Systems engineering/Workshop on Fundamentals of Systems Modelling/Wikiversity Student Grid Portal & Processing Environment

Preliminary Wishlist for Wikiversity Student Grid Portal Project

  • Scalable from one under $1,000 desktop to, research or philanthropist behometh as wikiversity student progresses from initial studies to worldly stature.
  • Ever decreasing technical requirements to get started and maintain or establish specific levels of capabilities.
  • Active and easy participation in global initiatives to improve grid access, performance, and utilization for benefit of all humanity as well as the individual owner/operator.
  • Standards based access to various free/open development, science, manufacturing and marketing initiatives developing on the web.
  • Easily established and managed business model adequate to finance future requirements and investments.
Note Amazon Affiliate Agreement appears to require ownership or equivalent control of internet infrastructure generating income for the affiliate partner. Thus a student page on Wikimedia Foundations server space would appear ineligible as a business profit center to finance student participation.

Preliminary Architectural Issues

  • Peer based - Who wants to be owned indefinitely by a God King or his appointed officers and cabals? Ideally, start small and affordable and grow with personal interests to level of economic and processing activities desirable to personal lifestyle preferences. Free societies should deliver freedom as earned to productively participating citizens.
  • Secure computing environment. While frackers (friendly hackers) and governments are attempting to crack down on crackers (criminal hackers), terrorists, script kiddies, and NSA assholes or equivalent government agents worldwide ... these are likely to be with us indefinately so we need a secure processing environment to be free of hassle and want sufficiently to pursue advanced studies via the wikiversity.
  • Attention paid to providing standard templates for physical layout and design as well as robust data storage and security available from modern distributed systems. For example: A key peer might have redundant diverse power supplies and internet connections before it is allowed to participate at various levels within specific architectural areas such as public key infrastructures or ocean store servers. Another peer might acknowledge freely that it will be used in a variety of ways and only sporadically available to the connected grids ... thus it may best earn micropayments via climate predication modeling or other decoupled activities.