University of Florida/Egm6341/s11.TEAM1.WILKS/Mtg11

EGM6321 - Principles of Engineering Analysis 1, Fall 2010


Mtg 1: Thur,24Aug10

HW P.10-4 (continued)
2) Assume   , Eq(8) P.10-3 becomes  

Where   and   from K.p.512

Find expression for   in terms of  .


NOTE: cf. to K.p.512

1) K. etal. did not derive expression Eq.(1)p.10-3  

"pulling rabbit out of hat"

2)   without constant in K.2003


Eq.(6)p.10-3 :2 constants   and  

Eq.(1)p.10-3 :  

Eq.(6)p.10-3 :  

But Eq.(5)p.10-2 is L1_ODE_VC

HW:   Show that   is not necessary.

HW:   Show Eq.(6)p.10-3 agrees with K.p.512, i.e.  

HW:   Find   independant, i.e. solve  

  How about   ?   Variation fo parameters (later)

A class of exact N1_ODE:

Recall Eq.(7)p.10-1 (Case 1)
One possibility to satisfy this condition: Consider:













Where Eq(6) is a L1_ODE_VC (not necessarily exact, but can be made exact: integrating factor method)

Application: Consider  



F09: Find   such that Eq.(7) is exact

Question: But Eq.(6)p.11-3 is linear!
Find N1_ODEs that are exact or can be made exact by integrating factor method.

