equator
-c) if the planet is in direct motion
-d) if the planet is in retrograde motion
-e) if the planet is in elliptical motion

2) At 3pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

+a) eastern horizon
-b) high in eastern sky
-c) below the eastern horizon
-d) below the western horizon
-e) high in western sky

3) At 9pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

-a) overhead
-b) eastern horizon
-c) below the western horizon
-d) high in eastern sky
+e) western horizon

4) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 76A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from (-∞,5.8) to (+,5.8).

-a) 3.16E+01 amps
-b) 3.47E+01 amps
+c) 3.80E+01 amps
-d) 4.17E+01 amps
-e) 4.57E+01 amps

5) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 88A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from the point (-8.1, 8.1) to the point (8.1, 8.1).

-a) 2.01E+01 amps
+b) 2.20E+01 amps
-c) 2.41E+01 amps
-d) 2.64E+01 amps
-e) 2.90E+01 amps



1) Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

a) if the observer is near the north or south poles
b) if the planet is in direct motion
c) if the planet is in retrograde motion
d) if the observer is below the equator
e) if the planet is in elliptical motion

2) At 3pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

a) below the eastern horizon
b) high in eastern sky
c) eastern horizon
d) below the western horizon
e) high in western sky

3) At 9pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

a) eastern horizon
b) high in eastern sky
c) western horizon
d) below the western horizon
e) overhead

4) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 94A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from (-∞,9.4) to (+,9.4).

a) 3.25E+01 amps
b) 3.57E+01 amps
c) 3.91E+01 amps
d) 4.29E+01 amps
e) 4.70E+01 amps

5) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 40A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from the point (-9.4, 9.4) to the point (9.4, 9.4).

a) 7.59E+00 amps
b) 8.32E+00 amps
c) 9.12E+00 amps
d) 1.00E+01 amps
e) 1.10E+01 amps



1) Under what conditions would a planet not seem to rise in the east and set in the west?

+a) if the observer is near the north or south poles
-b) if the planet is in direct motion
-c) if the observer is below the equator
-d) if the planet is in retrograde motion
-e) if the planet is in elliptical motion

2) At 3pm a waxing gibbous moon would be}

-a) high in eastern sky
-b) below the eastern horizon
-c) high in western sky
+d) eastern horizon
-e) below the western horizon

3) At 9pm a waxing crescent moon would be}

-a) high in eastern sky
-b) below the western horizon
+c) western horizon
-d) eastern horizon
-e) overhead

4) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 74A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from (-∞,9) to (+,9).

-a) 3.08E+01 amps
-b) 3.37E+01 amps
+c) 3.70E+01 amps
-d) 4.06E+01 amps
-e) 4.45E+01 amps

5) H is defined by, B=μ0H, where B is magnetic field. A current of 94A passes along the z-axis. Use symmetry to find the integral,  , from the point (-5.8, 5.8) to the point (5.8, 5.8).

-a) 1.78E+01 amps
-b) 1.95E+01 amps
-c) 2.14E+01 amps
+d) 2.35E+01 amps
-e) 2.58E+01 amps