University of Florida/Egm4313/s12.team5.R4

Report 4





For the series shown in the notes on p. 7-20


Obtain the equations for the coefficients of  ,  ,   ,   ,  

Then, set up the coefficient matrix A for the general case with the coefficients obtained.



For j=0:


For j=1:


For j=2:


For j=n-2:


For j=n-1:


For j=n:


Setting up the A matrix using equations (1)-(6):




Solved and uploaded by Joshua House

Proofread by David Herrick

R 4.2




Consider the L2-ODE-CC(5) p.7b-7 with sin x as excitation:



and with the initial conditions  

Part 1


Use the Taylor series for   in (1)p6-4 to reproduce the figure on p7-24

Part 2


Let   be the particular soln corresponding to the excitating   :  

Let   be the truncated Taylor series of sin x :


Let   be the overall soln for the L2-ODE-CC corresponding to (2)-(3) p.7-26 :


with the same initial conditions (3b)p.3-7.

Find the   for n = 3, 5, 9; plot these solns for x in the interval [0,4π].

Part 3


Use the particular soln in K 2011 p.82 Table 2.1 to find the exact overall soln y(x) and plot it in the above figure to compare with   for n = 3, 5, 9.



Part 1



Part 2


To solve the non-homogeneous ODE we have to solve the homogeneous ODE and find any solution of  . Using the method of undetermined coefficients, specifically the basic rule, where r(x) is in one of the functions in the first column in Table 2.1 K 2011 p. 82 and choose the   in the same line and determine its undetermined coefficients by substituting   and its derivatives.

For an excitation  

n = 3


n = 5


n = 9


The term in   that will be used will be  

For n = 3


For n = 5


For n = 9


The homogeneous solution for y will be in the form of


Plugging   into the original equation will give the following:

For n = 3


For n = 5



For n = 9



Equating the coefficients of   on both sides

For n = 3









Now plugging in the particular and homogeneous equation   and solving for the initial conditions.


This gives constant values of    

For n = 3 Final solution is:


For n = 5

Equating the coefficients













Now plugging in the particular and homogeneous equation   and solving for the initial conditions.




This gives constant values of    

For n = 5 the final solution is


For n = 9

Equating the coefficients





















Now plugging in the particular and homogeneous equation   and solving for the initial conditions.




This gives constant values of



For n = 9 the final solution is




Part 3


The table 2.1 from K 2011 p.82 illustrates that for the method of undetermined coefficients for an r(x) term in the form of:

r(x) = k sin(ωx)

Then the choice for   would be:

K cos(ωx) + M sin(ωx)

The homogeneous solution for y will be in the form of


with roots of 2 and 1 derived from  

Plugging in the derivatives for the particular solution into the original equation gives:




Combining the particular and homogeneous solution of y gives the following:


Solving for the initial conditions where  





This gives the final solution:



From the figure it is barely discernible between this figure and the figure above it in part two. The final solution for y in part three is very similar if not approximately identical to the lower curve in the figure in part two.



This problem was solved and uploaded by Michael Wallace

R 4.3




Consider the L2-ODE-CC:



with initial conditions  

Part 1


Develop   in Taylor series about x(hat) = 0 to reproduce the figure in the notes on p. 7-25.

Part 2


Let   be the truncated Taylor series with n terms -- which is also the highest degree of the Taylor (power) series -- of  .

Find   for n = 4, 7, and 11 such that:


Plot   for n = 4,7,11 for x in  

Part 3


Use the matlab command ODE45 to integrate numerically the same function with the same initial conditions to obtain   . Then plot   in the same figure with  



Part 1


The formula to develop the Taylor Series about x(hat) = 0 is given by:


Using the function   we get:


Plugging in 0, the first few terms become:


The pattern of this expression can be represented by the Taylor series:


Part 2


First, the homogenous solution to the differential equation is given by:



for   is given by the truncated Taylor series of 4 terms:




For this solution, with n = 4, the coefficient matrix is set up like:


Therefore, the matrix solution with n = 4, a = -3, and b = 2 is:


Solving by back substitution we get:



Plugging in the initial conditions we get:


for   is given by the truncated Taylor series of 7 terms:





For this solution, with n = 7, the coefficient matrix is set up like:


Therefore, the matrix solution with n = 7, a = -3, and b = 2 is:


Solving by back substitution we get:


Since the homogeneous solution remains the same:


Plugging in the initial conditions we get:


The image below demonstrates the general matrix for n=11 and the matrix with values filled in:  

for   is given by the truncated Taylor series of 11 terms:



Solving by back substitution we get:



Since the homogeneous solution remains the same:



Plugging in the initial conditions we get:



Part 3


Matlab Code:

function yp = F(t,y)

yp = zeros(2,1);

yp(1) = y(2);

yp(2) = log(t+1) + 3*y(2)-2*y(1);


[t,y] = ode45('F',[-.75,3],[1,0]);


axis([-0.75 3 -4 2])




Part 2 n=7 and n =11 were solved and uploaded by Cameron North.

