Johann Lahodny is an Austrian doctor of Czech origin. Gynecologist, obstetrician specialized in obstetric oncology, hospital head physician, university lecturer,[1] he is the inventor and designer of several restorative surgical interventions targeting gynecological pathologies more specifically related to the female reproductive system[2]—including urinary incontinence[3][4][H 1][H 1][H 2] and pelvic organ prolapse.[4][5][6][H 1][H 3][7]

Johann Lahodny
Years active1965–now
Known forOHT or Ozonhochdosistherapie
Medical career
FieldUrinary incontinence
Pelvic organ prolapse
InstitutionsHospital head physician of the obstetrics departments of both the hospitals in Gmünd and Sankt Pölten
2000 to 2005: President of the European Society of Pelvic Surgery
Sub-specialtiesRestorative surgical interventions targeting gynecological pathologies more specifically related to the urinary incontinence
Notable worksVaginale Inkontinenz- und Deszensuschirurgie : gynäkoanatomische Grundlagen und chirurgisches Vorgehen (1991)

Based in Sankt Pölten,[8][H 4][H 5] he is a practioner of ozone therapy using a technique that he developed himself known as OHT or Ozonhochdosistherapie.[alpha 1][8], known as “10 pass” in the USA.[9][10]





Johann Lahodny obtained his PhD in gynaecology and obstetrics in 1965.

He started as a general practitioner but was eventually promoted to the rank of head of the gynaecology and obstetrics departments of both the national hospital in Gmünd[2] and the regional hospital of Sankt Pölten.[8][H 4][H 5] In the course of his clinical practice, he respectively developed several surgical techniques with a restorative aim[H 6] targeting gynaecological pathologies more specifically related to the female reproductive system,[2][H 7] in particular urinary incontinence[3][4][6][H 1][H 2] and genital prolapse.[4][5][6][H 1][H 3][7][alpha 2]

As early as 1994, he was appointed Professor Lecturer at the University of Vienna,[1] during which time he published a number of scientific articles[H 4][H 8][H 9][H 5][11] and several research books.[H 6]

In 1999, he received a special professional award for his efforts in the field of hygienic medicine. From 1999 to 2003, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society for Vaginal Surgery. From 2000 to 2005, he was President of the European Society of Pelvic Surgery. In 2002, the Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology awarded him honorary membership.



Having expertise in bioresonance, Vitalfeld, normobar oxygen therapy, “tachyonic field therapy” and dark-field microscopy,[alpha 3] he also conducted personal research into other medicines. He has worked on alternative therapies for nearly four decades.[8]

OHT: Ozonhochdosistherapie

Patient during a session of Major Autohemotherapy[alpha 4][alpha 5] (or O3 AHT) in a dedicated centre that includes ozonotherapy in its care panel. The blood is first drawn by infusion to be collected in a glass bottle—or a specific flexible material—which is medically designed for this purpose and already containing a heparin anticoagulant. The whole is immediately enriched with a specific supply of ultra-pure ozone before returning immediately—but slowly—to the original blood circulation.

Self-funding his own work on the so-called therapeutic effects of medical ozone with respect to its alleged potential impacts on mitochondria and stem cells, he has been focusing since 2010 on an innovative form of ozone therapy called OHT—“Ozonhochdosistherapie”[8]— commonly known as “10 pass” in the USA[10][9] Through a specific process involving 10 repeated interactive transits incurred via autohemotherapy, the blood is “fused” with 200 ml of ozone gas respectively brought to a concentration of 70 μg/ml, thus providing a cumulative ozone intake of 140,000 μg.[9][10]

Early stages


Lahodny started from the premise that every human being is endowed with a gigantic potential of stem cells possessing within them a symbiotic reparative faculty dedicated to segmental readjustments induced by possible collateral damage altering the optimal functioning of the global structure of the body and mind. According to Lahodny, the real progress in medicine would thus lie in the use and targeted therapeutic exploitation of these stem cells, of which each organism would be the priority holder.[8]



The evolution of the ozonotherapeutic treatment promoted by Lahodny would then consist, in a way, in breaking the restrictive rules relating to pragmatic dosage which tended to prevail until now with regard to a usual protocol which still remains well anchored in traditional customs and habits. Indeed, any former procedure usually involved a single injection of ozonated autologous blood therapy containing 200 ml of ozone at a concentration of 40 ug, after which the session would end. This conceptual limit was based on an arbitrary credo that exceeding this dose boundary—in terms of both quantity and concentration administered—would be likely to result in cell bursting by blood dissolution, a supputive risk whose consequences had previously been considered hypothetically lethal.[8][9][10]



Lahodny always felt skeptical of such an a priori, given that this had never been duly confirmed by facts or clinical experience. Thus, he sat himself up as an improvised guinea pig. To do so, he boldly ventured—at his own risk—to test a new protocol on himself. His exploration consisted of—dangerously—increasing the original concentration and dose of infused ozone by pushing back the maximum approved limits. He pushed the experiment to the point where he first performed 10 “ozonated self-hemo-therapeutic transits” into an only one single session, each successive interaction being “coupled” to 200 ml of blood “fused” with 200 ml of ozone gas respectively brought to a concentration of 70 μg/ml, thus providing a cumulative ozone intake of 140,000 μg.[9][10]



Despite fears, the clinical examinations which were subsequently carried out did not even show the slightest clinical nor hematological abnormality or alteration. He then went one step further by dubbing the dose, this time carrying out 20 successive ozonated autologous blood transits together once more into one single session. Thus, as before, each interaction contained 200 ml of blood taken by infusion and then mixed with 200 ml of ozone gas. The whole content was brought to a concentration of 70 μg/ml, providing, in total, via 20 uninterrupted round trips, a cumulative supply of “duplicated” ozone quantity which, by extension, was brought to an amount of 240,000 μg. Again, laboratory tests did not show any detectable problem.[8]

Sequential emulation


The continuation of the previously initiated experiments also enabled him to observe a significant stimulation of the exponential activation of stem cells. These cells, via OHT, seem to be “emulated” and automatically directed towards any lesion or peptidic signal that the organism would directly or indirectly report, should the case arise.[8]

Further prospects


Based on encouraging and recurrent therapeutic results, Lahodny became convinced that any curative effect generated by this improved innovative treatment would essentially come from the “reviviscence” of stem cells, which appear somehow “invigorated” by the stimulation indirectly induced by OHT.[8]



In 2014, he discovered and refined a new dosage—L1—that he believes would activate the growth of stem cells and the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Its application can be summed up as a major autologous blood therapy combined with massive doses of ozone injections both in terms of concentration—up to 70 μg/ml in ozone IV,[alpha 4][alpha 5] or even 80 μg/ml in rectal insufflation[H 10][alpha 6][alpha 4][alpha 5][alpha 1]—and quantity: which generally implied 140,000 μg,[9] but sometimes up to 280,000 μg in the treatment of more complex conditions. Thanks to this innovative approach, Lahodny claimed to obtain therapeutic results that he described as “exceptional” in the treatment of a number of chronic pathologies as well as several other morbid conditions which are generally considered difficult to treat.[9]


  • "Listing of scientific articles published—or written in collaboration with—Johann Lahodny". National Center for Biotechnology Information. 1980–2006.
  • "Johann Lahodny's research while affiliated with Landesklinikum Sankt Pölten and other place" [Répertorisation des travaux de recherches publiés par — ou en collaboration avec — le docteur Johann Lahodny au cours de son activité de médecin en chef tant à l’hôpital public de Sankt Pölten qu’au sein d’institutions connexes]. ResearchGate. 1997–2007.
  • M. Wollein; J. Lahodny (July 1989). "Vaginales Gesamtkonzept zur Sanierung von Inkontinenz und Descensus: Operative Gynäkologie, Gynäkologische Onkologie". Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Springer Link: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe) 245: 779–780. doi:10.1007/BF02417561. 
  • Johann Lahodny (1991). "Foreword by Martin Fabsits". Vaginale Inkontinenz- und Deszensuschirurgie : gynäkoanatomische Grundlagen und chirurgisches Vorgehen (in de). Stuttgart: Palm und Enke Verlag. ISBN 978-3-432-98621-0. OCLC 25511046. "VIII, 258 S. : Ill, graph. Darst. ; 27 cm, written in collaboration with Alfred Giesel and Leopold Metzenbauer"  DNB 910092230
  • Gruber I; Lahodny J; Illmensee K; Lösch A. (28 March 2002). "Heterotopic pregnancy: report of three cases". Wien Klin Wochenschr (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. Pölten Hospital, St. Pölten, Austria) 114 (5–6): 229–232. PMID 12238314. . Indexed to MEDLINE.

Notes and references



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 OHT or, in German, Ozonhochdosistherapie, refers to an innovative application of self-injected ozone therapy. According to the boldly novel process developed by Johann Lahodny, the medical ozone, this time, is injected in massive doses together with significantly higher concentrations.[8][9]
  2. In French: prolapsus génital — in German: Scheidenvorfall.
  3. Dark-field microscopy — in German: Dunkelfeldmikroskopie
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 In French : grande autohémothérapie — in German: Eigenbluttherapie — in English: Major Autohemotherapy or O3 AHT.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 In the case of ozonated autohemotherapy, the patient's blood is first drawn and mixed with an oxygen-ozone gas mixture before being re-injected into the donor's circulation through the same channel and infusion. There are therefore two distinct forms of application:
    1. Minor autohemotherapy[H 11] where only the equivalent of a small syringe is taken, mixed with ozone and then re-injected into any other part of the body.[H 11]
    2. Major autohemotherapy in which a larger amount of blood is drawn by infusion (usually from the hollow of the forearm) and then redirected to a plastic or glass bag before being mixed with medical ozone and then returned to the bloodstream through the same infusion that remained in place throughout the retroactive process, which usually lasts about 20-40 minutes.
  6. Since then, the old dosages, both in terms of medical ozone concentration—initially up to 70 μg/ml in major autohaemotherapy[alpha 4][alpha 4][alpha 5] and even up to 80 μg/ml in rectal insufflation[H 10]—have mostly been reduced to 50 μg/ml.

