Wikiversity:Semantic templates/Notes header for latex



%Basic header




\usepackage{epsfig} %Graphik

\usepackage{verbatim,moreverb} %




%Mathematical commands

%Project:Semantic templates/Mathematical mode/Latex

\newcommand{\mathdisp}[2]{\[ #1 \, #2 \]}

\newcommand{\mathindex}[3]{$ #1$, $#2 $#3}

\newcommand{\mathcond}[8]{$ #1 ${\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{, }{ #2 }}$ #3 ${\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{{\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{, }{ #4 }}}$ #5 $}{\ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{}}{}{{\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{, }{ #6 }}}$ #7 $}#8}

\newcommand{\mathconddisplay}[8]{\[ #1 {\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{,\, }{ \text{ #2 } }} #3 {\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{{\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{,\, }{ \text{ #4 } }}} #5 }{\ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{}}{}{{\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{,\, }{ \text{ #6 } }}} #7 }#8 \]}

\newcommand{\mathcondtermdisplay}[8]{\[ #1\] #2 $ #3 $#4 $ #5 $#6$ #7 $#8}

\newcommand{\mathkon}[4]{$ #1 $ #2 $ #3 $#4}

\newcommand{\mathcor}[5]{{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{#1 }}$ #2 $ #3 $ #4 $#5}

\newcommand{\mathcorb}[5]{{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{#1 }}$ #2 $ #3 $ #4 $#5}

\newcommand{\mathlist}[5]{$ #1 $\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{,}{ #2} $ #3 $\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{,}{ #4} $ #5 $}

\newcommand{\mathlistdisplay}[5]{\[ #1 \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{,}{ \text{ #2 }} #3 \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{,}{\text{ #4 } } #5 \] }

\newcommand{\alignier}[2]{\begin{align*} #1 \, #2 \end{align*}}

\newcommand{\mathlistfourdisplay}[7]{\[ #1,\, #3, \, #5 \text{ #6 } #7 \]}

%Project:Semantic templates/Mathematical relation chains/Latex

\newcommand{\mathrelationchain}[4]{$ #1 #2 #3#4$}

\newcommand{\mathrelationchaindisplay}[4]{\[ #1 #2 #3 #4 \]}

\newcommand{\mathrelationchaindisplaylong}[4]{\[ #1 #2 #3 #4 \]}

\newcommand{\mathrelationchainalign}[4]{ \begin{eqnarray*} #1 #2 #3 #4 \end{eqnarray*} }

\newcommand{\relationchain}[9]{ #1 \, #2 \, #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\, #4 \, #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\, #6 \, #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\, #8 \, #9 } }

\newcommand{\relationchainlong}[9]{ #1 \, #2 \, #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\, #4 \, #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\, #6 \, #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\, #8 \, #9 } }

\newcommand{\relationchainextension}[8]{ \, #1 \, #2 \ifthenelse {\equal {#3}{ }} {} {\, #3 \, #4 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#5}{ } }{} {\, #5 \, #6 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#7}{ }}{} {\, #7 \, #8 } }

\newcommand{\relationchainalign}[9]{ #1 & #2 & #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\cr & #4 & #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\cr & #6 & #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\cr & #8 & #9 } }

\newcommand{\relationchainextensionalign}[8]{ \cr & #1 & #2 \ifthenelse {\equal {#3}{ }} {} {\cr & #3 & #4 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#5}{ } }{} {\cr & #5 & #6 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#7}{ }}{} {\cr & #7 & #8 } }

\newcommand{\mathrelationchainalignprintleft}[4]{ \begin{eqnarray*} #1 #2 #3 #4 \end{eqnarray*} }

\newcommand{\relationchainalignprintleft}[9]{ & & #1 \cr & #2 & #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\cr & #4 & #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\cr & #6 & #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\cr & #8 & #9 } }

\newcommand{\mathrelationchainalignhandleft}[4]{ \begin{eqnarray*} #1 #2 #3 #4 \end{eqnarray*} }

\newcommand{\relationchainalignhandleft}[9]{ #1 & #2 & #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\cr & #4 & #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\cr & #6 & #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\cr & #8 & #9 } }

