
Wikiversity:Recruitment is focused at coordinating the recruitment for projects of Wikiversity. This to ensure continuance of projects and to get things started. Main aim for the recruiters is not only to get as many volunteers as possible, but also to get volunteers who are willing to commit themselves. Commitment is measured by the time volunteers put into the projects they assigned themselves in.

The most important recruitment task for the moment is to get more recruiters. If you want to recruit, please put your name on the lists below. Rules will be made to determine the difference between committed and non committed recruiters.



Committed recruiters


Interested in recruiting, but are not committed


Please give a reason why you are not committed.

i also have a life, but no lol because i am totally serious.

Reasons for this project


At Wikipedia, the success of a project is mainly measured by the continuance of it. This recruitment project is aimed at ensuring continuance of a project, so quality can become more important in the measurement of success.

Wikiversity is still in a starting phase. Recruitment has the potential bring new and existing parts of Wikiversity alive. Everyone has something to offer, they just need to see how their contributions will be of benefit to society so they can gain satisfaction out of contributing to the project.

Procedure for recruitment


Recruiters can use their own time and methods for recruiting. They can view it as a game, and should be creative in their approach. The success of a recruiter depends on the amount of recruits and the amount of time and quality recruits bring to a project. Recruiters for Wikiversity should convey the long term vision of Wikiversity, and be able to accurately convey to others what Wikiversity is and what it is not.