Theology as Seen in Prophets and Psalms/The theological message of the book of Hosea

The theological message of the book of Hosea or The nature and importance of Isreal's unfaithfulness and how that is described/depicted.

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Hosea as a Love Story

God’s love as seen in marriage. A man's love for his bride no matter how far away, how deeply cut, how unfaithful she may become or how "irreconcilable" the marriage there is an orphic need that is inscribed on his being. That to lose that love would cause such pain and anguish to God that we as fallen people can take some hope. That we can know that pain by reading about Hosea's gives us a glimpse. That so many in our society undergo this trial is a shame. The love between two people joined in marriage oughtn't be ground under the wheels of sin. In this way we see the depths of God's Love for his wife of whoredom.


Orpheus Definition Or•pheus Name GR. MYTH. a poet-musician with magic musical powers who descends to the underworld and tries to lead his wife, Eurydice, back from the dead but fails because he breaks the injunction not to look back at her until they reach the upper world.

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