\newcommand{\mathrelationchaindisplayhandleft}[4]{ \[ #1 #2 #3 #4 \] }

\newcommand{\relationchaindisplayhandleft}[9]{ #1 \, #2 \, #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\, #4 \, #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\, #6 \, #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\, #8 \, #9 } }

\newcommand{\rowwithpart}[2]{ \ifthenelse {\equal {#2} {} } {#1} { #1 \cr & & #2} }

\newcommand{\mathrelationchainb}[4]{$ #1 #2 #3#4$}

\newcommand{\relationchainb}[9]{ #1 \, #2 \, #3 \ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{ }} {} {\, #4 \, #5 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#6}{ } }{} {\, #6 \, #7 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#8}{ }}{} {\, #8 \, #9 } }

\newcommand{\relationchainextensionb}[8]{ \, #1 \, #2 \ifthenelse {\equal {#3}{ }} {} {\, #3 \, #4 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#5}{ } }{} {\, #5 \, #6 } \ifthenelse {\equal {#7}{ }}{} {\, #7 \, #8 } }

%Project:Semantic templates/Mathematical templates/Latex

\newcommand{\N} {{\mathbb N}} \newcommand{\Z} {{\mathbb Z}} \newcommand{\Q} {{\mathbb Q}} \newcommand{\R} {{\mathbb R}} \newcommand{\C} {{\mathbb C}} \newcommand{\Complex} {{\mathbb C}}




\newcommand{\mathmap}[4]{${\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} } {} {#1 \colon }}\, #2 \rightarrow #3 #4 $}

\newcommand{\mathmapelement}[6]{$ {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} } {} {#1 \colon }}\, #2 \rightarrow #3 , \, #4 \mapsto #5 #6 $}

\newcommand{\mathmapdisplay}[4]{\[ {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} } {} {#1 \colon }}\, #2 \longrightarrow #3 #4 \]}

\newcommand{\mathmapelementdisplay}[6]{\[ {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} } {} {#1 \colon }}\, #2 \longrightarrow #3 , \, #4 \longmapsto #5 #6 \]}

%Variant in case of ifequal-problem

\newcommand{\mathmapnamedisplay}[4]{\[ #1 \colon \, #2 \longrightarrow #3 #4 \]}

\newcommand{\mathmapelementdisplayvar}[6]{\[ {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} } {} {#1 \colon }}\, #2 \longrightarrow #3 , \, #4 \longmapsto #5 #6 \]}

%Project:Semantic templates/Text design/Latex

\newcommand{\indenting}[1]{\par \hspace{1cm}#1 \par}



\newcommand{\extrahyphen}[3]{\-- #1 \-- #3}


%Project:Semantic templates/Facts/Latex

\newtheorem{fact}{fact}[section] %counting along sections. For [], direct numbering.
























%Design for environments

%Project:Semantic templates/Environments design/Latex


\newcommand{\inputexercise}[4]{\exercisepreskip \begin{exercise} \pointmarks {#1} \exercisemarkskip #2 #3 #4\end{exercise} \exercisepostskip}

\newcommand{\inputexerciseexistssolution}[4]{\exercisepreskip \begin{exercise}\hspace{-1.8 mm}* \pointmarks {#1} \exercisemarkskip #2 #3 #4\end{exercise} \exercisepostskip}

\newcommand{\inputexercisemarknumberbyhand}[3]{\exercisepreskip {\bf Exercise #1} (#2 marks) \exercisemarkskip #3 \exercisepostskip}

\newcommand{\inputexercisesolution}[2]{ \begin{exercise} #1 \end{exercise} \exercisepostskip



\bigskip #2


\newcommand{\inputexerciseexamsolution}[3]{\par \newpage \begin{exercise} {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{}}{} {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{1}} {(1 marks)} {(#1 marks)}}} \par \bigskip #2 \end{exercise} \underline{Solution:} \par \bigskip #3 }

\newcommand{\inputexercisesolutionvar}[2]{\exercisepreskip exercise: #1 \exercisepostskip Solution: #2}

\newcommand{\inputexercisemarkssolution}[3]{\exercisepreskip \begin{exercise} {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{}}{} {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{1}} {(1 mark)} {(#1 marks)}}} \exercisemarksskip #2 \end{exercise} \exercisepostskip \solution #3}