Bibliographical references



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Universität Wien. Akademischer Senat; Notring der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs (1995). Österreichische Hochschulzeitung (in de). 47. p. 35. "Dr. Johann Lahodny; für Gynäko-Urologie; Ing. Dr. Manfred Lessel, für Augenheilkunde; Dr. Heribert V. Smelitsch, für Klinisch-Psychologische Psychologie; Dr. Friedrich Stadler, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, für Wissenschaftsgeschichte." 
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 United States. Patent and Trademark Office; Johann Lahodny, Gmünd, Austria; Ernst Dreier, Steckborn, Switzerland; assignors to Fritz Gegauf AG Bernina Nähmaschinen Fabrik, [[:en:w:Steckborn|Steckborn]], Switzerland (1987). Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office: Patents (in en). 3 to 4. 1075. United States. Patent and Trademark Office. pp. 12, 16, 32, 1800. "Surgical instrument, more particularly hysterectomium. Filed Aug. 27, 1984, Ser. No. 644,782. Claims priority, application Canada, Sep. 13, 1983, 4927 Int. Cl. A81F / 17/32." 
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Current Catalog (in en). National Library of Medicine (U.S.). 1992. p. 508. "Urinary incontinence, stress surgery, Lahodny, Johann. Vaginale Inkontinenz– und Deszensuschirurgie : gynākoanatomische Grundlagen und chirurgisches Vorgehen / Johann Lahodny. -- Stuttgart : Enke, 1991. -- viii, 258 p. : ill." 
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Karen Patrias, National Library of Medicine (U.S.) (1988). "Urinary Incontinence in Adults: January 1983 Through September 1988". Current Bibliographies in Medicine (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Reference Section) 9 (88): 22–23. "A vaginal approach to the treatment of genital prolapse. Eur J Obstet ... J Urol 1983 Dec;130(6):1127-9 Lahodny J. [Urethro-vesical suspension with analogous fascial tissue by the vaginal approach – the short arm sling operation]." 
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 National Library of Medicine Current Catalog: Cumulative listing (in en). National Library of Medicine (U.S.). 1992. p. 543. "... I. Title 02NLM: JJ3776 0XNLM: [WL 100] 2. Nervous System Diseases Cit. No. 9214488 Lahodny, Johann. Vaginale Inkontinenz– und Deszensuschirurgie : gynäkoanatomische Grundlagen und chirurgisches Vorgehen / Johann Lahodny." 
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 Michel Cosson; Denis Querleu; Daniel Dargent (2005). Cirugía ginecológica por vía vaginal (in es). Ed. Médica Panamericana. pp. 88–89. ISBN 847903937X. "Entre ellas citamos (fig. 2): la rafia de Halban o de vagina total, la intervención de Lahodny, el artificio de Campbell o, incluso, las técnicas de suspensión paravaginal y del colpocele anterior." 
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Jan Oliver Kaufhold (Wiesbaden) (2007). "Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Medizin der medizinischen Fakultät der Eberhard-Karls-Universität zu Tübingen. Ärztlicher Direktor: Professor Dr. H. J. Herschlein". Die Vaginaefixatio sacrospinalis vaginalis mit Mesh-Interponat zur Korrektur der Enterozele. Eine sichere Alternative? (in de). p. 34.  Aus dem Marienhospital Stuttgart (Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Universität Tübingen) Frauenklinik. Eine zu hohe Levatorplastik, wie sie von Lahodny beschrieben wird, führt bei Überschreiten einer gewissen Tiefe durch Muskeldeviation und Skarifizierung unweigerlich zu Schmerzen und Funktionseischränkung des Enddarms, eine zu straffe Fixierung bei der Vaginaefixatio sacropinalis vaginalis zu Kohabitationsbeschwerden und Zystozelenbildung.
  8. Jump up to: 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 "Medizinische Sensation OHT- Ozonhochdosistherapie durch St. PöltnerWissenschaftler" (PDF). Lifestyle "excluviv": Fûr ein Besseres Leben (St. Pölten): 16–17. July 2017. 
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Robert Jay Rowen, MD (July–August 2018). "Ozone therapy as a primary and sole treatment for acute bacterial infection: case report". Med Gas Res 8 (3): 121–124. doi:10.4103/2045-9912.241078. PMID 30319768. PMC 6178636. // "Johann Lahodny, MD of Austria, has furthered the hyperbaric method (personal instruction) by repeating this treatment for 10 passes of 200 mL of blood with 200 mL of oxygen ozone gas at 70 μg/ml for a total delivery of ozone of 140,000 μg in one sitting." 
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Robert Jay Rowen, MD (July 3, 2018). "Ozone therapy in conjunction with oral antibiotics as a successful primary and sole treatment for chronic septic prosthetic joint: review and case report". Med Gas Res 8 (2): 67–71. doi:10.4103/2045-9912.235139. PMID 30112169. PMC 6070838. // "Austrian physician Johann Lahodny, MD pioneered a higher dose method and termed it “ozone high dose therapy” or “OHT”. The treatment is repeated 9 more times for a total of 10 “passes” and delivery of 140,000 μg ozone. OHT is commonly known as “10 pass” in the USA." 
  11. News: Politik, Geld, Szene, Leute (in de). 40 à 44. VerlagsgesembH & Company KG. 2001. p. 162. "Ganzheitsmedizinische Beratung und Therapielösungen aller Haarprobleme in Zusammenarbeit mit Univ.-Doz.Dr. Johann Lahodny." 

