Web Science/Part2: Emerging Web Properties/Advanced statistical descriptive models for the Web/Zipf law powerlaw or pareto law.webm

Zipf law powerlaw or pareto law.webm

Learning goals

  1. Know how to transform a rank frequency diagram to a powerlaw plot.
  2. Understand how powerlaw and pareto plots relate to each other.
  3. Be able to explain why a pareto plot is just and inverted rank frequency diagram
  4. Be able to transform the zipf coefficient to the powerlaw and pareto coefficient and vice versa.
  5. Understand that building the CDF is basically like building the integral.




1 What is true about the power law plot for words

The x axis depicts the frequncy
The x axis depicts how many words occur exactly y times
The x axis depicts how many words occur exactly x times
The y-axis depicts the frequency
The y-axis depicts how many words occur exactly x times
The y-axis depicts how many words occur exactly y times

2 What is the connection between the zipf parameter and power law coefficient (if the zipf parameter is called and the powerlaw coefficient is called )?

There is no connection

Further reading

  1. tba
