Vector bundles and tight closure (Triest 2023)/Lecture 2

Tight closure

Let be a noetherian domain of positive characteristic and let be an ideal. The tight closure of is the ideal

This theory was introduced by M. Hochster and C. Huneke. There is a direct relation between Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity and tight closure.

Let be an analytically unramified and formally equidimensional local noetherian ring of positive characteristic, let be an -primary ideal. Let . Then

We try to understand tight closure from the perspective of bundles and will have again a look at the syzygy bundle. Let denote a noetherian normal domain and let denote an ideal of height at least (think of a local normal domain of dimension at least and an -primary ideal , or the graded version of this). Let and consider again the short exact sequence

of locally free sheaves on . Another element (because of the height condition) defines via the long exact sequence of cohomology the cohomology class . When contains a field of positive characteristic, we try to understand tight closure in terms of this cohomology class. Quite directly, we have the th absolute Frobenius on . As the sheaves are locally free, we have

and the th Frobenius pull-back of the cohomology class is

(), and this is the cohomology class corresponding to . By the height assumption, we have if and only if , and this holds for all if and only if by definition. This shows already that under the given conditions, tight closure does only depend on the cohomology class. In the graded case, we can also translate the tight closure question for homogeneous data into the question whether the corresponding cohomology class on is tightly zero in the sense that holds for some homogenous ( considered inside some ample invertible sheaf ). This property of being tightly zero is relevant for every cohomology class in any locally free sheaf. Here, this translation is in particular helpful for inclusion results. For exclusion results we have to go another way and consider torsors.

Torsors and forcing algebras

We come back to the situation of a system of linear homogeneous equations over a field with which we tried to motivate the concept of a vector bundle. However, we now consider a system of linear inhomogeneous equations,

The solution set of this inhomogeneous system may be empty, but nevertheless it is tightly related to the solution space of the homogeneous system. First of all, there exists an action

because the sum of a solution of the homogeneous system and of a solution of the inhomogeneous system is again a solution of the inhomogeneous system. This action is a group action of the group on the set . Moreover, if we fix one solution (supposing that at least one solution exists), then there exists a bijection

This means that the group acts simply transitive on , and so can be identified with the vector space , however not in a canonical way.

Suppose now that is a geometric object and we have functions

on (which are continuous, or differentiable, or algebraic). As before, we get for the a bundle with an addition and such that the fibers are vector spaces.

Then we can form the set

with the projection to . Again, every fiber of over a point is the solution set to the system of inhomogeneous linear equations which arises by inserting into and . The actions of the fibers on (coming from linear algebra) extend to an action

Also, if a (continuous, differentiable, algebraic) map

with exists, then we can construct a (continuous, differentiable, algebraic) isomorphism between and . However, different from the situation in linear algebra (which corresponds to the situation where is just one point), such a section does rarely exist.

These objects have new and sometimes difficult global properties which we try to understand. We will work mainly in an algebraic setting and restrict to the situation where just one equation

is given. Then in the homogeneous case () the fibers are vector spaces of dimension or , and the later holds exactly for the points where . In the inhomogeneous case the fibers are either empty or of dimension or . We give a typical example.

Let denote a plane (like ) with coordinate functions and . We consider an inhomogeneous linear equation of type

The fiber of the solution set over a point is one-dimensional, whereas the fiber over has dimension two (for ). Many properties of depend on these four exponents.

In (most of) these example, we can observe the following behavior. On an open subset, the dimension of the fibers is constant and equals , whereas the fiber over some special points degenerates to an -dimensional solution set (or becomes empty).

Let denote a geometric vector bundle over a scheme . A scheme together with an action

is called a geometric (Zariski)-torsor for (or a principal fiber bundle or a principal homogeneous space) if there exists an open covering and isomorphisms

such that the diagrams (we set and )

commute, where is the addition on the vector bundle.

The torsors of vector bundles can be classified in the following way.

Let denote a noetherian separated scheme and let

denote a geometric vector bundle on with sheaf of sections . Then there exists a correspondence between first cohomology classes and geometric -torsors.

Let denote a locally free sheaf on a scheme . For a cohomology class one can construct a geometric object: Because of , the class defines an extension

This extension is such that under the connecting homomorphism of cohomology, is sent to . The extension yields a projective subbundle[1]

If is the corresponding geometric vector bundle of , one may think of as which consists for every base point of all the lines in the fiber passing through the origin. The projective subbundle has codimension one inside , for every point it is a projective space lying (linearly) inside a projective space of one dimension higher. The complement is then over every point an affine space. One can show that the global complement

is another model for the torsor given by the cohomology class. The advantage of this viewpoint is that we may work, in particular when is projective, in an entirely projective setting.

