University of Florida/Egm6321/F10.TEAM1.WILKS/Mtg3

EGM6321 - Principles of Engineering Analysis 1, Fall 2009

Mtg 3: Thur, 27 Aug 09

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From Eq.(1)p.2-3: If , divide throughout by to get:



is defined as "for all"



, and

such that then is a regular point

Any such that is a regular point

2nd order--> need 2 conditions to solve for 2 constraints

Boundary Value Problem (BVP)




where and are known values

Initial Value Problem (IVP)




where and are known values

Solve IVP by ODE from p3-1 Eq(1) or initial condition p3-2 Eq(2)

Two points:

1) Existence and uniqueness of solution

2) Superposition based on linearity of differential operation L(.)



Where the 2 in is defined as 2nd order

Linearity of


in a function of x
and belonging to (scalars, real numbers);

Where is defined as a set of real numbers

Example: Matrix Algebra

matrix with n rows and m columns of real numbers

is a column matrix


is a linear operation

linearity allows the use of superposition

, where the subscripts H and P stand for homogeneous and particular in respective order.

