Wiki Campus Radio/Wikimedians about education

Wikimedians about education is a live/recorded enquiry on wiki used in education. Questions we are asking Wikimedians are about how wikies can be used in and for education.

Episode 1 - Enquiry on Czech Wikipedia meeting, Prague

  • Date and time: October 26, 2007 - from 16:00 CET
  • Channel: Skype, ask user: juandevwiki
  • Capacity: limited (8 people)
  • Licence: this record will be offered under CC and/or GFDL licence
  • Important: live broadcasting is not sure, we dont know, if we will be able to connect to internet. Also problems, with recording still exists.
  • Participants:
    • Interwiever: --Juan 00:10, 26 October 2007 (UTC)
    • ...
  • What the interwier should ask:

Episode 2 - Enquiry on Wikimedia Netherlands conference, Amsterodam

  • Date and time: October 27, 2007 - from 7:00 CET
  • Channel: Skype, ask user: juandevwiki
  • Capacity: limited (8 people)
  • Licence: this record will be offered under CC and/or GFDL licence
  • Important: this is completly unsure.
  • Participants:
    • Interwiever: --Juan 00:10, 26 October 2007 (UTC)
    • ...
  • What the interwier should ask: