U. S. Government/Labor Movement

Progressive Movement - A movement where reformers worked to improve the social and political problems that arose from the vast changes brought by industrialization.

Children working in a coal mine with ponies. People who worked in coal mines didn't live long, and the job was extremely dangerous
Negative Effects of Industry Progressive Movement
Child Labor, as young as 5-6 year olds worked in factories; did not go to school; worked as hard as adults, but with lower pay Placed restrictions on Child Labor
Unsafe working conditions, factory air was dirty; high injury rate; heavy machines used in small spaces; A worker could have broke a body part and lose his job Improved safety conditions
Long hours/low wage, 12-18 hours a day; average play was $2 a week. Reduced working hours/Increase pay
Labor Unions brought about the 3 changes above in industry standards.
  1. American Federation of Labor (AFL), headed by Samuel Gompers. This union limited its membership to only "Skilled Workers', whcih gave this labor union a lot of bargaining power but left out most workers.
  2. Homestead Strikers, failed strike between steel workers and Carnegie in Homestead, Pennsylvania. because deviance broke out, unions were seen as dangerous and it set back the labor movement for several years.
Temperance Movement
  • Composed of groups (mostly women) opposed (against) to the making and consuming of alcohol.
  • They supported the 18th Amendment which prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcoholic beverages.
Women's Suffrage

Terms to Know

  • Labor Union - An organization or wage earners formed for the purpose of serving the members' interests with respect to wages (pay) and working conditions.
  • Strike - Method of protest used by unions where workers stop working.

Labor Organizations
