Universal Bibliography/Law/Civil procedure

Type classification: this is a bibliography resource.

This page is part of a pan-jurisdictional bibliography of law. This part of the Universal Bibliography is a bibliography of civil procedure.

  • Zuckerman on Civil Procedure. 3rd Ed: 2013: [1]. 4th Ed: 2021. Review: [2]
  • Sime. A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure. 1st Ed: 1994. 10th Ed: 2007: [3]. 25th Ed: 2022: [4].
  • Neil Andrews. English Civil Procedure: Fundamentals of the New Civil Justice System. 2003. [5]
  • Gerlis and Loughlin. Civil Procedure. 2001: [6]. 2nd Ed: 2004: [7]
  • Jolowicz. On Civil Procedure. 2000. [8]
  • Neil Andrews. Principles of Civil Procedure. London. Sweet & Maxwell. 1994. [9]
  • Issacharoff. Civil Procedure. 4th Ed: 2017: [10]
  • Nash. Civil Procedure: Cases and Text. 1976. [11]
  • Langan and Lawrence. Civil Procedure. 2nd Ed: 1976. [12]. Langan. Civil Procedure and Evidence. 1970.
  • Williston and Rolls. The Law of Civil Procedure. 1970. [13]
  • Mason, J F. Civil Procedure in a Nutshell. 1968. Review: [14]
    • Redman. Civil Procedure in a Nutshell. 1961. [15]
    • Garsia. Civil Procedure in a Nutshell. 1946. [16]
  • Millar. The Formative Principles of Civil Procedure. 1923. [17]
  • Hillis. Civil Procedure I. 1924. [18]
  • Samuel Rosenbaum, "Studies in English Civil Procedure" (December 1914 to April 1915) 63 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 105, 151, 272, 380 and 505; (1916) 64 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 357, 472 and 583 (February to April 1916) [19] [20]
    • The Rule Making Authority in the English Supreme Court. 1917. [21] [22]
  • Organization and Civil Procedure of the Courts of Justice. 1908. [23]
  • Martin. Civil Procedure at Common Law. 1899. [24]
  • Roscoe. Outlines of Civil Procedure. 1880.
  • Finlason. An Exposition of Our Judicial System and Civil Procedure as reconstructed under the Judicature Acts. 1877.
  • Habscheid, "The fundamental principles of the law of civil procedure" (1984) 17 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 1 [25]
  • Shreve and Raven-Hansen. Understanding Civil Procedure. 5th Ed: 2013: [26]
  • Odgers. The Principles of Pleading, Practice and Procedure in Civil Actions in the High Court of Justice.


  • Hennessy. Civil Procedure and Practice. (Greens Concise Scots Law). 2000. 3rd Ed: 2008: [27]. 4th Ed: 2014: [28]. 5th Ed: 2018. Review: [29].


  • Zuckerman on Australian Civil Procedure. 2018.
  • Willis and Philpot. Civil Procedure. 2012. [30]
  • Cairns. Australian Civil Procedure. 1981. 2nd Ed: 1985. 3rd Ed: 1992. 4th Ed: 1996. 5th Ed: 2002. 6th Ed: 2005. 7th Ed: 2007. 8th Ed: 2009. 9th Ed: 2011: [31]. 10th Ed: 2014. 11th Ed: 2016.
  • Lockhart, Hemming and Penovic. Civil Procedure in Australia. 2014. [32]
  • Reinhardt. Civil Procedure in Australia. 2011. [33]
  • Colbran. Civil Procedure: Commentary and Materials.
  • New South Wales Civil Procedure Handbook. [34]
  • Cairns. Principles of Civil Procedure in Queensland. 2015. 2nd Ed: 2020. [35]
  • Bozzi. Principles of Civil Procedure in Victoria. 2016 [36]. 2nd Ed: 2018.
  • John Fiocco. Civil Procedure in Western Australia. University of Western Australia, Law School. John Fiocco and Marion Brewer. Civil procedure in Western Australia: A Practice Manual. University of Nedlands, Law School.
  • Paul Seaman. Civil Procedure: Western Australia. [Civil procedure in Western Australia]. 1990. Catalogue: [37]

New Zealand

  • Andrew Beck. Principles of Civil Procedure. 1st Ed: 1992. 2nd Ed: 2001. 3rd Ed: 2011: [38]

