Wikiversity:Wikiversity Local Live

Wikiversity Local Live

A library is a great meeting place



The idea of Wikiversity is akin to the Age of Enlightenment. The personal computer and fast networking has put vast power into the hands of people.

Part of the “real” University experience is camaraderie with real people, face to face.

The idea behind 'Wikiversity Local Live' is for meeting times and places to be made available for participants in safe and accepted “public” community spaces. This can be thought of as a local Wikipedia club. The benefit is camaraderie, which is one of the primary reasons students still pay a premium to go to an actual college. Wikiversity needs such an element to bring together people in the same way as a bricks and mortar university.

Think of it as a Homebrew Computer Club except for any topic of study.

For instance, meetings could occur at local public library meeting rooms, coffee shops, community centers, and perhaps actual public colleges and universities where permissible.

Part of the school experience is sharing knowledge and experiences, and friendship in person. Wikiversity Local Live adds this important element.

Where and How

  • Public Library Meeting Rooms
    • Often free for non-profit groups
  • Coffee Shops
  • Public Meeting Spaces
    • Park meeting spaces
    • Community Centers
  • Public University and College Meeting Rooms
    • Where allowable



'Wikiversity Local Live' has many benefits. As the Age of Enlightenment created an explosion in knowledge sharing and the arts, Wikiversity shall create an even greater expansion. Many Academic endeavors require many people to collaborate in a real life setting. Musicians and actors work in groups. Physical scientists often each other during real experiments. Artists frequently work on large public projects that require groups to gather to produce the art.

Groups can be all different or all similar. It would be better to have heterogeneous groups as it would allow for the most diversity unless the meetings grew too large in which case groups could hold multiple meetings in similar locations. This permits a participant to engage in discussions with any group.

--User:Dr-now 16:10, 6 September 2006 (UTC)Dr-now[reply]

Meeting Locations, Dates, and Times Below


Below are meeting locations, dates, and times, with links to pages for groups containing information about each group. Please add your own pages. Note, only safe and public meeting spaces should be considered. This is important for large cities, however, there are many of these spaces in existence such as public library meeting rooms.

Locations, Dates, and Times


North America


Cranbrook Schools