\newcommand{\solution}[1]{\underline{Solution:} #1}

\newcommand{\pointmarks}[1]{\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{}}{} {\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{1}} {(1 marks)} {(#1 marks)}}}

%Example design

\newcommand{\inputexample}[2] {\examplepreskip \begin{example} \examplename{#1} \examplenamepostskip #2 \end{example} \examplepostskip}

\newcommand{\examplename}[1]{ \ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)} }

%Remark design

\newcommand{\inputremark}[2] {\remarkpreskip \begin{remark} \remarkname{#1} \remarknamepostskip #2 \end{remark} \remarkpostskip}

\newcommand{\remarkname}[1]{ \ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)}}

\newcommand{\inputmethod}[2] {\remarkpreskip \begin{method} \remarkname{#1} \remarknamepostskip #2 \end{method} \remarkpostskip}

\newcommand{\inputconstruktion}[2] {\remarkpreskip \begin{construktion} \remarkname{#1} \remarknamepostskip #2 \end{construktion} \remarkpostskip}

\newcommand{\inputquestion}[2] {\remarkpreskip \begin{question} \questionname{#1} \remarknamepostskip #2 \end{question} \remarkpostskip}

\newcommand{\questionname}[1]{ \ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)}}

\newcommand{\inputproblem}[2] {\remarkpreskip \begin{problem} \problemname{#1} \remarknamepostskip #2 \end{problem} \remarkpostskip}

\newcommand{\problemname}[1]{ \ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)}}

%Situation design \newcommand{\inputsituation}[2] {\begin{situation} \situationname{#1} #2 \end{situation} }

\newcommand{\situationname}[1]{\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)}}

%Definition design

\newcommand{\inputdefinition}[2] {\definitionpreskip \begin{definition} \definitionname{#1} \definitionnamepostskip #2 \end{definition} \definitionpostskip}

\newcommand{\inputaxiom}[2] {\definitionpreskip \begin{axiom} \definitionname{#1} \definitionnameskip #2 \end{axiom} \definitionpostskip}

\newcommand{\definitionname}[1]{\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)}}

\newcommand{\inputnotation}[2] {\definitionpreskip \begin{notation} \definitionname{#1} \definitionnamepostskip #2 \end{notation} \definitionpostskip}

%Fact- and proof design

\renewcommand{\proofname}{\hspace{0cm}{\it Proof}}

%\newcommand{\proof}[1]{\begin{proof} #1 \end{proof}}

\newcommand{\inputfact}[4] {\factpreskip \begin{#2}


\factname{#3} \factnamepostskip #4 \end{#2} \faktpostskip }

\newcommand{\inputfactproof}[5] {\factpreskip \begin{#2}


\factname{#3} \factnamepostskip #4 \end{#2} \factpostskip \proof{#5}}

\newcommand{\inputfactproofnotpresented}[5]{\inputfactproof {#1} {#2} {#3} {#4} {This proof was not presented in the lecture.} }

\newcommand{\inputfactprooftrivial}[4]{\inputfactproof {#1} {#2} {#3} {#4} {This is trivial.} }

\newcommand{\inputproof}[1]{\proof{#1} }

\newcommand{\factname}[1]{\ifthenelse {\equal {#1}{} \OR \equal {#1}{ } }{}{(#1)}}

%Design of fact structure

\newcommand{\factsituation}[1]{\factsituationskip #1}

\newcommand{\factcondition}[1]{\factconditionskip #1}

\newcommand{\factconditionempty}[1]{ \hspace{-0,15cm} }

\newcommand{\factconditionpos}[1]{\factconditionskip #1}

\newcommand{\factsegue}[1]{\factsegueskip #1}

\newcommand{\factsegueempty}[1]{\factsegueskip \hspace{-0,15cm} }

\newcommand{\factconclusion}[1]{\factconclusionskip #1}

\newcommand{\factextra}[1]{\factextraskip #1}

% %Project:Semantic templates/Proof formation/Latex


\newcommand{\proofcases}[5]{#1 #2\ifthenelse {\equal {#3}{}} {} { #3}\ifthenelse {\equal {#4}{}} {} { #4}\ifthenelse {\equal {#5}{}} {} { #5}}

