Wright State University Lake Campus/2016-1/Phy1060/T3 upgrade

Some of these questions are not clearly stated. Refer to the study guide.

**File**The incomplete rims seen in the figure are caused by:


1. The incomplete rims seen in the figure are caused by:

incomplete rim

Rilles are caused by


2. Rilles are caused by

In the Wikipedia excerpt on "Planetary Astronomy" the mechanism by which a meander grows over time was discussed. Which of the the following is best describes why meanders grow? (Pick only one best answer)


3. In the Wikipedia excerpt on "Planetary Astronomy" the mechanism by which a meander grows over time was discussed. Which of the the following is best describes why meanders grow? (Pick only one best answer)

When imaged in visible light Venus appears like ______ rather than ______.


4. When imaged in visible light Venus appears like ______ rather than ______.

The clouds on Venus are made of


5. The clouds on Venus are made of

The geology of Venus is predominantly


6. The geology of Venus is predominantly

Basalt is what type of rock?


7. Basalt is what type of rock?

The rocks on Venus are mostly


8. The rocks on Venus are mostly

The rocky surface of the planet Venus can be detected when Venus is observed using infrared astronomy.


9. The rocky surface of the planet Venus can be detected when Venus is observed using infrared astronomy.

When Venus is viewed in the ultraviolet, its color appears brownish.


10. When Venus is viewed in the ultraviolet, its color appears brownish.

Moldavite is a mineral that may be associated with what radiation astronomy phenomenon?


11. Moldavite is a mineral that may be associated with what radiation astronomy phenomenon?

According to Wikipedia, a "mineral" is a naturally occurring solid that


12. According to Wikipedia, a "mineral" is a naturally occurring solid that

Which types of radiation astronomy directly observe the rocky-object surface of Venus?


13. Which types of radiation astronomy directly observe the rocky-object surface of Venus?

One reason that Venus's atmosphere has more carbon dioxide than Earth's is that


14. One reason that Venus's atmosphere has more carbon dioxide than Earth's is that

The surface temperature of Venus is about


15. The surface temperature of Venus is about

The Venetian atmosphere consists of mostly carbon dioxide and


16. The Venetian atmosphere consists of mostly carbon dioxide and

**Multiple image*=Lowell circa 1914.** These drawings by Schiaparelli and Lowell were ultimately shown to be:


17. *** These drawings by Schiaparelli and Lowell were ultimately shown to be:

Antipodal to the Tharsis bulge is


18. Antipodal to the Tharsis bulge is

**File:** The lobate feature shown in the figure is evidence ofbreakbreakbreak}



Martian lobate feature

The lobate feature shown in the figure is evidence

The Martian dichotomy separates


20. The Martian dichotomy separates

According to Wikipedia, ______ was formed due to swelling of the Tharsis bulge which caused the crust to collapse


21. According to Wikipedia, ______ was formed due to swelling of the Tharsis bulge which caused the crust to collapse

**File: **What is this hematite?breakbreak


22. What is this hematite?

gray hematite

The polar ice caps on Mars are ___


23. The polar ice caps on Mars are ___

Liquid water cannot exist on Mars due to ___


24. Liquid water cannot exist on Mars due to ___

**File:What is at the center of this magnified image of a Martian meteorite? fragment? breakbreakbreak


25. What is at the center of this magnified image of a Martian meteorite? fragment?

magnified Martian meteorite

It is important to distinguish between molecules (collectively) in a gas and one individual molecule. This question is about an individual molecule. For a planet with a given mass, size, and density, which has the greater escape velocity?


26. It is important to distinguish between molecules (collectively) in a gas and one individual molecule. This question is about an individual molecule. For a planet with a given mass, size, and density, which has the greater escape velocity?

It is important to distinguish between molecules (collectively) in a gas and one individual molecule. This question is about a typical molecule in the gas. For a planet with a given mass, size, and density, which type of gas is more likely to escape?


27. It is important to distinguish between molecules (collectively) in a gas and one individual molecule. This question is about a typical molecule in the gas. For a planet with a given mass, size, and density, which type of gas is more likely to escape?

Which type of gas is likely to have the faster particles?


28. Which type of gas is likely to have the faster particles?

What is it about the isotopes of Argon-36 and Argon-38 that causes their relative abundance to be so unusual on Mars?


