UTPA STEM/CBI Courses/Graphics/Introduction to CAD

Course Title: Graphics

Lecture Topic: Introduction to CAD

Instructor: Dr. Crown

Institution: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Backwards Design


Course Objectives

  • Primary Objectives- by the next class period students will be able to:
    • design parts using a simple CAD tool
    • create simple multiview and pictorial drawings
    • document designs with engineering drawings
    • explain the usefulness of drawing and CAD in the design process
  • Sub Objectives- the objectives will require that students be able to:
    • understand a 3-D cartesian coordinate system
    • visualize simple 3-D objects
    • utilize basic computer tools and skills
  • Difficulties
    • students have difficulty visualizing 3-D parts and often get frustrated and give up on this necessary skill ; the ability to interpret complex multi-view drawings is a learned skill that requires many hours of practice and can be tedious. Students often come into the course with a wide range of visualization and drawing skills. The course is an entry level course and many students have not learned how to be disciplined and focused in the studies.
  • Real-World Contexts
    • Computer aided design is used in almost every area of career interest of the students and is related in some way to leisure activities. It is actually difficult to think of an area of student interest where CAD does not play some role. CAD is also a principle tool used in video games, a popular activity for students.

Model of Knowledge

  • Concept Map
    • Engineering Design Process
      • Ideation Phase
        • CAD used to develop and visualize ideas
        • CAD used to understand the design environment
        • CAD used to analyze designs
      • Implemenation Phase
        • CAD used for manufacturing drawings
        • CAD used for assembly drawings
        • CAD used for communication
    • Computer Aided Design
      • Symbiotic with sketching
        • Multi-view drawings
        • Isometric and oblique pictorials
      • A visualization tool
        • Coordinate systems
        • Right hand rule
      • Useful in design development and documentation
      • Can be used with CNC machines
      • Expected skill for engineers
      • Many different CAD programs
  • Content Priorities
    • Enduring Understanding
      • Understand connections between sketching, drawing, and CAD
      • Make and interpret simple multi-view and pictorial drawings
    • Important to Do and Know
      • Make simple parts with a CAD program
      • Develop visualization skills
      • Develop a systematic approach to design
    • Worth Being Familiar with
      • Familiarity with VRML models
      • Develop and encourage creativity

Assessment of Learning

  • Formative Assessment
    • In Class (groups)
      • Worksheet: Identifying surfaces
      • Game: Identifying pictorials
      • Worksheet: Cube puzzle design-new
      • Worksheet: Cube puzzle drawings-example
      • Create a VRML model-Part 1
    • Homework (individual)
      • Worksheet: Creating multiview drawings
      • Worksheet: Creating pictorial drawings
      • Game: Identifying pictorials
  • Summative Assessment
    • Worksheet: Multiview and pictorial drawings
    • Completed cube puzzle model and worksheets

Legacy Cycle



By the next class period, students will be able to:

  • Design parts using a simple CAD tool
  • Create simple multiview and pictorial drawings
  • Document designs with engineering drawings
  • Explain the usefulness of drawings and CAD in the design process

The objectives will require that students be able to:

  • Understand a 3-D cartesian coordinate system
  • Visualize simple 3-D objects
  • Utilize basic computer tools and skills


  • How do you design and create a challenging and entertaining cube puzzle?


  • What puzzles have you seen that you would describe as a cube puzzle?
  • What makes cube puzzles enjoyable to solve?
  • What makes some more difficult than others?
  • Are some people better at solving these types of puzzles?
  • How can someone get better at solving various cube puzzles?
  • What skills are needed to be an expert at solving cube puzzles?


  • Use an internet search engine to look for images tagged as "Cube Puzzles". Attempt to classify the types of puzzles found.
  • Find information on the Diabolical Cube, Soma Cube, Bedlam cube, and Slothouber–Graatsma puzzle.
    • How do you construct each puzzle and how was that information presented?
    • What is the relative difficulty of each cube puzzle?
    • Were you able to find other cube puzzles in addition to these four?


  • Learn how to make engineering drawings.
    • Instruction on multiview drawings.
    • Complete the four page handout on multiview drawings. (Worksheet 1, Worksheet 2, Worksheet 3, Worksheet 4)
    • Instruction on pictorial drawings.
    • Complete the four page handout on pictorial drawings. (Worksheet 1, Worksheet 2, Worksheet 3, Worksheet 4)
  • Learn how to work with Cartesian coordinates in a three dimensional space.
    • Design your four piece puzzle. (Design Worksheet, Design Example)
    • Complete multiview and pictorial drawings of each puzzle piece and the assembly.
  • Learn how to create computer models of three dimensional objects.
    • Make puzzle piece 1 (part1.wrl) on the computer using VRML. (Instruction Page, VRML Example Part)
    • View your part in a browser with a VRML plugin.
  • Apply your new drawing skills.
    • Complete multiview and pictorial drawings of each puzzle piece and the assembly. (Drawings Worksheet, Drawings Example)
    • Make a free hand exploded view of puzzle assembly as a pictorial drawing.


  • Games and Quizzes
  • Exam - Create a pictorial drawing from a multiview drawing of a solid object and make a computer model of the object.


  • Create a Cube Puzzle with your own puzzle pieces using the virtual reality modeling language (VRML) format.
  • Download the cube puzzle and replace the demo parts (1-4) with your own puzzle pieces.


Link to Cube Puzzle Web Site: