
This page provides a historical record of Special:GadgetUsage through its page history. To get the data in CSV format, see wikitext. To customize this message or add categories, create /top. The following data is cached, and was last updated 2024-04-25T07:27:22Z. A maximum of 5000 results are available in the cache.

Gadget Number of users Active users
CleanDeletions 75 0
EnhancedTalk 1352 7
HideFundraisingNotice 796 12
HotCat 866 10
LintHint 94 5
Round Corners 1145 5
contribsrange 363 3
dark-mode 96 3
dark-mode-toggle 133 7
edittop 483 6
popups 837 9
purge 699 10
sidebartranslate 528 3
usurper-count 96 3