29. What is it about the isotopes of Argon-36 and Argon-38 that causes their relative abundance to be so unusual on Mars?

In the formula, ***


30. In the formula,

What statement is FALSE about


31. What statement is FALSE about




How does the density of a Galilean moon depend on its distance from Jupiter?


33. How does the density of a Galilean moon depend on its distance from Jupiter?

How does the mass of a Galilean moon depend on its distance from the central body?


34. How does the mass of a Galilean moon depend on its distance from the central body?

Does Jupiter's moon Io have craters?


35. Does Jupiter's moon Io have craters?

The mechanism that heats the cores of the Galilean moons is


36. The mechanism that heats the cores of the Galilean moons is

Immediately after publication of Newton's laws of physics (Principia), it was possible to "calculate" the mass of Jupiter. What important caveat applied to this calculation?


37. Immediately after publication of Newton's laws of physics (Principia), it was possible to "calculate" the mass of Jupiter. What important caveat applied to this calculation?

Ganymede, Europa, and Io have ratios in __________ that are 1:2:4.


38. Ganymede, Europa, and Io have ratios in __________ that are 1:2:4.

Which of Jupiter's moons has an anhydrous core?


39. Which of Jupiter's moons has an anhydrous core?

The 1982 Voyager flyby of Miranda (a moon of Uranus) established that _____


40. The 1982 Voyager flyby of Miranda (a moon of Uranus) established that _____

It has been suggested that Miranda's "racetrack"


41. It has been suggested that Miranda's "racetrack"

According to Wikipedia, the largest lakes on Titan are probably fed by


42. According to Wikipedia, the largest lakes on Titan are probably fed by

**image**The bright spot on Saturn's moon Titan is




The bright spot on Saturn's moon Titan is

One "year" on Saturn's largest moon Titan lasts


44. One "year" on Saturn's largest moon Titan lasts

**File:Titan dunes crop.png|right|240px]]

The photographs compare




The photographs compare

The liquid water ocean of Saturn's largest moon Titan,


46. The liquid water ocean of Saturn's largest moon Titan,

**File:Jupiter by Cassini-Huygens.jpg|right|300px]]

The black spot in this image of Jupiter is




The black spot in this image of Jupiter is

Which of the following statements is FALSE?


48. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

What is the mechanism that heats the interior of Jupiter?


49. What is the mechanism that heats the interior of Jupiter?

Why is Jupiter an oblate spheroid?


50. Why is Jupiter an oblate spheroid?

What statement best describes the Wikipedia's explanation of the helium (He) content of Jupiter's upper atmosphere (relative to the hydrogen (H) content)?


51. What statement best describes the Wikipedia's explanation of the helium (He) content of Jupiter's upper atmosphere (relative to the hydrogen (H) content)?

Where is the Sun-Jupiter barycenter?


52. Where is the Sun-Jupiter barycenter?

The barycenter of two otherwise isolated celestial bodies is?


53. The barycenter of two otherwise isolated celestial bodies is?

Knowing the barycenter of two stars is useful because it tells us the total mass


54. Knowing the barycenter of two stars is useful because it tells us the total mass

Knowing the barycenter of two stars is useful because it tells us the ratio of the two masses


55. Knowing the barycenter of two stars is useful because it tells us the ratio of the two masses

Although there is some doubt as to who discovered Jupiter's great red spot, it is generally credited to


56. Although there is some doubt as to who discovered Jupiter's great red spot, it is generally credited to

The bands in the atmosphere of Jupiter are associated with a patter of alternating wind velocities that are


57. The bands in the atmosphere of Jupiter are associated with a patter of alternating wind velocities that are

As one descends down to Jupiter's core, the temperature


58. As one descends down to Jupiter's core, the temperature

Which of the following is NOT used to measure the mass of a planet


59. Which of the following is NOT used to measure the mass of a planet

What is unusual about calculations of the mass of Pluto made in the early part of the 20th century?


60. What is unusual about calculations of the mass of Pluto made in the early part of the 20th century?

Why was the discovery of Pluto peculiar?


61. Why was the discovery of Pluto peculiar?

Which of the following is NOT used to measure the mass of a planet


62. Which of the following is NOT used to measure the mass of a planet

Which statement describes the relation between Pluto and Neptune


63. Which statement describes the relation between Pluto and Neptune