Within the algebraic setting, torsors can also be realized as open subsets of spectra of forcing algebras.

Let be a commutative ring and let and be elements in . Then the -algebra

is called the forcing algebra of these elements

(or these data).

Let denote a noetherian ring, let denote an ideal and let be another element. Let be the corresponding cohomology class and let

denote the forcing algebra for these data. Then the scheme together with the natural action of the syzygy bundle on it is isomorphic to the torsor given by .

Forcing algebras provide a natural framework for closure operations in general, it is however a special feature of tight closure that the induced torsor contains the relevant information.

Tight closure and solid closure

Forcing algebras occurred in the work of Hochster on solid closure. The following theorem of Hochster gives a characterization of tight closure in terms of forcing algebra and local cohomology.

Let be a normal excellent local domain with maximal ideal over a field of positive characteristic. Let generate an -primary ideal and let be another element in . Then if and only if , where denotes the forcing algebra of these elements.

If the dimension is at least two, then

This means that we have to look at the cohomological properties of the complement of the exceptional fiber over the closed point, i.e. the torsor given by these data. If then this is true for all quasicoherent sheaves instead of just the structure sheaf. This property can be expressed by saying that the cohomological dimension of is and thus smaller than the cohomological dimension of the punctured spectrum , which is exactly . So belonging to tight closure can be rephrased by saying that the formation of the corresponding torsor does not change the cohomological dimension.

If the dimension is two, then we have to look whether the first cohomology of the structure sheaf vanishes. This is true (by Serre's cohomological criterion for affineness) if and only if the open subset is an affine scheme (the spectrum of a ring).

The right hand side of the equivalence in Theorem 2.9 (the non-vanishing of the top-dimensional local cohomology) is independent of any characteristic assumption, and can be taken as the basis for the definition of another closure operation, called solid closure. So the theorem above says that in positive characteristic, tight closure and solid closure coincide. There is also a definition of tight closure for algebras over a field of characteristic by reduction to positive characteristic.

The graded two-dimensional case

In the situation of a forcing algebra of homogeneous elements, this torsor can also be obtained as , where is the (not necessarily positively) graded forcing algebra. In particular, it follows that the containment is equivalent to the property that is not an affine variety. For this properties, positivity (ampleness) properties of the syzygy bundle are crucial. We need again the concept of semistability introduced in the first lecture.

For a strongly semistable vector bundle on and a cohomology class with corresponding torsor we obtain the following affineness criterion.

Let denote a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field and let be a strongly semistable vector bundle over together with a cohomology class . Then the torsor is an affine scheme if and only if and ( for all in positive characteristic[2]).

This result rests on the ampleness of occuring in the dual exact sequence given by (this rests on work of Gieseker and Hartshorne). It implies for a strongly semistable syzygy bundle the following degree formula for tight closure.

Suppose that is strongly semistable. Then

If we take on the right hand side , the Frobenius closure of the ideal, instead of , then this statement is true for all characteristics. As stated, it is true in a relative setting for large enough.

We indicate the proof of the inclusion result. The degree condition implies that is such that has non-negative degree. Then also all Frobenius pull-backs have non-negative degree. Let be a twist of the tautological line bundle on such that its degree is larger than the degree of , the dual of the canonical sheaf. Let be a non-zero element. Then , and by Serre duality we have

On the right hand side we have a semistable sheaf of negative degree, which can not have a non-trivial section. Hence

and therefore belongs to the tight closure.

In general, there exists an exact criterion for the affineness of the torsor depending on and the strong Harder-Narasimhan filtration of .

Let denote a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field and let be a vector bundle over together with a cohomology class . Let

be a strong Harder-Narasimhan filtration. We choose such that has degree and that has degree . We set

. Then the following are equivalent.
  1. The torsor is not an affine scheme.
  2. Some Frobenius power of the image of inside is .

  1. denotes the dual bundle. According to our convention, the geometric vector bundle corresponding to a locally free sheaf is given by and the projective bundle is , where denotes the th symmetric power.
  2. Here one has to check only finitely many s and there exist good estimates how far one has to go. Also, in a relative situation, this is only an extra condition for finitely many prime numbers.