Web Design/Group Activities/Ordering Tasks for a Web Project

Even though BaseCamp comes highly recommended from current web professionals, it's also useful (and sometimes necessary) for us to use other Project management software... and as per usual, the most used application is the Microsoft product: Microsoft Project.

Web Design Ordering Tasks for a Web Project
This page is part of the Web Design project.

Here's a task for a bit of fun that will introduce some of the fundamental skills required to use MS Project. Your task is to produce a gantt chart using the tasks listed below. To do so, we'll need to

  1. Order the tasks below into something sensible (you might find it easiest to copy the list into a word-processor to do this).
  2. Group the tasks smaller lists (such as 1. Requirements gathering, 2. Design phase, 3. Implementation/Testing phase, 4. Evaluation phase). Again, probably easiest to do this in a word-processor.
  3. Add the tasks to the project
  4. Estimate the time required for each task (don't worry too much about accuracy at this stage!), and finally
  5. Set the precedence for each task (that is, identifying any previous tasks that need to be completed before this task can start).

Example (unordered) list of tasks


(if you can add a task that hasn't been thought of here, please do!):

  • Code HTML/CSS
  • Final product sign-off
  • Develop content listing and labels
  • Website performance testing
  • Develop Page Mockups in Photoshop
  • Test links for website
  • Monitor website traffic patterns
  • Initial client interview
  • Develop web-based prototype
  • Organize hosting for website
  • Usability testing with subset of target users
  • Develop content (with searching in mind)
  • Define user audience
  • Determine site structure
  • Evaluate site's performance against set goals
  • Develop Competitive Analysis
  • Describe example scenarios
  • Obtain sign off for design and scope
  • Monitor ranking in major search engines
  • Specify goals for website
  • Document design sketches
  • Validate HTML/CSS
  • Register site's domain name
  • Upload files to registered domain