Wise Affirmations/Forgiving

Forgiving is the decision to liberate yourself by overcoming your desire for revenge.

Liberate yourself by forgiving others.

These affirmations are derived from materials in the course on forgiving.



Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.

You forgive.

You forgive to forget.

You forgive to resolve anger.

You forgive to overcome hate.

You forgive to resolve resentment.

You forgive to forego revenge.

You forgive without condoning.

You forgive after they repent.

You forgive hoping they repent.

You forgive without repentance.

You forgive to regain power.

You forgive even as they are punished.

You forgive one step at a time.

You seek the courage to reconcile.

Your motivations to forgive are constructive.

Your motives to forgive are pure.

You choose a constructive path toward forgiveness.

You seek real good.

You live wisely.


Students interested in learning more about forgiving may be interested in the following materials:

  • Blumenfeld, Laura (April 2, 2003). Revenge: A Story of Hope. Washington Square Press. pp. 367. ISBN 978-0743463393. 
  • Lazare, Aaron (November 3, 2005). On Apology. Oxford University Press. pp. 320. ISBN 978-0195189117. 
  • Kornfield, Jack (August 27, 2002). The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace. pp. 224. ISBN 978-0553802054. 
  • Cose, Ellis (February 1, 2005). Bone to Pick: Of Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Reparation, and Revenge. Washington Square Press. pp. 224. ISBN 978-0743470674. 
  • Enright, Robert D. Forgiveness is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope. American Psychological Association. pp. 299. ISBN 978-1557987570. 
  • Affinito, Mona Gustafson. When to Forgive: A Personal Guide. New Harbinger Publications. pp. 168. ISBN 978-1572241756. 
  • Luskin, Frederic (January 21, 2003). Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness. HarperOne. pp. 240. ISBN 978-0062517210. 
  • Murphy, Jeffrie G. (March 2003). Getting Even: Forgiveness and Its Limits. Oxford University Press. pp. 152. ISBN 978-0195151497. 
  • Dalai Lama; Cutler, Howard C. (October 26, 1998). The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living. Riverhead Books. pp. 322. ISBN 978-1573221115. 
  • Dalai Lama; Chan, Victor (August 5, 2004). The Wisdom of Forgiveness: Intimate Journeys and Conversations. Riverhead Hardcover. pp. 272. ISBN 978-1573222778.