Web 2.0 for Professional Use/Social Media/LinkedIn

LinkedIn: Professional networking made easy

Unlike MySpace and Facebook—sites founded purely for social networking—LinkedIn is an increasingly popular place for professionals to connect with others within their fields and related industries. Users put up Profiles that are abbreviated resumes, containing their current and former places of employment, educational background, links to any company or personal websites, and public profile. Connections are made to other users through issuing and accepting invitations. Through primary and secondary connections, users can link up with others, be introduced to others through the connections, and explore available jobs. Groups can also be formed, based on common interests, educational institutions, or employment sites.

Basic personal accounts are free on LinkedIn. Upgraded accounts are available that increase the number of Introductions one can make and enable a feature called InMails. These are private messages that users can send to other users about business and career opportunities. If a user is receiving an InMail from someone not in their network (connections), the sender’s identity is hidden until the message has been accepted.

LinkedIn includes features common in social networking sites, such as what types of updates your connections have made to their accounts or networks today, yesterday, or last week. However, walls for making comments and places to post photographs are missing here, as the main focus of LinkedIn is professional rather than social networking. News articles relevant to a company are posted by the site and can be posted by users. These articles can be also recommended by users. This triggers an alert to go out to coworkers at a company.