\newcommand{\casetwo}[2]{#1 #2}

\newcommand{\casethree}[3]{#1 #2 #3 }

\newcommand{\casefour}[4]{#1 #2 #3 #4 }

\newcommand{\casefive}[5]{#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 }

%Project:Semantic templates/Keywords/Latex









\newcommand{\definitionreferquotation}[3]{\quotationshort {#1} {#3} }



%Project:Semantic templates/Listings/Latex


\newcommand{\enumerationone}[1]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationtwo}[2]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationthree}[3]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationfour}[4]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationfive}[5]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationsix}[6]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \item #6 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationseven}[7]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \item #6 \item #7 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationeight}[8]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \item #6 \item #7 \item #8 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\enumerationnine}[9]{\begin{enumerate} \item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \item #6 \item #7 \item #8 \item #9 \end{enumerate}}

\newcommand{\itemfive}[5]{\item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5}

\newcommand{\itemsix}[6]{\item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \item #6}

\newcommand{\itemseven}[7]{\item #1 \item #2 \item #3 \item #4 \item #5 \item #6 \item #7}

\newcommand{\enumerationtworows}[2]{\begin{enumerate} #1 #2 \end{enumerate}}


\newcommand{\listitem}{\par \listskip \listdot}

\newcommand{\listingtwo}[2]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2 \par \listskip}

\newcommand{\listingthree}[3]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par\listskip }

\newcommand{\listingfour}[4]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par \listskip \listdot #4 \par \listskip }

\newcommand{\listingfive}[5]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par \listskip \listdot #4 \par \listskip \listdot #5 \par \listskip }

\newcommand{\listingsix}[6]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par \listskip \listdot #4 \par \listskip \listdot #5 \par \listskip \listdot #6 \par \listskip}

\newcommand{\listingseven}[7]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par \listskip \listdot #4 \par \listskip \listdot #5 \par \listskip \listdot #6 \par \listskip \listdot #7 \par \listskip }

\newcommand{\listingeight}[8]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par \listskip \listdot #4 \par \listskip \listdot #5 \par \listskip \listdot #6 \par \listskip \listdot #7 \par \listskip \listdot #8 \par \listskip}

\newcommand{\listingnine}[9]{\par \listskip \listdot #1 \par \listskip \listdot #2\par \listskip \listdot #3\par \listskip \listdot #4 \par \listskip \listdot #5 \par \listskip \listdot #6 \par \listskip \listdot #7 \par \listskip \listdot #8 \par \listskip \listdot #9 \par \listskip }

\newcommand{\listitemfive}[5]{\listitem #1 \listitem #2 \listitem #3 \listitem #4 \listitem #5}

\newcommand{\listingtworows}[2]{ #1 #2 }

%design of listings

\newcommand{\listdot}{$\bullet \,$}

%Image design


%Table design

%Project:Semantic templates/Row configuration/Latex

\newcommand{\rowandtwo}[2]{#1 & #2}

\newcommand{\rowandthree}[3]{#1 & #2 & #3}

\newcommand{\rowandfour}[4]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4}

\newcommand{\rowandfive}[5]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5}

\newcommand{\rowandsix}[6]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6}

\newcommand{\rowandseven}[7]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 & #7}

\newcommand{\rowandeight}[8]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 & #7 & #8}

\newcommand{\rowandnine}[9]{#1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 & #7 & #8 & #9}

\newcommand{\mathrowandtwo}[2]{$#1$ & $#2$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandthree}[3]{$#1$ & $ #2$ & $#3$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandfour}[4]{$#1$ & $#2$ & $#3$ & $#4$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandfive}[5]{$#1$ & $#2$ & $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandsix}[6]{$#1$ & $#2$ & $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$ & $#6$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandseven}[7]{$#1$ & $#2$ & $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$ & $#6$ & $#7$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandeight}[8]{$#1$ & $#2$ & $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$ & $#6$ & $#7$ & $#8$}

\newcommand{\mathrowandnine}[9]{$#1$ & $#2$ & $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$ & $#6$ & $#7$ & $#8$ & $#9$}

% ? ?

