Wise Affirmations/Transcending Conflict

We face conflict often as we encounter contradictory goals. Conflict is unavoidable; fortunately we can learn to transcend conflict as we avoid false dichotomies.

With skillful negotiations, conflicts can often be amicably transcended.

These affirmations are derived from materials in the course on transcending conflict.



Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.

You transcend conflict.

You address conflicts.

You accommodate conflicts.

You resolve conflicts.

You collaborate to resolve conflicts.

You find common ground.

You find positive transcendence.

You focus on interests, not issues.

You are intellectually honest.

You understand fairness.

Reality is our common ground.

You seek real good.

You live wisely.

Further Reading


Students interested in learning more about transcending conflict may be interested in the following materials: