Wikiversity:MOOC Interface/Process of creating MOOCs

 This page is part of the MOOC interface documentation.

This page describes the term MOOC and what you can and can not create here on Wikiversity using the MOOC interface.

Process of creating MOOCs


At first you should know what a "MOOC" is, in the context of the MOOC interface. A MOOC is an massive open online course with a topic. It is splitted up in one up to more lessons with learning goals. Each lesson is again divided into one or more units, that are the smallest workload we think of. Units do also have learning goals, but can also have additional resources. The hierarchy of lessons and their units represent the MOOC's structure.


  • Web Science MOOC
    • lesson Ethernet
      • unit Ethernet header
      • unit Collision detection
    • lesson Internet protocol

It is your task to create such a structure for your course. You can then create the MOOC in 5 simple steps and add the lessons and units you have identified. Read further if you are interested what you can define for each lesson and unit.



A lesson can only have learning goals. And the units it consists of.



A unit can have multiple information. Some are stored in the MOOC index along with the MOOC structure, some are stored on separate pages. Since the MOOC interface allows on-page edits, you do not need to worry about that. You do not need to browse these pages by yourself. It is just good to know.

information description location
learning goals a list of learning goals MOOC index
video a wiki file or text MOOC index
script scripts to your lecture separate page: append /script to the item's URL
quiz quizzes to enable students to check theirselves separate page: append /quiz to the item's URL
further reading list of further reading resources, you can use text or define links MOOC index