\newcommand {\listsixmathand}[6]{$#1$ & $#2$& $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$ & $#6$}

\newcommand {\listsevenmathand}[7]{$#1$ & $#2$& $#3$ & $#4$ & $#5$ & $#6$ & $#7$}




\newcommand{\listsixbreak}[6]{#1 \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6}


\newcommand{\mathdoublerowandthree}[6]{$#1$&$#2$&$#3$\\ \hline $#4$&$#5$&$#6$}

%Project:Semantic templates/Tables/Latex

\newcommand{\tablefourfour}[4]{\par \bigskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular}}

\newcommand{\tablefivefour}[5]{\par \bigskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline \end{tabular}}

% math. entries - no lead row

\newcommand{\mathtabletwofour}[5]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtabletwofive}[6]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtabletwosix}[7]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline #7 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtabletwoseven}[8]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline #7 \\ \hline #8 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

% math. entries - lead row

\newcommand{\mathtableseventwelve}[3]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtabletwelvetwelve}[3]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtablethreenine}[5]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}\hline #1 \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtablethreeten}[6]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}\hline #1 \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\mathtablethreeeleven}[6]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}\hline #1 \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

%Project:Semantic templates/Truth tables/Latex

\newcommand{\truthtableone}[4]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{#1}}\\ \hline $p$ & $#2$\\ \hline w & #3 \\ \hline f & #4\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\truthtableonetwo}[7]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{#1}}\\ \hline $p$ & $#2$ & $#5$ \\ \hline w & #3 & #4 \\ \hline f & #6 & #7 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\truthtableonethree}[4]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

%truthtables with two variables p and q

\newcommand{\truthtabletwoone}[6]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\truthtabletwotwo}[6]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline\end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\truthtabletwothree}[6]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\truthtabletwofour}[6]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{6}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\truthtabletwofive}[6]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \multicolumn{7}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

%truthtables with three variables p,q,r

\newcommand{\truthtablethreeone}[6]{ \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c||} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{#1}} \\ \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

%Project:Semantic templates/Value tables/Latex

\newcommand{\valuetablepreskip}{\par \bigskip}

\newcommand{\valuetablepostskip}{\par \bigskip}

\newcommand{\valuetableonefromsubrows}[4]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 \\ \hline #3 & #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetabletwofromsubrows}[4]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 \\ \hline #3 & #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetablethreefromsubrows}[4]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 \\ \hline #3 & #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetablefourfromsubrows}[4]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 \\ \hline #3 & #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetablefivefromsubrows}[4]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 \\ \hline #3 & #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetablesixfromsubrows}[6]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 & #3 \\ \hline #4 & #5 & #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetablesevenfromsubrows}[6]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 & #3 \\ \hline #4 & #5 & #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetableeightfromsubrows}[6]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 & #3 \\ \hline #4 & #5 & #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetableninefromsubrows}[6]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 & #3 \\ \hline #4 & #5 & #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetabletenfromsubrows}[6]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 & #3 \\ \hline #4 & #5 & #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

\newcommand{\valuetableelevenfromsubrows}[8]{\valuetablepreskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 & #2 & #3 & #4 \\ \hline #5 & #6 & #7 & #8 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \valuetablepostskip }

%Project:Semantic templates/Operation tables/Latex

\newcommand{\operationtableone}[2]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtabletwo}[3]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtablethree}[4]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtablefour}[5]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtablefive}[6]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtablesix}[7]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline #7 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtableseven}[8]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline #7 \\ \hline #8 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

\newcommand{\operationtableeight}[9]{\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline #1 \\ \hline \hline #2 \\ \hline #3 \\ \hline #4 \\ \hline #5 \\ \hline #6 \\ \hline #7 \\ \hline #8 \\ \hline #9 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }

%Project:Semantic templates/Initialization for data/Latex

\newcommand{\aone}{ }

\newcommand{\atwo}{ }

\newcommand{\athree}{ }

\newcommand{\afour}{ }

\newcommand{\afive}{ }

\newcommand{\asix}{ }

\newcommand{\aseven}{ }

\newcommand{\aeight}{ }

\newcommand{\anine}{ }

\newcommand{\aten}{ }

\newcommand{\aeleven}{ }

\newcommand{\atwelve}{ }

\newcommand{\athirteen}{ }

\newcommand{\afourteen}{ }

\newcommand{\afifteen}{ }

\newcommand{\asixteen}{ }

\newcommand{\aseventeen}{ }

\newcommand{\aeightteen}{ }

\newcommand{\anineteen}{ }

\newcommand{\atwenty}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentyone}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentytwo}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentythree}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentyfour}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentyfive}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentysix}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentyseven}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentyeight}{ }

