IP address registration information may be located using one of the five Regional Internet Registry Whois databases. These activities will show you how to find the registrant or service provider for a given IP address.



To prepare for this activity:

  1. Start Windows.
  2. Log in if necessary.

Activity 1 - Determine your Regional Internet Registry


To determine your Regional Internet Registry:

  1. Review Wikipedia: Regional Internet Registry.

Activity 2 - Search for a Public IPv4 Address


To search for a public IPv4 address:

  1. Navigate to the home page of one of the five regional Internet registries:
  2. Locate the Whois / Search Database feature on the registry home page.
  3. Enter in the search box. This is the IPv4 address of one of Google's public DNS servers. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  4. Review the returned registration information.

Activity 3 - Search for a Private IPv4 Address


To search for a private IPv4 address:

  1. Enter in the search box. This is a private IP address. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  2. Review the returned registration information.

To search for a link-local IPv4 address:

  1. Enter in the search box. This is a loopback address. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  2. Review the returned registration information.

Activity 5 - Search for a Loopback IPv4 Address


To search for a loopback IPv4 address:

  1. Enter in the search box. This is a loopback address. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  2. Review the returned registration information.

Activity 6 - Search for a Multicast IPv4 Address


To search for a multicast IPv4 address:

  1. Enter in the search box. This is a loopback address. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  2. Review the returned registration information.

Activity 7 - Search for a Reserved IPv4 Address


To search for a reserved IPv4 address:

  1. Enter in the search box. This is a loopback address. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  2. Review the returned registration information.

Activity 8 - Search for a Public IPv6 Address


To search for a public IPv6 address:

  1. Enter 2001:4860:4860::8888 in the search box. This is the IPv6 address of one of Google's public DNS servers. Press Enter or select the submit button to submit your search.
  2. Review the returned registration information.