Part 1 and Part 2 n = 4 was solved and uploaded by David Herrick

R 4.4




Part 1


Find n sufficiently high so that   do not differ from the numerical solution by more than   at  

Part 2


Develop log(1+x) in Taylor series about  . Plot the results.

Part 3


Find   for n=4,7,11, such that   for x in [0.9,3] with the initial conditions found in Part 1. Plot the results.

Part 4


Use the matlab command 'ode45' to integrate numerically (5) p.7b-7 with (1) p.7-28 and the initial conditions   to obtain the numerical solution for  .
Plot   in the same figure with  



Part 1


With MATLAB, a program was used to iteratively add terms into the taylor series of  . Until the error between the exact answer and the series was less than  ., more terms were added.



  for the error to be of a magnitude of  . The error found: 9.7422e-005

With a very similar process for  .



  for the error to be of a magnitude of  . The error found: 9.3967e-005

Part 2


The formula to develop the Taylor Series about   is given by:


Using the function   for n=11 we get:


Plugging in x=1 up to n=4, and using the formula for developing the Taylor Series, we get   :


Then we do the same for n=7 terms to get   :


And finally for  :


Plotting the functions:
Matlab code:

y = log(1+x);
y4 = log(2) + (x-1)/2 - (x-1).^2/8 + (x-1).^3/24 - (x-1).^4/64;
y7 = log(2) + (x-1)/2 - (x-1).^2/8 + (x-1).^3/24 - (x-1).^4/64 + (x-1).^5/160 - (x-1).^6/384 + (x-1).^7/896;
y11 = log(2) + (x-1)/2 - (x-1).^2/8 + (x-1).^3/24 - (x-1).^4/64 + (x-1).^5/160 - (x-1).^6/384 + (x-1).^7/896 - (x-1).^8/2048 + (x-1).^9/4608 - (x-1).^(10)/10240 + (x-1).^(11)/22528;
plot(x,y, x,y4, x,y7, x,y11)
hleg1 = legend('log(1+x)','n=4','n=7','n=11');


Convergence is in the domain [-1.5,4].



For n=4   is:



Plugging the equations into the above ODE will give matrices like the following:


The unknown vector   can be solved by forward substitution, with MATLAB to do the calculations:


Particular and general solution   ,  :




Then with the Initial Conditions,


For n=7   is:





The same process used when solving when n=4 is used to construct a matrix equation for n=7:


Using MATLAB to solve for the unknown vector  :


Particular and general solutions   ,  :





With the initial conditions:


For n=11   is:





Creating another matrix system and solving for the unknown vector  :



Particular and general solutions   ,  :







With initial conditions:



Part 4


The initial condition equation is:


The initial conditions are:


To solve the problem, we first convert the 2nd order differential equation into two 1st order differential equations. The initial 2nd order then turns into these two equations:


Taking the derivatives, we find that:


with the new initial conditions as:


Now, we create a MATLAB function, "F", that will return a vector-valued function. We do this with the following function:

function yp=F(x,y)

We now incorporate the function into a simple MATLAB program which will calculate the results:

EDU>> [x,y]=ode45('F',[0,5],[39,74]);
EDU>> plot(y(:,1),y(:,2))

This generates the following graph of  :


Now we solve the initial value problem by hand to find y(x):


First, convert to the characteristic equation:


The excitation factor of ln(1+x) does not yield any useful value for   since the integral is nonelementary. Therefore, the final solution for y(x) with what is know is simply:


Graphing both solutions on the same graph yields the following:

MATLAB code: EDU>> z = 4*exp(x) + 25*exp(2*x)



Contribution Summary


Problem 1 was solved and uploaded by Joshua House 15:34, 13 March 2012 (UTC)

Problem 2 was solved by Mike Wallace

Problem 3 part 2 was solved by John North and parts 1 and 3 were solved by David Herrick

Problem 4 part 1 and part of part3 were solved and uploaded by Derik Bell, parts 2 and 3 were solved by Radina Dikova, and part 4 was solved by William Knapper