\newcommand{\atwentynine}{ }



























































































































































































































































%Project:Semantic templates/Tables with named parameters/Latex

%Tables with two rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with three rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix & \leadrowseven & \leadroweight & \leadrownine & \leadrowten & \leadroweleven \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ & $ \aonexseven $ & $ \aonexeight $ & $ \aonexnine $ & $ \aonexten $ & $ \aonexeleven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ & $ \atwoxseven $ & $ \atwoxeight $ & $ \atwoxnine $ & $ \atwoxten $ & $ \atwoxeleven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ & $ \athreexseven $ & $ \athreexeight $ & $ \athreexnine $ & $ \athreexten $ & $ \athreexeleven $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with four rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & \aonexone & \aonextwo \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & \atwoxone & \atwoxtwo \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & \athreexone & \athreextwo \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & \afourxone & \afourxtwo \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix & \leadrowseven & \leadroweight \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ & $ \aonexseven $ & $ \aonexeight $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ & $ \atwoxseven $ & $ \atwoxeight $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ & $ \athreexseven $ & $ \athreexeight $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ & $ \afourxsix $ & $ \afourxseven $ & $ \afourxeight $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with five rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with six rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ & $ \asixxfive $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ & $ \afourxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ & $ \afivexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ & $ \asixxfive $ & $ \asixxsix $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with seven rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix & \leadrowseven \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ & $ \aonexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ & $ \atwoxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ & $ \athreexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ & $ \afourxsix $ & $ \afourxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ & $ \afivexsix $ & $ \afivexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ & $ \asixxfive $ & $ \asixxsix $ & $ \asixxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ & $ \asevenxthree $ & $ \asevenxfour $ & $ \asevenxfive $ & $ \asevenxsix $ & $ \asevenxseven $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with eight rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ & $ \asevenxthree $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneight & $ \aeightxone $ & $ \aeightxtwo $ & $ \aeightxthree $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with eleven rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ & $ \asevenxthree $ & $ \asevenxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneight & $ \aeightxone $ & $ \aeightxtwo $ & $ \aeightxthree $ & $ \aeightxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnnine & $ \aninexone $ & $ \aninextwo $ & $ \aninexthree $ & $ \aninexfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnten & $ \atenxone $ & $ \atenxtwo $ & $ \atenxthree $ & $ \atenxfour $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneleven & $ \aelevenxone $ & $ \aelevenxtwo $ & $ \aelevenxthree $ & $ \aelevenxfour $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with twelve rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix & \leadrowseven \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ & $ \aonexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ & $ \atwoxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ & $ \athreexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ & $ \afourxsix $ & $ \afourxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ & $ \afivexsix $ & $ \afivexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ & $ \asixxfive $ & $ \asixxsix $ & $ \asixxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ & $ \asevenxthree $ & $ \asevenxfour $ & $ \asevenxfive $ & $ \asevenxsix $ & $ \asevenxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneight & $ \aeightxone $ & $ \aeightxtwo $ & $ \aeightxthree $ & $ \aeightxfour $ & $ \aeightxfive $ & $ \aeightxsix $ & $ \aeightxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnnine & $ \aninexone $ & $ \aninextwo $ & $ \aninexthree $ & $ \aninexfour $ & $ \aninexfive $ & $ \aninexsix $ & $ \aninexseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnten & $ \atenxone $ & $ \atenxtwo $ & $ \atenxthree $ & $ \atenxfour $ & $ \atenxfive $ & $ \atenxsix $ & $ \atenxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneleven & $ \aelevenxone $ & $ \aelevenxtwo $ & $ \aelevenxthree $ & $ \aelevenxfour $ & $ \aelevenxfive $ & $ \aelevenxsix $ & $ \aelevenxseven $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwelve & $ \atwelvexone $ & $ \atwelvextwo $ & $ \atwelvexthree $ & $ \twelvexfour $ & $ \atwelvexfive $ & $ \atwelvexsix $ & $ \twelvexseven $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with sixteen rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneight & $ \aeightxone $ & $ \aeightxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnnine & $ \aninexone $ & $ \aninextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnten & $ \atenxone $ & $ \atenxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneleven & $ \aelevenxone $ & $ \aelevenxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwelve & $ \atwelvexone $ & $ \atwelvextwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthirteen & $ \athirteenxone $ & $ \athirteenxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfourteen & $ \afourteenxone $ & $ \afourteenxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfifteen & $ \afifteenxone $ & $ \afifteenxtwo $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsixteen & $ \asixteenxone $ & $ \asixteenxtwo $ \\