South Pacific

  • Corrin-Care. Civil Procedure and Courts in the South Pacific. 2004. [39]


  • Semple. An Introduction to Civil Procedure: Readings. University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. [40].
  • "Civil Procedure and Practice: Recent Developments". Alberta Law Review. 1990. 1992. 1999. 2003.
  • Morden and Perell. The Law of Civil Procedure in Ontario. LexisNexis. Markham, Ontario. 1st Ed: 2010. 3rd Ed: 2017. 4th Ed: 2020.
  • Semple. Civil Procedure and Practice in Ontario. Canadian Legal Information Institute. 1st Ed: [41]. 2nd Ed: 2022: [42]
  • Foran. Lower Canada Civil Procedure. 1879.

South Africa

  • Theophilopoulos, van Heerden and Boraine. Fundamental Principles of Civil Procedure. 2006: [43]. 2nd Ed: 2012: [44]. 3rd Ed: 2015. 4th Ed: 2020.
  • Civil Procedure: A Practical Guide. 2nd Ed: 2011: [45]. 3rd Ed: 2017: [46]
  • Eckard's Principles of Civil Procedure in the Magistrates' Courts [47]

India, Bangladesh and Pakistan

  • The Law of Civil Procedure in India, Bangladesh & Pakistan. [48]


  • Broughton's Indian Civil Procedure. 4th Ed: 1878/1879.
  • Knox. Civil Procedure in British India. 1877.

United States

  • Oakley and Amar. American Civil Procedure: A Guide to Civil Adjudication in US Courts. 2009. [49]
  • Bradbury's Lansing's Forms and Practice of Civil Procedure [50]
  • Millar, "Notabilia of American Civil Procedure: 1887-1937" (1937) 50 Harvard Law Review 1017 [51]


  • Civil Procedure Reports. (New York Civil Procedure Reports). [52] [53]
    • Civil Procedure Reports (1881 to 1907)
    • Civil Procedure Reports, New Series (1908 to 1913)

Cases and statutes

  • Blume and Joiner. Civil Procedure: Cases and Statutes on Jurisdiction and Judgments. 1949. [54]

Cases and materials

  • Friedman and Collins. The Law of Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials. 2002. 3rd Ed: 2010: [55]. 4th Ed: 2013. 5th Ed: 2017: [56]. (American Casebook).
  • Hays. Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure. 1947. [57]
  • Atkinson and Chadbourn. Cases and other Materials on Civil Procedure. 1948. [58]
  • McBaine. Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure. 2nd Ed: 1941. [59]


  • Civil Procedure: Doctrine, Practice, and Context. 2000. [60]. 2nd Ed: 2004. 3rd Ed: 2008. 4th Ed: 2012. 5th Ed: 2016. Subrin, Minow, Brodin, Main and Lahav. 6th Ed: 2020. [61]. (Aspen Casebook).
  • Magill. Cases on Civil Procedure. 1927. 2nd Ed: 1932. Magill and Chadbourn. 3rd Ed: 1939. [62]
  • Llloyd. Cases on Civil Procedure. 1916. [63]
  • Scott. A Selection of Cases and other Authorities on Civil Procedure in Actions at Law. [64]
  • Broughton. Notes of Cases decided upon Points of Civil Procedure. [65]


There are books on the civil procedure code of a number of jurisdictions.

Problems, questions

  • Dodson. Civil Procedure: Model Problems and Outstanding Answers. 2nd Ed: 2013: [66]
  • Shearwood. Questions & Answers on the Law of Civil Procedure and Evidence. 1911. [67]

Criticism and reform

  • Going to Law: A Critique of English Civil Procedure. JUSTICE. 1974. Review: [68]

Comparative law

  • "Civil Procedure". International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Volume 16. [69]

Roman law

  • Abdy's Civil Procedure among the Romans. A Historical Sketch of Civil Procedure Among the Romans. 1857. [70]
  • Wenger. Institutes of the Roman Law of Civil Procedure. 1st Ed: 1940: [71]. 2nd Ed: 1955: [72].

Continental law

  • Engelmann. A History of Continental Civil Procedure. Translated by Millar. 1927. Review: [73]


  • Bovill, "On the Statistics of Civil Procedure in English Courts of Law" (1867) 30 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 427 [74]