WheelChair/Howard Community College/fall2012/p3-503-SMVS/Thunder AC6 charger Tutorial

Thunder AC6 charger is the charger that is mainly used for chargeing rc cars but can be used to charge many kinds of batteries.

The first thing you want to do is check the voltage and current of the batteries. There should be a label on the battery and there should be a number followed by the letter V signifying the voltage and a number followed my mAh or Ah. you want to have the current in Ah, amp hours to convert the mili amp hours(mAh) to amp hours(Ah) just move the decimal point down 3 places so if the battery says 5000 mAh that is the same as 5 Ah. If you cannot find this information on the battery check the manual or go online to find out. You are also going to need to know the type of battery, most big batteries for cars and wheel chairs are usually lead acid batteries.
After you have all of your information connect two banana clip wires to the charger and plug them into the side of the charger, take note of the colors you plug them in. the colored ring you plug the clip in tells you if the ring is black it is ground if it is red it is the positive side.
Then attach the wires to alligator clips and attach the alligator clips to the battery making sure the red goes to the positive terminal and black goes to negative terminal on the battery shown in the picture below.
When the battery is hooked up to the charger plug the charger in and choose your battery type, as I said earlier most large batteries for wheel chairs will be lead so the screen should say Pb charge for lead batteries.
Press the green button on the right and the menu will ask at what voltage to charge your battery at. This is why it is important to know the specs of your battery. you also must find the charging voltage for the battery in the manual, this is usually a volt or two higher then the running voltage. You can charge the battery with any current at or below the Ah of the battery, although the lower you make the charging current the longer it takes to charge the battery to be fully charged. You can change the options by pressing the blue and yellow buttons until you reach the desired charging current and voltage. After you have set this correctly you press and hold the green button and the screen should change and begin charging and will time the amount of time the battery has been charging.