\end{center} }




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ & $ \afourxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ & $ \afivexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ & $ \asixxfive $ & $ \asixxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ & $ \asevenxthree $ & $ \asevenxfour $ & $ \asevenxfive $ & $ \asevenxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneight & $ \aeightxone $ & $ \aeightxtwo $ & $ \aeightxthree $ & $ \aeightxfour $ & $ \aeightxfive $ & $ \aeightxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnnine & $ \aninexone $ & $ \aninextwo $ & $ \aninexthree $ & $ \aninexfour $ & $ \aninexfive $ & $ \aninexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnten & $ \atenxone $ & $ \atenxtwo $ & $ \atenxthree $ & $ \atenxfour $ & $ \atenxfive $ & $ \atenxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneleven & $ \aelevenxone $ & $ \aelevenxtwo $ & $ \aelevenxthree $ & $ \aelevenxfour $ & $ \aelevenxfive $ & $ \aelevenxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwelve & $ \atwelvexone $ & $ \atwelvextwo $ & $ \atwelvexthree $ & $ \atwelvexfour $ & $ \atwelvexfive $ & $ \atwelvexsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthirteen & $ \athirteenxone $ & $ \athirteenxtwo $ & $ \athirteenxthree $ & $ \athirteenxfour $ & $ \athirteenxfive $ & $ \athirteenxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfourteen & $ \afourteenxone $ & $ \afourteenxtwo $ & $ \afourteenxthree $ & $ \afourteenxfour $ & $ \afourteenxfive $ & $ \afourteenxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfifteen & $ \afifteenxone $ & $ \afifteenxtwo $ & $ \afifteenxthree $ & $ \afifteenxfour $ & $ \afifteenxfive $ & $ \afifteenxsix $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsixteen & $ \asixteenxone $ & $ \asixteenxtwo $ & $ \asixteenxthree $ & $ \asixteenxfour $ & $ \asixteenxfive $ & $ \asixteenxsix $ \\



\end{center} }

%Tables with eightteen rows




\hline \leadrowzero & \leadrowone & \leadrowtwo & \leadrowthree & \leadrowfour & \leadrowfive & \leadrowsix & \leadrowseven & \leadroweight & \leadrownine \\

