Wikiphilosophers/Goodness/S. Perquin
I think you are a good person if you always strive to be the best you can be. I believe every person already does this subconsciously, so then everyone is a good person deeply within themselves. Subconsciously, deep down, I think you know whether you are walking the right path or not. Should this not be the case, you will naturally be adjusted by gaining new insights. Some people are influenced by bad outside influences, but that doesn't make them a bad person, I think. Sometimes people act out of desperation, but this is what they are driven to do.

By assuming the goodness of people, I think you also get a positive perception of humanity and forgive people for their actions. No baby is born a bad person, I think. If everyone would accept that every human being is influenceable and that one does not choose to be influenced, I think everyone would understand and accept each other much more.