Wikiversity:Initial experiences/In real life schoolmates joining WV

This "blog" (or "article") is about my views/experiences with joining students in-real-life to Wikiversity.

Why bother?

A snapshot of my street, covered with a blanket of snow (picture was took during a blizzard)

Not only to help them, but also to help Wikiversity... As it is within the scope of Wikiversity, that this place is a "learning environment" (notice WikiVERSITY from UniVERSITY). And I thought... "Yo.. hey, let's get some of these guys onto WV".

What do they do?

Just like I pretty much do with my work on here (with U. S. Government, Revolutionary War, and Classified Kingdoms). I usually post notes on here, from my school (that I'm given to). Why? So when I was ignorant enough to throw away notes (which I honestly do quite a bit), I'd still have the notes on here. As well, without flipping through notes (tiring out my poor hand... ow!), I can simply click page after page to review.

They do the same... One of my students, Atef1975, posted notes about Mathematics (since he is a Math type of guy), in which you can see the notes here: User:Atef1975/7.2 Identify and Extend Geometric and Arithmetic Sequences and User:Atef1975/Translate Algebraic Expressions. Since, at the same time, knows Arabic, I also told him to improve the Arabic Content here at WV. He hasn't been active, and I don't think he'll be active for quite a while.

Why do they do it?

More convenient for them, better than how Google Docs is (not necessarily organize, complicated). I told my students, Alex29843279837459 (aware of the long name) and GodzGuy01, to work on User:Atcovi/Project1, for Health Class. They both agreed on to it (FYI, I never force someone to come edit here), and we have been working on it. GodzGuy isn't really active, while Alex is active on the project. We are still working on the projects do to the snow storm blocking us from school (yay...), and will turn in our projects next time we visit Health Class (Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Why not Wikibooks?


Wikibooks isn't necessarily as "free", and "friendly", as Wikiversity is, in my opinion.