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Butler Model


The Butler Model is a model of tourism that represents tourism as the life cycle of a resort. It depicts tourism as exploitation of a resource.

There are 7 stages, including the final stage the area either declines or rejuvenates and succeeds. A good case study is Blackpool.

• Exploration – Small number of visitors attracted

• Involvement – Locals see tourism opportunity and develop services

• Development – Large companies build hotels and leisure complexes and package holidays, jobs come – advantages and disadvantages

• Consolidation – Tourism is now a major part of economy, visitors steady making jobs secure. Some older hotels become cheaper, less upmarket attracted, rowdiness becomes a problem.

• Stagnation – The resort becomes unfashionable and numbers of visitors start to decline businesses change hands and often fail.

• Decline - Visitors prefer other resorts, day trips/weekens main income source.

• Rejuvenation – attempts made to modernise the resort and attract new people.