Theory Design Lab/Extraterrestrial point of view

This resource is intended for

use in the subject social studies.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject citizenship education.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject philosophy.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject practical philosophy.

This resource is intended for

use in the subject religion.

Extraterrestrial point of view


Interview with an extraterrestrial proponent of logic


Exercise: Imagine an interview with an extraterrestrial and/or non-human visitor to planet Earth who has a logic bias. Describe the interpretation of features of the human civilization that may differ from the common perceptions on planet Earth.

Examples for extraterrestrial proponents of logic are Mr. Spock and Lieutenant Commander Data. Assume the visitor does apply a high degree of intercultural competence but tries to explain all observations logically because from a logical perspective logic is not subject to intercultural competence.

  • What are some hypotheses of the extraterrestrial visitor about the unknown planet?
    • Is the planet a single community?
    • Do the aliens on the planet show reasonable behavior towards extraterrestrial visitors?
    • Are the aliens on the planet civilized?
    • Is the civilization on the planet an advanced civilization? What are possible criteria?
  • What is the extraterrestrial visitor's view of capitalism?
    • Is capitalism
      • efficient?
      • reasonable?
      • civilized?
    • What are possible criteria?
  • What is the extraterrestrial visitor's view of religions and other beliefs?
    • Are the beliefs reasonable and civilized?
    • What are possible criteria?
    • If nonrational beliefs are seen as a way to motivate or envision desirable behavior, what are possible deductions about desirable behavior?
    • How are possible deductions related to the categorical imperative, as a logical motivation for morality?
  • Assume the visitor has studied human cognition and psychology.
    • Which features of human cognition and which cognitive biases does he comment on?
    • Does he recommend to apply more logic?
    • What are the effects of a logic bias on human psychology?
  • Assume the visitor does not apply a prime directive of non-interference.
    • What aspects of his own perception of an advanced civilization might the visitor want to teach the aliens?
    • What are possible criteria for the selection of appropriate content?



Discuss the results.

  • Are the views expressed by your extraterrestrial visitors consistent?
  • Are they logical?
  • Are they plausible or would an actual scientist on another planet hold different views?

  This resource has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder, its copyright has expired, or it is ineligible for copyright. This applies worldwide. You are advised to consider the possibility of extraterrestrial intellectual property rights claims that do require mentoring duties in compensation ("either mentoring or trouble with extraterrestrials").

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