Web Foundations/Editors and Hosting

This lesson introduces editors and web hosting.

Internet word cloud
Internet word cloud

Objectives and Skills


Objectives and skills for this lesson include:[1][2]

  • Use GUI-based HTML editing software to create web pages.
  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of running your own web server versus using a service provider.


  1. Wikipedia: HTML editor
  2. Wikipedia: Website
  3. Wikipedia: Web hosting service


  1. YouTube: HTML tutorial for beginners

Key Terms

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)


  1. Review Wikipedia: List of HTML editors. Research the difference between code editors and WYSIWYG editors.
  2. Search the Internet for the currently most popular free HTML editors. Select at least one code editor and one WYSIWYG editor to download and test. Compare those tools to online HTML editors such as HTML Online: Editor.
  3. Using one of the HTML editors you selected, create a new web page and include your name, such as Hello Wikiversity!. Save the page as a file on your desktop and open the page with a web browser to confirm that it displays correctly.
  4. Research free web hosting services. Select a free hosting service and add your new web page to the web server. Access the web page using a web browser to confirm that it displays correctly.

See Also



