Towards a better India/Objectives of a Modern India

Requirements of a modern state varies from culture to culture. However, by commonly accepted world standards and principles of the Human Development Index, we would like to state the minimum achievement required for a Better India to be:

  1. Complete literacy (everyone should be able to read and write) and every adult should have completed high school
  2. Poverty Eradication - every Indian should be able to earn above the bare minimum of $3/day
  3. Eradication of major communicable diseases including but not limited to Polio, Tuberculosis, Malaria, and Typhoid
  4. Eradication of child labor (no child should be forced to work, at the cost of his/her education)
  5. Removal of social bias and untouchability (no person should be judged based on his/her birth)
  6. Eradication of gender bias and crimes against women (rape, sexual harassment, dowry)
  7. Promotion of communal harmony to eradicate religion-based violence (inter-faith acrimony should stop)
  8. Corruption at all levels of governance should get closer to nil
  9. Cross-border terrorism, sectarianism, separationism, and naxalitism should come to an end
  10. Promotion of harmony with all neighbors including Pakistan
  11. Increasing the use of alternative fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel



Millennium Development Goals