In the previous lecture we showed that for a material with a real,
symmetric, and positive definite conductivity tensor (), we can set up
a variational principle for minimal power dissipation. We also
showed that this variational principle is satisfied if
Next we showed that under a coordinate transformation from
, the conductivity tensor transforms as
We also found that the variational principle in transformed coordinates
has the alternative interpretation that {
the function minimizes in a body
filled with material with conductivity with
as Cartesian coordinates in space.}
Next we derived the transformation rule for currents:
We also saw that the transformation rule for the electric field could
be written as
Next, based on insights obtained from electric tomography, we found
that a transformation-based cloaking effect could be obtained using
the Greenleaf-Lassas-Uhlmann mapping (Greenleaf03). This
mapping is singular and of the form
One unusual mapping that can be used to achieve cloaking is to fold back
space upon itself (Leonhardt06,Pendry06). An example of such a
mapping is
The effect of this transformation is shown in Figure~2.
Note that there is a sharp (discontinuous) fold and the separation shown
in the thickness direction is simply for the purpose of illustration.
In reality, space is folded upon itself and the determination of the
Jacobian inside the fold is -1.
We also showed in the previous lecture that Maxwell's equations at
fixed frequency are invariant
with respect to coordinate transformations. Thus the equations in
transform, in -space, to
In the transformed equations,
Let us consider the effect of the fold-back transformation shown in
Figure~2 on Maxwell's equations.
Now, let us suppose that everywhere in the region.
Since the Jacobian of the transformation is
we have
This implies that in the region we have
Since the materials in the region are isotropic, i.e., and
, then from equation (1) we see
that in the region ,
Therefore the fold back transformation is realized in a geometry that is equivalent to the perfect lens that we discussed earlier. Figure 3 shows the geometry involved.
For a source that is less than a distance from the first interface,
the fields blow up to infinity and there is no solution. For a solution
to exist, we need to regularize the problem and add a small loss
, i.e., in the lens. In that case,
the fields blow up to infinity in two strips of length where
is the distance of the source from the first interface. Outside this
region, the fields converge to that expected by the Pendry solution
(see Figure 4 for a schematic.)
If , i.e., , then the sources will be in a region
of enormous fields. In fact, the source produces infinite energy per unit
time in such regions as the loss . This is clearly
unphysical. So any realistic point or line source with finite energy
such as a polarizable particle must have an amplitude which goes to zero
as . This means that the particle will have become
Figures 5(a) and (b) show the cloaking caused by a cylindrical perfect lens with a small loss (Milton06). When a polarizable diople is located close to the lens, the field is barely perturbed. However, when the dipole is at a distance from the lens, the field shows significant perturbations.
So far we have not dealt with the issue of magnification. Is there
a coordinate transformation that leads to magnification? One such
possible transformation is illustrated in Figure 6.
In this case, in the region of dilation, the transformation is
Therefore, the Jacobian of the transformation is
Hence the material tensors in the region of dilation transform as
However, in the folded region, the and tensors are
anisotropic and negative. Such a transformation therefore acts like
a magnifying lens.
It turns out the Willis equations in elastodynamics also transform
in a manner that is very similar to the Maxwell equation in electromagnetism.
Before we describe the Willis equations, let us get into a brief
description of ensemble averaging (a opposed to volume averaging). The
hope is that the ensemble average is a good descriptor of behavior in
individual realizations.
Periodic media with a period where the fields are not necessarily periodic (see Figure 7(a)). The ensemble is the material and all translations of it. Of course, a translation that is equal to the period gives back the same material.
Media generated by some translation invariant statistical process. This means that a particular realization and its translations are equally likely to occur (roughly speaking). An example is a medium generated by a Poisson process. We can represent the ensemble by constructing a Voronoi tessellation and assigning constants to each cell at random (see Figure 7(b)).
Media generated by some statistical process where the statistics depend slowly on position.
Recall that the equations governing the motion of a linear elastic body are
where is the momentum, is the stress, and is the body force.
We assume that the body force is independent of the realization. The
microscopic constitutive relations are assumed to be
By ensemble averaging (2) we get
where is the ensemble average over realizations and not a
volume average.
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