Theory Design Lab/Predestination

This resource is intended for

use in the subject social studies.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject citizenship education.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject philosophy.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject practical philosophy.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject religion.

A theory of predestination


Is it likely that predestination exists?



The pupils should prepare and discuss all concepts in this text that are linked to Wikipedia articles. Every article or group of articles should be given to between two and four pupils as homework in order to prepare lectures about the topics. The pupils should also discuss each lecture with the lecturers in class. Presenting the questions after the lectures allows the pupils to speculate about the exact purpose of their homework and may help to promote theory formation.

A scientific analysis

  • Can predestination exist without a cause or causer?
  • Does a cause or causer require intent?
  • Does a cause require physical or other interaction?
  • Does a causer have to be a supernatural agent?
  • Is there any evidence for something like predestination to exist?
  • Would you be able to measure predestination?
  • Are your proposed measurements free from observational errors, for instance cognitive biases?

If the schedule allows for two teaching units the following homework can be given for the next teaching unit:

  • Describe your own predestination theory irrespective of your opinion whether predestination may exist or not.
  • Describe conceivable effects of predestination.
  • Can your theory be disproven?

Predestination as a metaphor for lack of planning


Predestination could be seen as an exaggerated metaphor for lack of planning.

  • How are higher-order volitions related to planning?
  • What are the effects of lack of planning on the individual who fails to plan?
  • What are the effects of lack of planning if others make plans?
  • What are the effects of lack of planning if a limited resource is depleted by those who plan?
  • What are limited resources?
  • Which resources are not limited?
  • Are there "predestined" plans for people in the real world?
  • What is the "predestined" plan for an uneducated and unemployed person in one of the least developed countries and who is the causer?
  • How is predestination related to the categorical imperative? (Prevention as a moral obligation; mentoring as a moral obligation)
  • How are higher-order volitions related to planning? Which moral priorities do apply? (Prevention as a moral priority)
  • What kind of plans do pupils need to make in school?

Predestination could also be interpreted to be a requirement of "implementing" a degree of "fairness" (or karma) (both words have to be used with caution here, especially because fairness may have many different interpretations). A resulting conclusion could be that planning should aim to establish a degree of fairness, which obviously may be subject to the interpretation of the planning entities (and thus may appear to require ethical standards).

See also: Predestination and lack of planning (Parent Education Course Writer's Guide, Wikibooks)

  This resource has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder, its copyright has expired, or it is ineligible for copyright. This applies worldwide. You are advised to consider the possibility of extraterrestrial intellectual property rights claims that do require mentoring duties in compensation ("either mentoring or trouble with extraterrestrials").

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The content is provided without any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or suitability for pupils in a specific grade.