Wise Affirmations/Knowing how you know

Knowing how you know allows you to confidently choose true beliefs.

Each of us uses some theory of knowledge to assess the cacophony of raw stimulus we are constantly exposed to and decide what it is we believe.

Knowing how you know describes how you decide what to believe. Knowing how you know allows you to sift through the disinformation we are exposed to each day and decide what is true, what is false, and what you are unsure of.

These affirmations are derived from materials in the course on knowing how you know.



Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.

You know how you know.

You choose reliable sources.

You reject unreliable sources.

You embrace reality.

You know we all live in the same world.

You expect consilience.

You reject ideologies.

You know who you can trust.

You rely on relevant experts.

You evaluate evidence.

You suspend judgement.

You remain objective.

You are wary of friendly persuasion.

You choose truth over power.

You consider a variety of viewpoints.

You understand that perceptions are personal.

You are comfortable being unsure.

You know how you choose your beliefs.

Your beliefs are well-founded.

You choose true beliefs.

You hold firm beliefs.

You live in the real world.

You know what there is.

You seek real good.