United States Congress/Introduction

Understanding the United States Congress


Course Overview:


This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the United States Congress, its structure, functions, and the legislative process. Participants will gain insights into the roles and responsibilities of Congress, the significance of its work, and the impact it has on the nation. Through a combination of, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will develop a solid foundation in understanding the inner workings of the United States Congress.

Course Objectives:


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the structure and composition of the United States Congress.
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of members of Congress.
  • Understand the legislative process and how bills become laws.
  • Analyze the influence of interest groups and lobbying on Congress.
  • Evaluate the impact of Congress on policymaking and governance.
  • Identify the challenges and limitations faced by Congress in the modern era.
  • Discuss current issues and debates within the United States Congress.

Course Outline:


Module 1: Introduction to the United States Congress

  • Overview of the United States Congress
  • Historical background and evolution
  • Comparison of the House of Representatives and the Senate
  • Key functions and powers of Congress

Module 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Members of Congress

  • Election and representation
  • Constituent service and casework
  • Committee assignments and legislative responsibilities
  • Oversight and investigations

Module 3: The Legislative Process

  • Introduction to the legislative process
  • Introduction to bills and resolutions
  • Committee consideration and markup
  • Floor debate and voting
  • Conference committees and reconciliation

Module 4: Interest Groups and Lobbying

  • The role of interest groups in shaping legislation
  • Lobbying techniques and strategies
  • Campaign finance and its influence on Congress
  • Ethics and regulations governing lobbying

Module 5: Congress and Policymaking

  • Congress's role in the policy process
  • Budgeting and appropriations
  • Congressional oversight of the executive branch
  • The impact of Congress on domestic and foreign policy

Module 6: Challenges and Limitations of Congress

  • Partisanship and polarization
  • Gridlock and legislative dysfunction
  • Congressional ethics and corruption
  • Reform proposals and debates

Module 7: Current Issues and Debates

  • Immigration reform
  • Healthcare legislation
  • Climate change and environmental policies
  • Gun control and Second Amendment rights
  • Social justice and civil rights