\hline \hline \leadcolumnone & $ \aonexone $ & $ \aonextwo $ & $ \aonexthree $ & $ \aonexfour $ & $ \aonexfive $ & $ \aonexsix $ & $ \aonexseven $ & $ \aonexeight $ & $ \aonexnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwo & $ \atwoxone $ & $ \atwoxtwo $ & $ \atwoxthree $ & $ \atwoxfour $ & $ \atwoxfive $ & $ \atwoxsix $ & $ \atwoxseven $ & $ \atwoxeight $ & $ \atwoxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthree & $ \athreexone $ & $ \athreextwo $ & $ \athreexthree $ & $ \athreexfour $ & $ \athreexfive $ & $ \athreexsix $ & $ \athreexseven $ & $ \athreexeight $ & $ \athreexnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfour & $ \afourxone $ & $ \afourxtwo $ & $ \afourxthree $ & $ \afourxfour $ & $ \afourxfive $ & $ \afourxsix $ & $ \afourxseven $ & $ \afourxeight $ & $ \afourxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfive & $ \afivexone $ & $ \afivextwo $ & $ \afivexthree $ & $ \afivexfour $ & $ \afivexfive $ & $ \afivexsix $ & $ \afivexseven $ & $ \afivexeight $ & $ \afivexnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsix & $ \asixxone $ & $ \asixxtwo $ & $ \asixxthree $ & $ \asixxfour $ & $ \asixxfive $ & $ \asixxsix $ & $ \asixxseven $ & $ \asixxeight $ & $ \asixxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseven & $ \asevenxone $ & $ \asevenxtwo $ & $ \asevenxthree $ & $ \asevenxfour $ & $ \asevenxfive $ & $ \asevenxsix $ & $ \asevenxseven $ & $ \asevenxeight $ & $ \asevenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneight & $ \aeightxone $ & $ \aeightxtwo $ & $ \aeightxthree $ & $ \aeightxfour $ & $ \aeightxfive $ & $ \aeightxsix $ & $ \aeightxseven $ & $ \aeightxeight $ & $ \aeightxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnnine & $ \aninexone $ & $ \aninextwo $ & $ \aninexthree $ & $ \aninexfour $ & $ \aninexfive $ & $ \aninexsix $ & $ \aninexseven $ & $ \aninexeight $ & $ \aninexnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnten & $ \atenxone $ & $ \atenxtwo $ & $ \atenxthree $ & $ \atenxfour $ & $ \atenxfive $ & $ \atenxsix $ & $ \atenxseven $ & $ \atenxeight $ & $ \atenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneleven & $ \aelevenxone $ & $ \aelevenxtwo $ & $ \aelevenxthree $ & $ \aelevenxfour $ & $ \aelevenxfive $ & $ \aelevenxsix $ & $ \aelevenxseven $ & $ \aelevenxeight $ & $ \aelevenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumntwelve & $ \atwelvexone $ & $ \atwelvextwo $ & $ \atwelvexthree $ & $ \atwelvexfour $ & $ \atwelvexfive $ & $ \atwelvexsix $ & $ \atwelvexseven $ & $ \atwelvexeight $ & $ \atwelvexnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnthirteen & $ \athirteenxone $ & $ \athirteenxtwo $ & $ \athirteenxthree $ & $ \athirteenxfour $ & $ \athirteenxfive $ & $ \athirteenxsix $ & $ \athirteenxseven $ & $ \athirteenxeight $ & $ \athirteenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfourteen & $ \afourteenxone $ & $ \afourteenxtwo $ & $ \afourteenxthree $ & $ \afourteenxfour $ & $ \afourteenxfive $ & $ \afourteenxsix $ & $ \afourteenxseven $ & $ \afourteenxeight $ & $ \afourteenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnfifteen & $ \afifteenxone $ & $ \afifteenxtwo $ & $ \afifteenxthree $ & $ \afifteenxfour $ & $ \afifteenxfive $ & $ \afifteenxsix $ & $ \afifteenxseven $ & $ \afifteenxeight $ & $ \afifteenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnsixteen & $ \asixteenxone $ & $ \asixteenxtwo $ & $ \asixteenxthree $ & $ \asixteenxfour $ & $ \asixteenxfive $ & $ \asixteenxsix $ & $ \asixteenxseven $ & $ \asixteenxeight $ & $ \asixteenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumnseventeen & $ \aseventeenxone $ & $ \aseventeenxtwo $ & $ \aseventeenxthree $ & $ \aseventeenxfour $ & $ \aseventeenxfive $ & $ \aseventeenxsix $ & $ \aseventeenxseven $ & $ \aseventeenxeight $ & $ \aseventeenxnine $ \\

\hline \leadcolumneightteen & $ \aeightteenxone $ & $ \aeightteenxtwo $ & $ \aeightteenxthree $ & $ \aeightteenxfour $ & $ \aeightteenxfive $ & $ \aeightteenxsix $ & $ \aeightteenxseven $ & $ \aeightteenxeight $ & $ \aeightteenxnine $ \\



\end{center} }

%End of basic header

%Global structures

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%Design of vertical and horizontal distances

%Project:Semantic templates/Lecture notes/Skips/Latex

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%Enumeration and lists


%Distances for mathematical structures




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%Page design

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%Some distances






%Image design

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%Local settings




%Project:Semantic templates/Lecture notes/Licensing

\newcommand{\Licensetext}{License declaration: This page was written by Holger Brenner alias Bocardodarapti on the English Wikiversity, and is under the license CC-by-sa 3.0 .}

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%Configuration for register of images

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