Theory Design Lab/Interstellar colonization

This resource is intended for

use in the subject social studies.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject citizenship education.

Interstellar colonization


This theory confronts the pupils with the possibility that planet Earth may be a secret colony of an interstellar colonial power and that the actual government of Earth resides on the Moon.



This theory can be presented as an unlikely conspiracy theory or as the subject of scientific verification (of arbitrary theories).

Looking for evidence


What can be done to support or disprove the hypothesis?

  • The pupils can survey the surface of the Moon with NASA World Wind or similar programs.
  • Since the data of the program could be manipulated the pupils can scan the moon with telescopes.
  • The pupils can survey and analyse the media for evidence of manipulation (goal: media literacy).
  • The pupils can test their ability to influence school decisions within reasonable parameters (the principal might be paid by the other side).
  • ... ?

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